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Posts posted by GoodMusician

  1. I was actually comparing the conductors score and i found that "[5m3] Nimbus 2000" lacks the final celeste melody on the last few measures stating the HP theme. Maybe Williams felt it was "too much" and just told him not to play it. I also noticed the the final pizz at the end of "[1m5] Mail Delivery" is considered optional heh... Also "[3m4] Arrival at Hogwarts" has an alternate Harp II line that is used for the final two measures as McGonigal talks to the children.

    I'm noticing that the conductors score does skip the two slate numbers where petrifying longbottom and fluffy's harp would go which makes me think that williams had at least planned to write something for that scene... why he didn't, or why it wasn't recorded or why no trace of it exists... i do not know lol... I wonder if he had felt the scene didn't need music but left a slate number for it just incase he wrote one? Cause it doesn't really need the music but it does add a nice touch and make Hermione seem that much more powerful heh. The other slate number is correctly titled "[7m6] Fluffy and his Harp."

    I've also seen no indication for the proper track order of the concert suites but i felt they best go:

    Harry's Wondrous World (End Credits)

    Hedwig's Theme (Miniature Children's Suite)

    Diagon Alley (Children's Suite)

    Nimbus 2000 (Children's Suite)

    Hogwarts Forever (Children's Suite)

    Quidditch (Children's Suite)

    Fluffy's Harp (Children's Suite)

    Voldemort (Children's Suite)

    Family Portrait (Children's Suite)

    Hedwig's Theme (Children's Suite with Inserts)

  2. I've also now realized that the "Petrified Longbottom" is a mix of three cues. A small middle section of "You're a Wizard Harry," then a "whomp" from the end of "Troll in the Dungeon" and then the final part is from "It's Guarding Something"

    So the film version of that cue is not at all new material... which makes me wonder if williams accidently skipped a slate number (which he's done in the past) as the guy in the pdf notes he didn't see it at all. The Harp is obviously the source cue and is one of t hose two slates skipped... but what the other one is? no idea... Perhaps williams wrote a cue and never used it and its never presented itself anywhere.

  3. Not to revive a dead topic but i wanted to weigh in my two cents here since i've found some information online with their proper lengths and on some of the unreleased cues

    Potter Logo Version 1 - [00:17]

    This heard in one of the trailers for i think it's film 6. It's the celeste playing the usual harry potter theme slowly and strings coming in at the end and fading out playing a low chord. Listed as "1m2"

    Poter Logo Lead-In Version 2 - [00:18]

    This is the version heard in the film. Listed as "1m2a"

    1M1 The Prologue - [04:15]

    This i keep reading is listed as 1m1 but is chronologically after 1m2. They must have changed their minds on something. The album presents this with the center section edited out and instead something that is known as "Hedwig tries a cookie" according to that PDF. I'm gonna argue that the PDF writer misread it or thought williams had misspelled something. The other name for this cue is "Coke Ad 60s" which stands for "60 second coke ad." If my guess is correct, it SHOULD be "Hedwig tries a Coke-ey" which i'm guessing is slang for the drink in the UK (although i know plenty of people here who say things that way all the time " Chickey" for Chik-Fil-A, Cokey, for Coke, swipey for swiping your card, etc ) and that williams wrote it "cokie" and the PDF author misread it as "cookie" or assumed williams had misspelled the word.

    1M3 The Friendly Reptile - [02:59]

    1M4 Don't Burn My Letter - [02:04]

    1M5 Mail Delivery - [01:39]

    2M1 The Beach and the Arrival of Hagrid - [01:22]

    2M2 You're a Wizard, Harry - [3:29]

    The film ending to this must have been tacked on late in the game as it seems to be missing. In the film, interestingly, it fades from being a 5.1 musical mix to simply a stereo music mix at this point which leads me to believe it was a late recording added on that never got properly edited or mixed. (although the PDF does list it as the correct time length so i dunno)

    2M3 The Wizard's Pub - [01:19]

    Really interesting and weird source. sometimes i wonder how williams goes about these, if he doesn't just come up with a sound and follow it through somehow lol

    2M4 Diagon Alley - [4:36]

    The actual Diagon Alley part is SOO amazingly fast in this! They also apparently had trouble recording the mid section when they have the solo violin come in (when we see the animals on display) as they seemingly had to record it several times to get the pacing right through the segment. It looks to also have gone to a longer cut of the film. The film version of this cue utilizes "Entry into the Great Hall" instead.

    2M5 Harry Gets His Wand - [02:04]

    3M1 Hagrid's Flashback - [02:52]

    3M2 Platform Nine and Three Quarters - [02:38]

    3M3 Escaping Frog - [00:49]

    3M4 Arrival at Hogwarts - [02:04]

    3M5 Entry Into the Great Hall - [01:57]

    3M6 House Selection - [03:28]

    4M1 The Banquet - [03:40]

    4M2 Lonely First Night - [01:05]

    4M3 Mail Drop - [01:32]

    4M4 Mr. Longbottom Flies - [03:32]

    4M5 The Moving Stairs - [01:57]

    4M6 (Rev.) It's Guarding Something - [00:34]

    This cue is tracked into where Neville is petrified. It doesn't come in until they group begins to leave apologizing. The opening of neville being petrified i still haven't figured out.

    4M7 Introduction to Quidditch - [01:30]

    5M1 Hermione's Feather - [00:40]

    5M1X Troll in the Dungeon - [00:22]

    5M2 Fighting the Troll - [03:45]

    5M3 Nimbus 2000 - [01:13]

    5M4 (Pt I) Let the Games Begin - [02:12]

    5M4 (Pt II) The Scoring Begins - [01:37]

    5M4 (Pt III) Slytherin Scores - [02:26]

    5M4 (Pt IV) Harry's Great Victory - [02:24]

    6M1 Hagrid's Christmas Tree - [00:55]

    6M1A Christmas music Box - [01:16]

    6M1A Alt. Cast a Christmas Spell - [1:20]

    6M2 Christmas Morning [02:08]

    6M2A The Library Scene - [05:16]

    6M3 Dumbledore's Advice - [02:28]

    6M4 Owl's Flight - [01:07]

    This cue is unused and is relatively sparse. It begins with a bell tree "tolling" along with the oboe and a quiet string chord. Harmonous winds come in as we see Hedwig begin to move his wings. The celeste plays as Hedwig begins to fly, eventually opening up with the entire orchestra and finishing in a increasingly quiet scale to the top with a chime at the end. The alternate is MUCH better.

    6M4 Alt. Hedwig's Time Transition - [01:10]

    This is the film version of this sequence although the film actually cuts a shot between the pan down revealing the change of season at Hogwarts to then cut to inside the library.

    6M5 (rev) Hermione's Reading - [01:06]

    6M6 The Norwegian Ridgeback - [01:37]

    7M1 Filch's Fond Remembrance - [01:30]

    7M2 The Blue Forest - [05:14]

    7M3 Three Note Loop - [03:37]

    7M3A Hagrid Plays the Flute - [00:41]

    7M4 Running to McGonagall - [02:12]

    7m5? - [00:38]

    I had thought this would be when Neville is stupified BUT the problem is it appears to be sourced. I still can't find the opening which makes me think maybe it is for this scene, but that they sourced in alternate music. Either way, the "real" 7m5 has never been revealed.

    7m6 Fluffy's Harp - [02:29]

    This is nearly identical to the album except that it lacks the other instruments. Simple enough.

    7M7 In the Vinesnakes - [02:28]

    7M8 The Flying Keys - [01:57]

    8M1 The Chess Board - [01:58]

    8M2 The Game Begins - [03:46

    8M3 Checkmate - [01:58]

    8M4 The Mirror Scene - [06:11]

    8M5 Love, Harry - [01:41]

    9M1 Gryffindor Wins - [02:38]

    9M2 Leaving Hogwarts - [02:14]

    End Credits Pt. 1 - [05:25]

    Harry's Wonderous World on the album.

    Diagon Alley (Children's Suite) - [02:50]

    SO much slower than the actual cue but still a great cue. Only partially presented on the album edited into actual score. Based on the actual cue though pretty closely until the second half.

    Family Portrait (Children's Suite) - [3:22]

    Much faster opening tempo than usually done in concerts.

    Fluffy's Harp - [02:40]

    Album Version

    Hedwig's Theme (Children's Suite) - [02:12]

    "Prologue" on Album

    Hedwig's Theme (with inserts) - [05:03]

    Album Version

    Hogwarts Forever (Children's Suite) - [01:53]

    Partially presented on the album edited into film cues.

    Nimbus 2000 (Children's Suite) - [02:25]

    A very unique arrangement of all wind instruments covering the theme quizzically.

    Quidditch (Children's Suite) - [01:47]

    The Quidditch theme with a great opening on trumpet heard in the concerts.

    Voldemort (Children's Suite) - [02:18]

    Another wind arrangement of a theme.

    Hedwig Tries a Cookie - [01:02]

    This cue is known as "Coke Ad 60s" meaning "60 second Coke Ad." The title "Hedwig tries a Cookie" i believe is a misrepresentation of what williams had written which may have simply been "Hedwig tries a Coke-ey" but spelled "Cokie" as Williams has a thing for spelling words with "ie" instead of "y"

    Still missing after all this are:

    Teaser Trailer - [01:50]

    Trailer #2

    #2 Intro

    New Trailer Intro

    I think this is referring to this trailer as i don't recognize the intro although some of the rest after it sounds like it could be tracked but the transitions sound genuinely new so i think this may be original.

    MX 8 & 10 - 10 pages , 36 Bars


    Full Run Time - A little over 2 and a half hours if you include pretty much everything.

  4. Im almost certain it wasnt elfmans direction but joes that made this overall feel of the score odd to me. It neer settled down, never slowed. Its like the final act of a star wars film but the entire film. There were no moments to let you relax even during character development, no matter how slight.

    It was like the final act of a film the whole time but lacking the build up. I loved tge obvious nods to noir and there were moments i just thought were real fun.

    There was one thing that bothered me and it was his half usage of the theme from the remake to king kong. Do, so, rey-do. It caught me off guard and i was like "uhhm" lol.. Being the only humable or slightly melpdic part, it seemes out of place.

  5. I could swear at the end of page 5 there's a repeat sign and one on page 6 (although that could just mean the measures are the same again), but it doesn't really show what measures to repeat and the version in the film seems to repeat different measures.

    My only thought is they either edited it, or, while performing it, williams changed which measures to repeat on the spot since it already seems written in and is an unusual way to go about writing the cue if that's what he intended.

  6. You have to realize... Williams doesn't click a metronome and say "go" he conducts the orchestra...meaning it's gonna ebb and flow throughout... so it may be fast in the opening, and slow at the end or vis versa... Also, each take is gonna be different, sometimes in one take they'll get to one part faster than they do in other takes.

    For example, almost every take they put on the box set is not the take used in the film. I've tried layering them and almost none of them fit right.

    This is for a few reasons.

    1) Comparing from two reel to reel recordings... ie: non-set times on stretchable medium. THey aren't set in stone... so they could be the same performance but due to stock strain to the film in certain areas, it'll eventually not fit. OR, they might not have transferred to the digitial at the right speed. Some of the cues are slightly out of pitch and I've had to adjust for that. This is also a case.

    2) The film has micro edits, syncing the music to the film in the intended fashion, while still keeping the authenticity of the performance. Becuase the performance didn't match up quite right or there have been changes to the film itself, the music has to be adapted around that.

    3) They are different performances. I've had cases where most of a take will fit and then the end wont. Again, this could be because its a different take. Williams has to hit certain "moment" but between those moments, especially in this era of "One Piece" action cues that are more thematic and don't always have to fit up exactly right, he'll play with the tempo a bit and let it be more real.

    So what you might try is if you can get each area to match up with the film, simply edit them all together in an editing software once you've exported it, and then you'll have the cue close to heard.

    As far as wishy washy in water music, it's either that or pure synth which as greatful as I am for what you've done, it's still synth lol... Just thought I'd try :-p

  7. I didn't know the indy game had the water insert otherwise I would have used that as a comparison.

    I'll fix the brass and send it back


    So I've gone back and redone a bunch of things. I re-wrote all the horn lines because I couldn't use what you sent me, sorry ;) It looks like you're playing live and it's notating it... but that makes it soo much more difficult for me to change.

    What I found were a lot of weird issues with the conductors score.

    Some parts were just off by what looks like a whole step... others by a third... it was really odd. Comparing it to the Lego music I was able to fix it (as much as I can I think).

    So for the most part, the trumpet line was off by a half step which, the horn was off by a third, the trombone and tuba were spot on.

    Here are the midis:


    Here's a mock up of the horns now:

    horns mix

    And maybe this will help too:



    As for Molorams speech, it seems like you got it almost exactly except that percussive part has some repeats of measures that you didn't get... but past that it seems right... at least as far as I can tell. You didn't speed up near the end like it does but eh... Its hard to follow your version because the mixing is so different. the winds aren't as prevalent as they are in the film.

    Also worth note, the timpani is glissando, not being hit harder... it means that someone is rolling on it with the soft mallets and changing the pitch at the same time.

    But all in all good job!

  8. Is it a synth sfx? I remmeber in Jurassic Park williams used a "cork pop" sfx at the end of "The Cartoon Demonstration."

    Whats the boing at the opening of "To Bankot Palace"... or is that a sitar...

    I could use the rest of the orchestra btw :-p so I can layer it lol


    Alright, so the answer is, only some of your horns are messed up.

    Going down the inserts sheet music.

    (Page 19 in the pdf)

    Line 2 is wrong and needs to be pitch shifted a major third down. (Horns in F)

    Line 3 is wrong and needs to be pitch shifted a major third down. (Trumpets)

    Line 4 (the low brass) is correct and should stay the pitch you placed it. (Trombone)

    I've also included a DVD rip so you can kinda head what I'm talking about.

    On line 3 measure 1 I think is a half step off what it should be.

    Also in line 3, measure 4, it goes up the scale and ends up in measure 5 a whole step higher than what you have.

    Try to compare this all... you're sooo close! If you wanna upload the midi, I can fix it and send it back to you as well

    I've taken the liberty of pitch shifting the file and running a few comparisons.

    Here is the file:

    11m1 Comparison

    Here's how I have it set up:

    1) DVD Rip

    2) My pitch shifted version (down a third)

    3) Your Original


    Now I've broken it up into segments for easier comparisons

    Segment 1 - DVD rip (Measure 1)

    Segment 2 - My pitch shift (Measure 1 and first beat of 2) *notice that the first "BAH" sounds off pitch. Double check your pitches.

    Segment 3 - DVD rip (Measure 2)

    Segment 4 - My Pitch Shift (Measure 2) *Bass line is out of tune now becuase it was correct in your original

    Segment 5 - DVD rip (Measure 3)

    Segment 6 - My Pitch Shift (Measure 3) *Bass line is out of tune now becuase it was correct in your original

    Segment 7 - DVD rip (measure 4 and 5)

    Segment 8 - My Pitch Shift (measure 4, 5, and 6) *Listen to how your brass don't go up high enough. They should be the same pitch as final note of the fanfare.

    Segment 9 - DVD rip (measure 7, 8, 9)

    Segment 10 - Our Original Bras (Showing Correct Pitch)

    Segment 11 - My Pitch shifted (Showing correct other lines but incorrect line 4)


    Could they mean "Spring Drum"??


    I'm almost certain he uses that in TLW... there's a part when the Roland is about to shoot the rex and finds that he has no bullets... and the music sounds like someone shaking a chain link fence...

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