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Posts posted by BurgaFlippinMan

  1. neither of them are that bad. but i have to go with the matrix for being more disappointing (i think i voted wrongly though, thinking in my half asleep-ness it was about which was BETTER)

    lets look at it objectively. the PT is made up of 2 PG movies and 1 PG-13 movie. first and foremost they are targeted at the 12 yr old audience. at that very base level, they work well enough. the matrix however are made up of 3 R rated movies of which the first movie was a brilliant piece of scifi (though i understand, borrowed heavily from jap anime). so in that sense, the matrix failed to live up to expectations more, though i do think the two sequels were entertaining action eye candy.

  2. yup, the SW main theme all the way. btw, all the PT movies feature it in the movies themselves too. it was there in TPM, it was there in AOTC (though tracked from TPM) and its there in ROTS (when obi-1 passes luke to beru). i think AOTC is the only without the SW main theme on album (not counting the opening and the end credits)

  3. Wow.

    This thread pushed me to listen to Nixon again. I guess when one has over 50 JW soundtracks, some marbles get lost over time. At least I had a great evening revisiting the Nixon soundtrack...


    50 scores! whoa...i hope they still remain in print by the time i can afford that many (that is the time i stop living off allowance...) :)

  4. well, do remember the only reason the Death Star is in Star Wars is because the movie needed to stand on its own, so the DS was brought forward from ROTJ. Had 20th Century Fox given Lucas a big sack of moolah like what New Line did with Peter Jackson, there would be only ONE death star. lol

    That's hardly likely.

    dont take my word for it, lucas said it himself in the ANH commentary.

    But then why would 9 - 13 year old care about the taxation of traderoutes to outlying starsystems being in dispute?

    ah, perhaps they dont have to when they first watch it. its something for them to discover later on when they rewatch it after they have fallen in love with the movie. for the record, i only understood why the falcon entered the death star in ANH only when i was about 7 despite watching the OT on VHS EVERY WEEKDAY afternoon after coming hom from kindergarten for no less than 2 years. lol.

  5. not one, but TWO references to the fact the Palpatine strongly supported the taxation of the trade routes.

    This is so laughable. This sounds like a political ad just before an election and not an exciting Star Wars movie.

    And Luke, in case you've forgotten, in Star Wars we are shown that the Death Star can blow up a planet. In ROTJ, we are only told that it's more powerful than the original. All we ever see it do though is take random potshots at rebel cruisers. First rule of movie making, "Show, don't tell". Another failure on the part of ROTJ.


    well, do remember the only reason the Death Star is in Star Wars is because the movie needed to stand on its own, so the DS was brought forward from ROTJ. Had 20th Century Fox given Lucas a big sack of moolah like what New Line did with Peter Jackson, there would be only ONE death star. lol

  6. you know, its a funny thing. here we are mostly adults (and teenagers like me) grumbling about this and that while Lucas has always said that SW's primary target audience has always been the 9-13year old boys. In that respect, Jar Jar does work, since kiddos laugh at just about anything. The movies just didnt grow up with those who watched it as kids in 1977. Heck, I know lots of young friends (in the said demographic) who actually LOVE jar jar. As for me, I just tolerate him, considering I actually liked the Ewoks when I was 5.

  7. Have you guys heard that an expanded bootleg has been floating about the net for some time? 192kbps, pretty good quality, but 1 or two tracks are in mono. And yes, that great cue where Simba and Scar go mano a mano is there. I have the links to the downloads, but i think it will expire in a week. email me at burgaflippinman at gmail.com if you are interested since i'm not surfing this place very much this days (connection has been crawling and exams to boot)

  8. Batman was ok, interesting art direction (as always from Burton) and good score. Batman Returns was so-so. Batman Forever was a slight improvement, albeit taking a different sort of style and becoming ever so slightly gaudy. My dog's poo looks better than Batman and Robin. Batman Begins, now, imho, this one is up there with superhero movies like Superman I & II, and Spiderman 2.

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