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Posts posted by welshslider

  1. Every day without thinking, and this has been happening for many years now I whistle the signature tune from Jurassic Park. Some days I may throw in a bit of Marion's theme or Yoda's theme but consistently Jurassic Park is there. Does anyone else do the same?

    I must add its a quiet whistle just to myself as I know whistling can be annoying to others. :)

  2. I never noticed that before, but I think it's too similar to be a coincidence. He could have written anything he wanted there, or changed it up to be similar while changing an interval or the length of the long note before the melody concludes, but he didn't.

    I have to agree that it is too similar to be a coincidence. Maybe John Williams is a bit of a Lorne Greene fan :)

  3. Just posted on my blog about what I believe is a bit of Battlestar in The Phantom Menace soundtrack. I was listening to the expanded edition of TPM the other day and came across the part on the track entitled "Anakin Is Free." There is a definite similarity between the two. I've put the two vids on my post but will post here if you want. Not sure if its been noticed before or even if its just me. what do you think?



  4. 1: Harry Potter/

    2: Home Alone

    3: ???

    4: Dune Sea of Tattooine

    5: The Flying Sequence

    6: ??? Fiddler on the Roof?

    7: ???

    8: ???

    9: 1941

    10: The Raiders March!

    11: Jaws 2 (Catamaran Race)

    12: ??? Midway?

    13: Jurassic Park (The Island)

    14: The Last Crusade (Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra)

    15: ??? ET?

    16?: Schindlers List?

    17: Hook?

    18: ???

    You got 10 out of 18 there. :cheer:

    Throw in a track from an expanded release, that should stump Thor ;)

    I will do another one in the week and make it harder

  5. The edited end credits of TPM doesn't belong anywhere near the top 20.

    Neither does ROTJ IMO.

    And if you list Star Wars, then Episode III is kind of needless.

    I'm fine with the OST version of TPM being on the list. ROTJ is one of my favorites as well. And the ROTS End Credits from the OST is Williams' gift that keeps on giving. Not quite the same as Star Wars and deserves its own place on the list IMO.

    The only ones I might disagree with are the ones I haven't heard before, so I have no right to call them out.

    Love all the Star Wars soundtracks. I agree they are different in many ways.

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