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Posts posted by deleted account

  1. elvisjones here, back from hiatus to throw in some info on ROTS after seeing it earlier today

    there is tracked music in the film - the "escape from naboo" music is tracked into segments of the opening battle - the same part that was tracked into the podrace in tpm. by the way, the opening was changed from the way it appears on the cd - the main title progresses to it's more natural point of segue, then goes into a thundering bass drum pulse before presenting the force theme as it first appears on the soundtrack.

    there are quite a few unscored moments in the opening sequences on grievous's ship.

    as expected, the score on the cd is definitely an edited and resequenced presentation of the music - i think the first half of grievous speaks to palpatine is from the beginning of the film and the second half is from near the end if i recall correctly

    more tracked music - duel of the fates - i'm pretty sure it's the concert version tracked into the senate fight between yoda and sidious. and i think it was always JW's plan to put that version there - i don't think he bothered to rerecord it. and i don't think it replaces anything he did record because "anakin vs obiwan" ends in the correct key to segue cleanly into "dotf"

    the unused music from "the arena battle" (aotc) is used several times in the film - i seem to recall that THAT was the music played as the wookies began battle with the droids, not the battle droid music, but i could be wrong.

    another piece from clones was used but now i can't remember what it was. i would say the tracking in this film was somewhat less distracting than the tracking in aotc.

    it sounds like the "both" concert version is at least partially made up of music that actually underscores a later part of the duel between ani and obi. the "lament" cue is indeed "anakin's betrayal" and plays as the jedi around the universe are betrayed and killed. the throat singing music heard at the beginning of the palpatine track is actually sort of "source music" heard during the galactic ballet scene.

    the funeral music actually repeats 3 times in the film - the cd seems to contain only the first 2 uses of it and none of them actually underscore the funeral itself. the version in the film during the funeral is more subdued and less orchestrated.

    there are some transitional pieces and brassy flourishes in the film that didn't make the soundtrack album but nothing too signifigant was left off, i don't think. mostly repeated new iterations of the emperor's theme. oh and the orchestral tubular bells were left in as described in one of the pablo diaries from starwars.com.

    that's all i can think of at the moment. i'll update as i remember and check back to try and answer any questions anyone has.

    UPDATE - the end credits were shortened considerably - besides a few bars here and there from the opening and the princess leia part, they now cut from the resolution of the BOTH right to near the end of the piece, removing the lengthy THRONE ROOM segment entirely. I liked this change, as I was not a big fan of the end credits as they appear on the cd.

    UPDATE - The end credits cuts directly from the BOTH music to the "rallying" segment of the Star Wars End Titles music (in C Major) before Lukes Theme comes in (in G Major) (maybe about 1 or 2 minutes from the end of the entire piece). There are smaller cuts earlier in the credits to get through the rebel fanfare and the princess leia part faster too.

    Answers to KM's questions:

    1)Hmm,that's the part that interests me.So you can't recall any great cues that were left off the c.d.?There must be a lot of unreleased music since we have the cue sheet and theres a lot more than what's on the c.d....

    Again, it seems to be similiar to AOTC in that most of it was transitional stuff - like "another happy landing" and "goodbye old friend" which were not very memorable. nothing like shmi's funeral music which i really wish was on the clones cd.

    2)What does the second part of Anakin's Dark Deeds score(that rising motif that ends with brass hits)?

    Anakin's Dark deeds scores the sequence of Anakin killing all the separatist leaders on mustafar - the choir comes in as he starts slashing neimodians with his saber. it plays through as anakin kills them all. a few moments have been trimmed from the cd version. the powerful rising brass at the end plays as anakin stands at a balcony overlooking the lava floes after killing nute and the others. it's pretty powerful as a tear runs down his cheek.

    3)Do we get all the music from the finale scenes on the c.d.?(no "Sirius Black Escapes" types of omissions)

    As I said, more music comes between the last 2 tracks on the cd - the end of the funeral music on track 14 segues into Vader's theme as the helmet is locked into place on Anakin's head, there is music as he trashes the room, then a third repeat of the funeral music plays over Padme's funeral on Naboo. The scene in the Tantive IV as Obi, Yoda and Bail discuss the plans for the twins and the lessons from Qui-Gon Jinn - I can't remember but I think it may have been unscored - then the last track comes in as the TIV comes to Alderaan with Leia (her theme is extended in the film, not sure if it's an edit in the film or on the cd) then resumes a la the cd as ObiWan brings luke to the farm.

    RE:the post that feels insulted by the tracking, it is my feeling that the tracking does not REPLACE music JW wrote for the film but rather is used because either JW or GL didn't feel new music needed to be composed for the sequences. The end battle of AOTC was never scored - it was always intended to track it so JW never even spotted it. I believe it is pretty much the case with this film too. I will go back and read Pablo's notes on the scoring, and check the cue sheet, but it seems to make sense that they would have done what they did to avoid dumping music JW wrote specifically for the film.

    UPDATE - 10:15pm PST 5/5/05

    The cd track GENERAL GRIEVOUS is actually split up in the movie - the first part is when Obi rides Boga the lizard to the tenth level and finds grievous there. the second half scores the actual chase scene with Obi and GG's wheel speeder. There seemed to be some new music for the scene as Obi actually shoots GG. Other music is heard between these two cues. I intend to reconcile the cd with the cue sheet at some point, based on my rapidly degrading memory.

    I didn't hear the Trade Federation theme (but that doesn't mean it wasn't there) but I did hear the Rebel Fanfare as r2-d2 zapped a buzzdroid in the opening battle scene.

    I do know there was another use of Leia's theme in the film - it was played by the french horn, hence Pablo's reporting that the LSO horn player had waited 25 years to play this part. What I can't remember is if it is during the scene where the twins are born or if it's during the scene where Bail says he would take Leia to Alderaan. I know I said that scene may have been unscored, but honestly, it's already started blurring together a little bit (boy am I getting old!).

    The 2nd half of the GRIEVIOUS TALKS TO SIDIOUS track underscores a scene from the last act where Padme boards her ship to go Mustafar, if I recall correctly. The first half, as I said, score GG's arrival on Utapau and his holographic chat with Sidious early in the film.

    By the way, KM, "Anakin Destroys The Federation Battleship" is tracked into the film as he guides the crashing ship through Coruscant's atmosphere. Ironically, it could be argued that the track title is completely accurate again.

    There is music that is not heard on the cd when Ani and Padme are first reunited in the halls of the Senate and she tells him she's pregnant. I think this is the cue Pablo talks about when he says the scene seemed pretty laid back when they shot it, then the temp score made it totally creepy and then JW's score made it just seem like something was not quite right.

    The moment in the one track that sounds a bit like Shmi's theme in the trumpet occurs as Palpatine reveals to Ani that he is Sidious and that he knows Ani and Padme are married and that he can save Padme from the death Ani has visions of her suffering. I think that means it's an edit on the cd because isn't that part of the throat-singing track?

    Some cues on the cd are minorly edited from their film versions, things like long-held notes are shortened or "time-killing" segues have been removed to make the cd versions more musical and less filmic. "Anakin's Dream" is one such cue, "Anakin vs Obi Wan" is another.

    Oh and the music heard as we first see Coruscant in TPM is nowhere in the film despite what Pablo said. My guess is that he incorrectly thought the music from "Wesa Going Home!" was the Coruscant fanfare, and that did survive into the final film, heard late in the film as Obi docks on the Tantive IV after leaving Utapau.

    "Lament" and "The Immolation Scene" seemed to survive in the film uncut. Both were quite moving, imho.

    More as it comes back to me....


    Emperor's theme does appear quite a bit, but not to spine-tingling use, imho. It seemed kind of thrown in there, for lack of a better way to describe it.

    3. Is there a cue accompanying the scene where Anakin strangles Amidala which involves a counterpointing of Across the Stars and the Imperial March?

    there is music in this scene, but i honestly don't remember what it is. i thought the film was very engaging here, so i was wrapped up in the acting and the drama (ooops!) i don't think it was a counterpoint of ATS and IM but I could be wrong. sorry i can't remember more!

    4. How many times and where is Anakin's theme heard in the film?

    I don't remember hearing it at all, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there.

    UPDATE 5/6/05 12:40pm

    "Enter Lord Vader" plays in the film right before Anakin kills all the Sep leaders. The Imperial March quote is heard as Anakin uses the Force to close all the doors in the control room. I remember thinking it was a little weird hearing the variation on GG's theme over shots of Mustafar when GG has been dead for a while.

    UPDATE 1:45pm

    re:this post: "Falling in love with a Star Wars temp track is the most foolish thing someone can do, because only TIME makes the new music classic. Do they think that anyone cared about that cue when it was conducted? TRUST in Williams' new compositions. I can imagine it now Sound Mixer re. new music- "This isn't working here" Cut snip paste "That works now." No, sorry, it doesn't work for people who associate music with scenes. Isn't that the point? Damn it."

    I really don't think that's the case with ROTS - I think the tracked moments were planned out by JW and GL during spotting. The tracking was done either because both JW and GL felt the music was fine as is or because the scenes were added after Oct '04 and it was decided that the tracking would work in lieu of JW composing new music in a hurry. Or because moments they decided would be unscored during spotting they decided they wanted scored during the mix.

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