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Richard Penna

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Posts posted by Richard Penna

  1. Backups Drax... backups.

    I haven't bought a physical CD since the last Doctor Who album, and I download quite a lot of Blu-ray rips which are miles ahead of DVD quality (will have blu-ray playback when we get a PS3, or I upgrade my computer, whichever is first).

    Scratch is right in one area - my brother just bought a 1TB hard drive for about £100. Besides, think how much we'll save the environment by banishing plastic discs...

  2. Are those comments by Horner real or Hitch made them up?

    Ironic that some of Horner's score seems to STEAL from Yared.

    They are real comments.

    They are from a very long audio interview Daniel Schweiger from Film Music Radio had with Horner quite a while back.

    And yes, those are direct quotes - my opinion of him plummeted when I first heard it.

  3. My Williams collection is like a sponge. My problem is I find it hard to sit down and listen to an album, it's always like a track from here, then there. If a certain moment reminds me of something else I always feel compelled to switch over and listen to it which starts me on yet another adventure.

    I recently acquired Journey to the Center of the Earth, and the video game score from Da Vinci Code, which I found, after hearing a clip on Top Gear, can be downloaded free from composer Gary Kibler's website.

  4. Aren't you alittle old for LEGO's, Scratch? :pukeface:

    Hey, the Lego game is fun.

    It is fun, except for the glitches! My wife and I play it together though, I don't think I'd enjoy it much by myself.

    I also want the Complete Adventure Collection on blu-ray, but stupid George Lucas doesn't want it that way.


    Yep, all the DVD double dipping that studios do now (and it is not just Lucas by any means) has caused me to simply stop buying things the first time around and just wait. It works out because then you find out what you truly want because some things I never even get around to buying.

    I don't really buy movies any more full stop, and not just because DVD is about to be overtaken. I find that once I've seen a movie... that's it. I might watch it a few times in the future to refresh, but then what? If I see a movie on TV that I haven't watched for ages, I watch it, then that's it for another 5 years.

    My DVD collection is around 60 movies, and a huge number of them are movies I've seen a million times that I picked up cheap before High Def really picked up. A good proportion of them will not be viewed any time soon, so really, what's the point?

  5. I've avoided most of the movies. The only one that I skipped that people seem to like is Wall-E. (I'm not much into kids fare), so really the summer has had Indy 4 and Dark Knight in my eyes, the latter being the only good score of the year.



    Ahem... Dark Knight - the only good score?

  6. I'm the least excited about this one than any of the others, including Hallows. The book is just one giant setup for the big plunge, albeit with a tragic end.

    Which is a pity, because the teaser makes it look far more serious and grown up than any of the previous movies.

    And I agree with Nick - my memories of the first film at least are very Xmassy. They'd never have released that during the summer.

  7. Definitely option 3. It's cool to revisit all the familiar themes, but hearing them in a new way keeps things fresh.

    JNH does this a lot. Several of his End Title pieces contain either completely new material sandwiched in between stuff from the movie, or rerecordings/ alternate /film takes of existing themes. Many others are clearly specifically recorded pieces. He also seems to be releasing more of them on CD (I know I'm gushing, but I've made no secret of how well made I think most JNH albums are).

  8. regardless of the source of Horner's music, it is music,

    zimmer makes ugly noise.

    Joe, truer words have never been spoken so well. God bless you!

    Joe: line 1 - perfectly valid

    line 2: bullsh!t

    I vote for Horner because he clearly is better trained than Zimmer, and his best stuff really gets to you. Zimmer's best stuff to me is merely very good, but it rarely gets under my skin like Horner.

  9. I'm going to have to disagree with the following being disappointing:

    Hancock - I love this score. In fact the final 5 tracks (Hollywood Blvd ->) are getting so many plays right now and I was really annoyed to find that first track completely hacked up in the movie.

    The Happening - I agree that it's probably the weakest of their collaboration but I still enjoy most of it.

    Indiana Jones 4 - I was disappointed by it, and still find half the album dull, but it's still a decent work - just standard Williams fare.

    Journey to the Center of the Earth - I like about half the album. There's some stunning work in 'Building the Raft' and 'Storm'.

    The Mummy 3 - I'm bothered continually by Edelman's synth padding, but I do love the themes, and most of the more incidental music I find very beautiful.

    WALL-E - I agree not his best, but I love the main theme and it worked wonderfully in the film

    X-Files 2 - Minimalist but some good parts

    To call DK disappointing... well, I had low expectations, and even those fell through the floor when I heard it. I like 3 tracks, and that's after watching the movie.

  10. You mean wouldn't...

    I didn't buy Caspian, but that's only because it's much darker and has passages that really aren't particularly interesting, I suspect, unless you've seen the movie.

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