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Richard Penna

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Posts posted by Richard Penna

  1. I know if that I had conversations with people here in person, it would be totally different. I wouldn't call Joe an idiot for not liking a certain thing, I hope he wouldn't do the same to me. It's easier to type something than to say it to someone's face.

    Definitely. There's a certain tone you can only get away with when only your words are being seen. Makes me laugh actually to think about a group of film music fans in a room starting a brawl over 2 minutes of music ;)

  2. Too true. I'd genuinely be curious at meeting some of the posters here, in fact I hope to be meeting Greg next week at that concert thing in London.

    I also have to occasionally rewrite sections of posts when I just can't decide how far to go with something. Only today I rewrote a post twice because I couldn't find a fine tone between making a point, and outright calling another member a tw@t.

    And I know it comes up every third thread, but all this composer bashing is what seems to turn a lot of threads sour. I really want this place to be somewhere that someone can come and say they enjoy PotC and not get immediately run over by a herd of elephants. We all have wildly different tastes, but when the same 'it's just excruciating noise' come up whenever RCP is mentioned, I find it no wonder that many people here feel like punching noses at times. I know it's all fun bashing, but would it kill a few around here to be a bit more open minded?

  3. Allow me to drag back on track then.

    Got a TV capture card for a friend who's going to uni next month so he doesn't need to take his real TV. Also comes with a really nifty remote control you can program to do just about anything in Windows. I have one and it lets me control the PC from bed ;)

  4. These boards used to be a really nice place to while away a couple of hours (or more on many occasions!). I have to say - for me (and others I am aware of) that is no longer the case. I dip in a fair bit, but this does not feel like the welcoming, pleasant commmunity it once was.

    That's the same for me too, pretty much. But it's natural for things to change, for better or for worse, and I just find myself posting and participating less.

    I just blame the newbies. ;)

    I generally feel that most of the members who get their proverbial balls busted deserve it. We all go through an idiot phase, and it takes that type of reaction to "educate" us. I should know.

    Explain "idiot phase".


    Believing RCP to be the pinnacle of film scoring excellence?

    I was there once... briefly.

  5. I'm not trying to start an argument here, but again Joe, you say stuff like "the film has finished post production, there are to be little if any reshoots", and yet you criticize others for posting what you consider 'total crap' - where are your sources for all these facts?

    And your claim that they have finished post production, with 3 months until the intended release is to be honest laughable. Rotk was barely completed on time, and I don't think there's any shortage of effects - I've seen enough making of documentaries to know that the smallest things in a film like this are done in the computer.

    And even if they did test the movie and it sucked, it's surely a gigantic source of revenue for WB, why in their right mind would they just say 'hey, the test audience didn't like this, but let's just see how it does anyway'.

  6. I'm with Greg. I saw this a month or so ago, and while it starts out a little shaky (those tentacles looked a little fake to me), it gets better as the characters are more and more tested.

    The final 5 minutes are a visual and emotional spectacle, almost no dialogue. There's one shot near the end that literally has your mouth open with absolute disbelief. I heard that Darabont agreed to make the film only if he was allowed to end it this way.

    I did find the religious woman a bit annoying, although a problem with that is that the final 'wtf?!' moments are strongly related to decisions made around her so in a way she's a necessary character. I haven't read any of King's books though, so I don't know whether the character is the same.

  7. Yes, I agree that holding something physical does give a feeling of ownership.

    But you can also look at it from the POV of content that maybe isn't financially viable to physically mass produce because of small demand, just like we're getting a lot of itunes-only score releases, because of how little cost is comparatively involved. I'm just trying to give an idea of where I think new technologies like downloading will be useful in the future.

  8. Most of the ways to acquire high-quality media are expensive, impractical, or illegal.

    IMO, that's only because the industry is too short-sighted and control freakish to realise how efficient digital distribution can be if the right resources are given to it. You can acquire a high definition movie over a torrent in hours - if that was made legal for some remuneration, that makes all three of those arguments mute.

    Anyway, I'm not saying physical media will vanish overnight. Just that I think there is potential in digital distribution for those who want their content delivered that way, and I think as time goes on, the resources will be invested to make it more viable than it is now.

  9. Yeah, I was watching an old episode so it's probably been out for a while. Steef - a little research reveals it's s08e08.

    I've been watching a heck of a lot of Top Gear lately and paying close attention to its music. I've discovered quite a lot of new material in the process. In case people don't know, there's a forum at http://forums.finalgear.com/top-gear-episode-songs/ that's dedicated to complete breakdowns of all the music used in every episode.

    The TG editors must have access to every soundtrack ever released because the selections are staggeringly varied and include really obscure stuff.

  10. Well yes, the packaging and artwork can be nice, and I do still buy occasional things that I consider really special - LotR:CRs for example, because of how far beyond the standard product they are.

    But I really do think the future lies in downloading - the cost implications, and quality increases by not being constrained to the size of a disc, are factors that I think will drive it, on top of immediacy. I don't think it's all down to laziness, although having said that the last dedicated CD/DVD store in my town closed last year.

    And I'm not a fanatical greenie :lol: I'm just on the side of the fence that believes we should maybe take a bit better care of this rock.

    Look at the history of data storage, capacity keeps going up and size keeps going down, seems like exponential growth. Remember when 1GB used to be a lot? In ten years 1TB will not be enough.

    Heck yeah. Really makes you laugh at floppies doesn't it. Wouldn't even fit an mp3 on one of those.

  11. Halfway through a Shrek marathon (although I cut Shrek 2 down to only a few tracks, I'm not as keen on it or the movie).

    None of them on CD, but all three legally bought I'm proud to say.

    Also just listening to the Cinematic Sound show (thanks Erik!), specifically the Clone Wars segment. Right from the word go it doesn't belong anywhere near the SW name. A few parts sound ok but nothing that's getting me worked up.

  12. I liked Cloverfield, but I have trouble suspending my disbelief sometimes so when I see a giant monster in NYC, it still doesn't feel very real for me, because I know it's CG. And yeah, the main guy was a bit stupid and irrational. My brother commented during the movie that heading over a bridge probably wasn't a good idea...


    I went alone to see War of the Worlds, which unfortunately sucked fairly badly IMO. I almost went to see The Happening by myself soon after it opened when I was away on work business for a few days and needed something to do, but I couldn't be bothered to make the journey that worked out to be halfway home.

    Now I go with my brother, usually joined by his GF, usually a few times a month. I guess I do feel a bit self conscious about going alone, but in the end you're watching a movie - why do you need to be with people you know to enjoy it? Plus if you walk out of the cinema at 1.30am (as we did for Wall-E and Dark Knight), you're too tired to talk anyway.

    Even when I was a kid and actually had a circle of friends, the cinema was a rare thing, posibly because my parents are barely into movies (my dad slightly, my mum I don't think has watched a film since the last Potter) .

    Well,I had this friend who was constantly concerned about the image he projects .He wouldn't even go eat at a fast food alone for fear of beeing perceived as a "loser"

    That kind of activity isn't something I would consider a conscious one. I've seen millions of people to to McD's alone - and why not? Anyone who would brand someone a loser for doing that needs to rethink their priorities a little.

  13. Backups Drax... backups.

    I haven't bought a physical CD since the last Doctor Who album, and I download quite a lot of Blu-ray rips which are miles ahead of DVD quality (will have blu-ray playback when we get a PS3, or I upgrade my computer, whichever is first).

    Scratch is right in one area - my brother just bought a 1TB hard drive for about £100. Besides, think how much we'll save the environment by banishing plastic discs...

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