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  1. Hi! I'm a newcomer to this website / forums, but a life-long John Williams fan. I'm a writer from Monterrey, México. And just like everyone else in these forums, I grew up listening to Mr. Williams' work. Last month I received a government grant to produce a short film (I'll direct, I'll leave the producer credit to braver people). It's a big deal for my team and myself, since it's a federal-funded grant which we won through a rigorous process. We already have a talented composer on our team, but: To make a long story short: I'd like to contact Mr. Williams to see if he'd be interested in scoring (or composing a theme) for my short film. I know it's a long shot, I know how busy he must be, and all the time-frame and legal hoops that stand in the way. But just in case, just in case he'd be interested in scoring (or composing just a theme) for a professional, magical-realism short film to be produced in Mexico come January 2017... ...What would be the best way to contact him? To present my query to his manager or representative. That is, besides the physical address already listed on this site (which I'm already writing to). I'm open to all suggestions and help. Thank you, everyone!
  2. This is a new song I created, for a "planned" movie. It plays as Alex Harper (a character based on Tintin) walks out of class clutching one-half of the treasure map that leads to a school treasure. However, Alex and his friends, Cassandra and Archie (archibald Haddock, anyone?) run into Allan, the school bully. They start arguing, and during that, Alex drops the paper, which is promptly picked up by an elementary student who runs off with it. Shortly, Alex and Allan find that it's missing and chase after the kid into the school fare. After Alex catches the kid in slow motion (Pursuit of the Falcon), the ruckus they have caused has caught the attention of Mr. Kaufman, the strictest teacher on campus, who confiscates the paper. This song is heavily influenced by Williams, and it was my first use of syncopation. It does sound very random at times, but that's because I was trying to emulate Williams' modern action cues. There are a few recurring motifs: Allan's Theme (Sounds a bit like the secondary motif in Flight of the Bumblebee) The Treasure Theme (Sounds like Zimmer's "Mermaids" combined with the Unicorn motif) Trio Fanfare, to represent Alex, Cassandra, and Archie (sounds a bit like the trio fanfare in "Pursuit of the Falcon") The Pursuit Motif (a syncopated group of notes that appears throughout the score) The songs that I received the most influence from are "Flight from Peru" (the beginning pizzicato) "The Basket Game" "The Snake Pit" "Flight to Bagghar" Enjoy!
  3. So yeah, this was a piece I wrote for my friends (since they think everything I write sounds like a "hot airballoon ride". I explored the concept of leitmotif and having each cue have its own theme (as Williams does). I'm posting it on this website because, well almost everyone here is a John Williams fan, and I'm sure you'll be able to find each theme of the characters/scenes on your own (based on extensive cue/soundtrack analysis I've found here.) Here is a more detailed list of each cue featured in the score: Opening Fanfare ( - ) Introduction of the Hero and the Glance ( - ) Setting Up and Take Off ( - ) Flight of The Dirigibles ( - ) Death ( - ) The Villain's Airship ( - ) Stare Down ( - ) The Chase Scene ( - ) Hero In Trouble ( - ) Flames!( - ) Victory! ( - ) Peering Over The Edge ( - ) What's That? ( - ) Ascension ( - ) The Audience Waits ( - ) Return ( - ) Hero Fanfare ( - ) Race Fanfare ( -end) In the song, there are about three distict themes featured throughout the score: The Race Fanfare The Hero's Theme The Airship See if you can find each theme, as they are occasionally hidden! This is a sort of challenge for you Williams fans out there and a way to get my work critiqued by trained ears! Just so you know, I'm only 16, stopped playing piano years ago. It was written on Finale 2009 by hand, since I have no keyboard/midi cable. Enjoy!
  4. So yeah, this was a piece I wrote for my friends (since they think everything I write sounds like a "hot airballoon ride". I explored the concept of leitmotif and having each cue have its own theme (as Williams does). I'm posting it on this website because, well almost everyone here is a John Williams fan, and I'm sure you'll be able to find each theme of the characters/scenes on your own (based on extensive cue/soundtrack analysis I've found here.) Here is a more detailed list of each cue featured in the score: Opening Fanfare ( - ) - Just a picture of a field with a whole bunch of steampunk balloons. Introduction of the Hero and the Glance ( - ) Setting Up and Take Off ( - ) Flight of The Dirigibles ( - ) Death ( - ) - The Villain's Airship ( - ) - Stare Down ( - ) The Chase Scene ( - ) Hero In Trouble ( - ) Flames!( - ) Victory! ( - ) Peering Over The Edge ( - ) What's That? ( - ) Ascension ( - ) The Audience Waits ( - ) Return ( - ) Hero Fanfare ( - ) Race Fanfare ( -end) In the song, there are about three distict themes featured throughout the score: The Race Fanfare The Hero's Theme The Airship See if you can find each theme, as they are occasionally hidden! This is a sort of challenge for you Williams fans out there and a way to get my work critiqued by trained ears! Just so you know, I'm only 16, stopped playing piano years ago. It was written on Finale 2009 by hand, since I have no keyboard/midi cable. Enjoy!
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