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  1. Jason, that song with the dancing girls is called "Die Halzauktion," performed by Rudi Scherfling (BMG Ariola label). I can't identify the piece I'm hunting, but I sure have identified every other one! Mike, it could possibly be a Williams piece, although I don't think so. At this point, I'd believe just about anything. I'm starting to think that I'll never find out.
  2. scissor and ocelot...PLEASE post if you have any idea what this tune is!!!
  3. Thank you so much for responding, I'm grateful for your efforts! But, unfortunately, no...the Elgar piece was used in the scene where Schindler was interviewing potential secretaries (I can't believe how much useless information I've picked up in the quest to find this song). In any case, again, thank you, I appreciate any help I can get.
  4. No, definitely not in the film's credits (or anywhere on the internet that I've been able to find). But, again, I sure thank you Alex. I've been hunting this so vigorously, for so long, that it's a relief to get any input. I never dreamed it would be so difficult. Again, thank you. I'm sure not ungrateful for your help!
  5. Actually, I'd sure be happy to post a mpeg I made (by pointing my digital camera at the TV screen and recording the short scene in which this waltz is played), but I'm new, and afraid of breaking the rules. Can I do that?
  6. Hi there. Thanks so much for trying to help me (I'm just going nuts with this, and appreciate any input!). But "Por una Cabeza" isn't the one, that's from the film's opening. This scene is about 30 minutes into the film, maybe a bit more, and is definitely a waltz, not a tango. It sounds like Strauss, but a rep from the Strauss Society of Vienna assures me that it isn't, it's something much more current, perhaps even post-war. I've found just about every other uncredited piece from the film, including "Love Will Forgive You," "Meinen Lippensie Kussen so Heir," "Tango Jalousie," "Bourree, from English Suite #2," "Gloomy Sunday," "Erika," "Mamatschi," "Gute Nacht Mutter," "Die Halzauktion," "La Capricieuse Opus 17," "Happy Wanderer," and "God Bless the Child," but this one remains elusive.
  7. I've been tearing my hair out trying to identify a piece of music from "Schindler's List" which, like many others, does not appear on the soundtrack. The piece is the viennese-soundling waltz which plays when Oskar dances with his wife while flirting with another girl on the dancefloor. Does anyone have any clue what this piece might be? I'd eat a bug to find out!
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