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Found 4 results

  1. Looks like Naxos Portara records is releasing their 5th John Williams Concerto on February 8, 2019 - the Maestro's 87th birthday. Leonard Slatkin once again leads the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, this time with Dennis Nulty on Tuba. Amazon is showing the digital-only release for $2.67 as a pre-order and Apple Music has the third movement available now as a preview (which is an odd choice as it is supposed to be continuous with the 2nd movement). (Have not checked Spotify or other sites.) Sometimes sites like eclassics.com sells uncompressed versions of these. (They have 2 of the older ones.) I know this piece was performed in 2014 in Detroit (along with the Flute Concerto), but I am not sure if this is that same playing. Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MG56GK1/ref=pe_385040_112047530_TE_DP Apple Music preview: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/john-williams-tuba-concerto-single/1449279307 Interestingly, when I added this to my library, the other two movements are visible but grayed out (presumably they will become active on Feb 8). I believe this will be the 8th recording released of this work (including the Charles Vernon bass trombone rendition from 2005). The artwork continues the style of the other concerti in this series: FYI - they have previously released: Horn concerto, 2010 Violin concerto (revised version), 2011 Cello concerto (2012 revision), 2015 Five Sacred Trees (bassoon concerto), 2015 On Feb 9 and 10, 2019, the Detroit Symphony is playing the Williams Oboe Concerto (with a live web stream on the 10th). So, I guess we will get this as an official digital release in the next few years. Link: https://www.dso.org/ShowEventsView.aspx?id=4915&prod=4914
  2. Fire away with your top ten pieces by Russian composers. My answer is on the way.
  3. We all know John Williams is one of (if not the) best film-score composer of all time. We also know that because of this, we cannot really compare him with classical composers; film composing is just something different. However because he does write for a symphony orchestra, we can compare composing techniques and styles. My question then becomes: where would you rank him among the well known classical composers? For example, in my opinion, both in creating melodies as well as in colourful orchestration, he really is (almost?) on par with the great Russian composer Tchaikovsky. Let me give an example. If you compare Luke and Leia (from ROTJ) with In a Pine Forest (from the Nutcracker ballet, composed by Tchaikovsky), I think one cannot immediately say one of the pieces is better than the other as a composition, even without the film/ballet. What are your opinions? Curious to find out!
  4. Hello there, couse of JW was the creator of my childhood and couse i decided to study music at Prague conservatory because of his influence, i want to present there next composition i have written in January this year 2014. Its called "Organismus chalybeius de Gustave Eiffel " " Steel organism of Gustav Eiffel " i wanted to show, that even a steel construction could have some kind of a life, organism inside it self. Eiffel Tower in Paris I was inspirated by Impressionism and Romanticism period. Thanks you for watching and thanks to John Williams!
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