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John McClane

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Posts posted by John McClane

  1. Well, of course when I buy a CD I'm interested in, then I'll put on my iPod, to avoid bringin the portable CD player with me (untill last year, I traveled my summer vacations with like 10 CDs, while last summer - my first with iPod - I traveled with like 250+ albums...). But I still love the act of walk in a store, searching for a CD, buy it, open it and discover the booklet. It's something I somewhat need. I see buying mp3 as something unnatural, even thought I bought something on the iTunes Store already.

    Of course I download music too. It's inevitable. If I'd buy every CD I'm interested in, I'd have a million CD (bought with which money? :rolleyes: ). Downloading also makes you discover new music you'd never otherwise know, that's why it's the future. I think musicians should get their money elsewhere, like concerts or ads. If I'd a professional musician, I won't mind giving my music for free.

    But this is a whole another discussion.

    I think Mark Mancina, Trevor Rabin, Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell (and the few stuff I heard by Steve Jablonsky) are on a way superior level to the usual MV/RC standard music.

    Mirko - who didn't disliked The Simpsons Movie score.

  2. Only get it if you're familiar with the first movie and/or Mancina's 1990s action scores.

    Oh yeah, I love the movie, and I know it so well. And the score, I really started knowing it after ripping the isolated track from the DVD, so I know it pretty well too. I don't think I won't get any new music I don't already have on my bootleg, but I think in the end I'll buy it. After all, it's always a good thing to support releases like this, expecially since this was released 12 years after the movie. If releases like this have success, there may be a time in the near future where unreleased scores won't exist anymore, and every movie receive its own good score release. :rolleyes:

  3. Is there something specific to appreciate about this score?

    Personally, the fact that is a valid alternative to orchestral scores, and a good example of how a movie score can be good even if it doesn't feature an orchestra all the times, and it's not repetitive as Badelt's PotC. I, being a guitarist (and a rock music lover) I like some electric guitar here and there. And at least it's something original, not the usual "I got a keyboard and I'm gonna make it sounds like a real orchestra" mostly MV's scores are.

  4. Don't generalize, Mark. MV is also Harry Gregson-Wlliams, but, for example, the cartoons he scored really has bad music? I also like Mancina, because of the "alternative" touch of his style, with guitars (like former Yes guitarist Trevor Rabin).

    As for the movie...well, for me it's a classic, an high quality mix of great action and great fun, with a good cast.

    Trent, maybe your DVD bootleg wasn't good sounding because you actually downloaded it, or it was isolated on R1 DVDs too? Because mine (ripped by myself using Stefan amazing tutorial :);) ) sounds great, while this official CD as been said to have some tracks in mono.

    They should release Rabin's Bad Boys 2 score, which, unlike this, wasn't on the isolated DVD track.

  5. I mean, I have the Region 2 DVD which feature the isolated score, so I did my own complete bootleg.

    I think it's a great "alternative" score, a valuable score since it's from Media Venture, and certainly over their standards.

    And I always like to have the original CD for having the booklet, but in this case, well, I feel like wasting money since I guess that all the music on the official CD was already on the isolated track of the DVD. Or there's any extra cue?

  6. I hope for this extra's sake that this is all some sort of masterfully-planned disinformation scheme. There are some plot spoilers (if the report is authentic), so don't go to the link if you're wanting to remain spoiler-free.

    Spielberg furious

    That was on AICN a week or so ago too. Thankfully it's not that spoilery. If it's true though the guy's a seriously stupid git that can pretty much forget about that acting career.

    Well, there's nothing much to say. If that's true, if I was Spielberg (or Lucas, or whoever decides) I would immediately fire that stupid idiot and hire someone else for his role, and re-shot his scenes (as I doubt he's featured in so many scenes...).

    And surely he won't act again.

  7. What's non-music tragedies has to do with this?

    However, I really think it's a very negative thing that those scores were never been relased in all of this year.

    And in general, it's always bad. In this modern day they should do something like this: you buy the usual OST (which is usually very incomplete) and get the special code to legally download (or buy, but with a reasonable price) everything used in the movie that didn't end up on the official CD.

    It won't solve the piracy problem (as those "extra" tracks would soon end on p2p programs) but it would surely solve the problem of filmmusic fans not having everything the should have.

    I also never got the copyright thing...if I was a composer, I'd love to decide what music release, and if I want to release it all, I'd like to be able to release it all.

    I think John Williams knows that there are so many fans that wants these two scores (perhaps alond with expanded Jurassic Park and sequel) but he can't do nothing to release HIS music. I think that after all the times he has been asked about, if it was able to release the music he wants, we may had it already.

  8. Oh, Miguel. That's great. Be sure not to forget me when it's done. :P

    With the obvious hope to have a proper release of Last Crusade and Temple of Doom with the release of the IV score...

    I mean, we got (almost) identical Star Wars release in 1997, 2003 and 2007, can't we just pretend to have one good Indiana Jones release? Raiders' 25th anniversary has come without releases, as ToD's 20th or LC's 15th...

    If you ask to any long term JW fan (and with "long term" I mean those who were his fans before the Harry Potter era) I bet these 2 scores are the most wanted from the Williams history.

    Just think about the fact that almost every of his most known masterpieces got an expanded/complete re-release through the years (The Star Wars Original Trilogy plus TPM, Jaws, Superman: The Movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, CEot3K, E.T. and even The Fury, Home Alone 2 and some others...) so it's pretty much a scandal that there are two (out of three!!) Indiana Jones scores which has a badly incomplete official release...

  9. You must be dying waiting for those LEGOs, Romão! :)

    Any news about the Monkey/Mêlée Island project (new pics?). Also, I always wondered if you ever did, or plan to do, something Indy-related.

    When I was I child, and playing with LEGOs, I built something about Indy, although those specifically characters and set were available.

    It's great that they're making the sets of the Trilogy too. :nod:

  10. And with everyone in an Indy-type mood, I figured it was appropriate.

    I'm always in that mood!

    The difference between "Slave Children's Crusade" and "Parade of the Slave Children" is that the first in the OST album version, the second is the concert version found on the "Greatest Hits 1969-1999" compilation (they're musically different too, of course).

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