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Will last won the day on July 31 2022

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About Will

  • Birthday November 21


  • Location
    Illinois/New York, USA

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  1. This is a great score! While much of it is very restrained and at times brooding, the main theme -- introduced in the opening track -- is quite pretty. "Happy Days" also conjures some Little Women-style textures. And several of the early cues are reminiscent of the propulsive writing of Boys on the Boat (although at a smaller scale). The lovely main theme really flowers in "Drink This":
  2. Very exciting! Let's hope there's a radio broadcast of the concert (the Saturday night ones usually are broadcast, IIRC).
  3. Unfortunately (and rather shockingly), it looks like Williams' music was not used. I just skimmed through the recording of the pregame show on ESPN and couldn't find anything. In the spot where they put "Of Grit and Glory" the past two years, there was this instead, which doesn't use any of JW's piece: So much for "Of Grit and Glory" being the "National Championship Anthem"... Kind of shocking that ESPN would tire of it after only two years (assuming I didn't somehow miss it). I guess that's another sign of where orchestral scoring sits on the totem pole these days.
  4. Interesting to learn that this cool section was actually Powell: After seeing the film I assumed it was just an excerpt from the song's instrumental version because the passage wasn't on either of the score albums.
  5. Great short video about the score, including some nice Powell commentary:
  6. Saw the film today and was very impressed. Musically it's spectacular (both songs and score). The lead up to the title card is magnificently exuberant, as the camera sweeps out of the water and Powell's score rises to triumphant heights: The almost Harry Potter-like fantasy elements of the film give the music room to really soar in a way allowed by few films -- and Schwartz/Atmajian and Powell do not disappoint.
  7. The fanfare at the end of "Train to Emerald City"/"Sendoff" is outstanding, and has rightly gotten a ton of attention. But a more unheralded gem is the passage right before: It's hard to describe exactly why Powell's writing here works so well, but something about the playful yet precise nature of the strings' staccato rhythms (with the woodwinds dancing over them) is quite delightful. The passage bridges perfectly between the sweeping melody that precedes it and the exuberant fanfare that follows. And it's unmistakably Powell -- I can't think of any other composer that would write it!
  8. Excellent news! The fact that his first appearance will be all the way on the East Coast (rather than near home in LA as one might have expected) suggests that his health has greatly improved. And I'm not too worried about the fact that JW isn't listed as a conductor. Though obviously we can't know for sure, one has to expect he'll at least conduct the Imperial March as an encore, if nothing else. (That's what he did at some prior gala concerts in recent years.)
  9. Horner's Grinch is just marvelous, perfect for Christmas time. This cue is so good: Can't believe we're nearing the tenth anniversary of Horner's passing. Truly one of the greats.
  10. Lovely score. Suffers from the fact that most (all?) of the instruments are samples/mock-ups; I guess there was no budget for an orchestra, which is a real shame. But Harwood makes the best of it and delivers her trademark delicate, playful orchestrations.
  11. Was trying to remember what this nice moment from Unstoppable reminded me of: Today it finally hit me -- JW's Dear Basketball!
  12. Just watched the film -- it's excellent, very charming/wholesome! Powell's score works super well in context. "Searching and Finding" is such an impressive cue.
  13. From time stamp until 2:00 is one of my new favorite moments from the score. So exuberant.
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