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Everything posted by robthehand

  1. The annoying thing is I saw Raiders in HMV a few months ago, but didn't think to buy it there and then.
  2. Since the music is obviously available, it would be nice to see complete releases of Raiders and The Last Crusade. What's the position with the ToD tapes? Are they still lost?
  3. OK, time for a confession: I own neither the Raiders or Temple of Doom CDs. Does anyone know any UK sites where either CD is available for a reasonable price? I checked Amazon, and the cheapest there is used, £50. It's not much cheaper on Amazon US. As for The Temple of Doom, I wouldn't be surprised if I never find this - I understand it's quite rare now. :cry: The only Indy CD in any of the shops I've looked around is that re-recording compliation. Any help?
  4. Well, I tried sequencing it, but it really makes no difference to the overall flow of the score. I just printed a back cover-label with these names: 1. Travelling the World 2. Not Home for Long / Training 3. What Is Necessary 4. Fateful Night / The Cave 5. Where Are You? 6. Lighten Up 7. Gotham / The Test / Vengeance 8. A Narrow Rescue 9. Preparing / Happy Birthday 10. The Chase 11. Masks / Rebuilding / Never Have To 12. End Credits Suite I haven't printed it yet, so let me know if there are any errors.
  5. The first post has all the available information about released non-OST music for AotC and RotS, and also a half-finished "proper" TPM complete score. There's no real reason to read any of the other 5 pages - all corrections have been made to the first thread. I think.
  6. Thankfully, I worked on "correcting" each UE track separately, so track 2 was made up of six different wav files. But I got intensly confused when the track 2 listed here ended up 4:32. :?
  7. Or when he comes out again. I also like the Luke's Theme/Rebel Fanfare when R2 chucks (:?) Luke his lightsaber in ROTJ. Not the best though.
  8. I doubt it - that would mean watching the god-awful film.
  9. Hehe. He works those lists out faster than I can read them.
  10. I don't think there's too much stuff that needs to be carried over from one film to the next - not like Star Wars, which relied on the themes. I would like to hear Hedwig's theme - but there are so many new "things" in book 4, and they all deserve original music. Perhaps a suite of Williams themes at the end (for us JW fans, the only ones who can be bothered to stay through the credits ).
  11. Which is the best scene from any film scored by JW? Like the prequel thread a while ago, a moment from the film, NOT a CD track. For me, it would probably be one of the flying scenes from E.T., probably the second one - a better build-up, IMO. Or possibly the scene where Harry first rides Buckbeak.
  12. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying any of his work is bad, it just doesn't seem to warrant the amount of attention he's getting - everyone seems to want him to score the next Bond film. :?
  13. Well, I got pretty much all of it except the Insider's Guide and GBS.
  14. Where? I searched but nothing came up. Although I may have spelt his name wrong. Giacchoni or something...
  15. Dunno - "The Asteroid Field" was listed in the liner notes as requiring virtuoso playing...
  16. Well, I've never listened to an entire audio commentary - so I'm not fussed about that.
  17. In principle, me too - except I really don't like the mono version - not because it's mono, I just don't like the arrangement. Same for theS hirley Bassey vocal version (did that use the same backing, or just very similar)? I would have liked one of the electric guitar versions in its place on the album.
  18. Can someone explain why everyone likes his music so much? OK - I haven't heard much of it - but from what I have heard, it's nothing special.
  19. Who thinks this film's going to be terrible? BTW I do. 8O
  20. Whoa! What happened? It seems all the files on the FTP have been removed. There are only 3 folders under Star Wars, Racer, Battle for Naboo (non JW) and Jedi Starfighter - and none of them have anything in them!
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