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About QuartalHarmony

  • Birthday February 4


  • Location
    Wiltshire, UK

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  1. 3 is reminding me of Scherzo for Motorcycle & Orchestra, but that’s in 4/4, not 3/4…
  2. Calm down, it’s only what’s inside he shouldn’t look at. As long as he keeps the lid on, he can transport it around in his submarine to his heart’s content.
  3. This category: The quotation marks were mine, apologies for seeming as if I was quoting @Arnaud2. I was referring to what might be popularly termed JW’s Greatest Hits: Star Wars, Jaws, IJ, ET, HP, Superman etc. Does that help? Mark
  4. I’m not seeking to deny your opinion, but would like to hear more about why you think this. I bought the 2019 Intrada edition, having not known it at all previously, mainly due to the LSO/Murphy connection. It’s good and I like it, sure, but I can’t hear anything in it that would make me put it in the same category as you clearly do. So, what is it that makes you rate it so highly and above the other ‘usual suspects’? Mark
  5. I’m getting my head around the concept of natives of Utah being called ‘Utahns’. Weren’t they an alien race in Star Trek? Mark
  6. Great write-ups & videos - as someone who loves the music but has never micro-checked it against the film, I’m learning a lot!
  7. The Map Room: Dawn and The Miracle of the Ark from Raiders are two of my favourites. Definitely tick my religioso box. Mark
  8. Ten thousand? We could almost buy our own pressing plant for that! Yeah, but who’s going to play it, kid? You? You bet I could, I’ve not got such a bad turntable myself. We don’t have to sit here and listen to this…
  9. Does anyone have any data on the sizes of the studio orchestras for each of the four Reeve Superman films? They sound fairly obviously progressively smaller with each film to me, but it’d be interesting to know how that translates into hard data. Mark
  10. I seem to remember reading/watching something saying exactly that. The studio work was all in London (as for much of Star Wars and Raiders) because there were huge tax breaks (as well as enormously talented crew) available. Alberta was used for the Smallville scenes because it was cheaper than Kansas and NYC was only used a bit for the Metropolis stuff.
  11. Or that Anon chap, who wrote an enormous amount of stuff, some of it quite good.
  12. Music Composed and Performed by VARIOUS ARTISTS They're really good, Various Artists: really productive and make such a wide variety of songs.
  13. The right decision, I think. Those synth drums make the film mix sound - how shall I put it? - shit.
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