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Everything posted by muzicunderfire

  1. Glisses are a little complicated when it comes to doing big harp glisses in Sibelius. Glisses in Sibelius only play back if they are in the same staff, so you have to get around the program to make it play back correctly (it is, after all, a notation program, not a sequencing program). So let's say you want to create a gliss beginning on C3 (middle of the bass staff) to C5 (first ledger line of the treble staff). Here's what you do: -Put the first note in (C in the middle of the bass staff). -Next, put the ending note in, but keep it in the same staff (So another C in the same octave if you wish). -Now, hold CTRL (it might be CTRL+ALT or CTRL+SHIFT or something, I'm not around my computer with the program on it to test it) and press the UP ARROW. This will make the note jump a staff and appear in the treble staff when it is actually linked to the bass staff. From here, hold CTRL and press the up arrow until you reach the desired octave. -Now, create the GLISS LINE and connect it. -To make this look pretty, you will have to delete or hide the MEASURE REST in the middle of the treble staff. -Now when you play it back, you should hear the gliss! -Btw, For grand staff dynamics, putting one dynamic between the staves doesn't work; you need to put a dynamic for the treble staff and another for the bass staff (I usually hide the one for the bass and leave only the treble dynamic, allowing for conventional notation and still achieving the desired playback) Also, you can't do any of those fun glisses that are all over the JW Sig scores; for it to playback, the gliss line must connect from one note to another, so you can't put the starting note, draw many lines up and down, put the ending note and have it playback according to what was drawn. If you want to hear the effect, you have to draw a note at the beginning and end of each line. As for harp pedaling, I figured I would deal with that when I actually write for a harp player, but there should be a PEDAL PLUGIN somewhere where you just highlight some bars, click the button and it draws it out for you. I don't know much about the harp, so I'm not sure how accurate it is. For overlapping hands, you will have to create glissandi in SEPARATE VOICES (a gliss in voice 1, then another starting halfway through in voice 2). It will get messy, so hiding a voice would be the best solution. Hope this helped =)
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