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  1. Not really. I mean "Stone" had 19 and "CoS" had 20....
  2. Hey I just post what I find. As for the song...I'm betting Track 5 has it. As for Sirius...I bet he has a theme in the later part of the disc....but it might not be labeled.
  3. Howdy! It looks like the UK date has moved to May 24th Expecto Patronum!! 1. Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) 2. Aunt Marge's Waltz 3. The Knight Bus 4. Apparition on the Train 5. Double Trouble 6. Buckbeak's Flight 7. A Window to the Past 8. The Whomping Willow and The Snowball Fight 9. Secrets of the Castle 10. The Portrait Gallery 11. Hagrid the Professor 12. Monster Books and Boggarts! 13. Quidditch, Third Year 14. Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers 15. The Patronus Light 16. The Werewolf Scene 17. Saving Buckbeak 18. Forward to Time Past 19. The Dementors Converge 20. Finale 21. Mischief Managed! (And because Rich will yelll at me...info from play.com)
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