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  1. Hi everyone, first time poster here! I'm writing an academic paper on how Williams approaches scoring gender, and using KoCS as my main case study. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on how it sits within the canon of the Indy scores? Personally, I enjoy Irina's theme but its presentation of her as some femme fatale style figure seems somewhat reductive(?). Especially when compared to Dr. Schneider in Crusade! The Crystal Skull motifs are very hypnotic, but don't compare to the Ark or Grail theme. The variations of the theme when linked to Mutt are interesting, it seems as if the music was trying to tee him up to take over from Ford. And the callbacks to Marion's theme and the father/son theme were welcome additions, I think JW stuck a nice balance between nostalgia and making something new. Any insights, or links to Williams talking about the score would be much appreciated!
  2. For the past few months, I've been writing and managing my own personal blog about film music, called THE HOLLYWOOD SOUND. I started it back in July, and I've added to it since then. As a result of this blog, I've been writing CD reviews for FSM Online as well. I just wanted to let you all know about it, and to invite you all to read it: http://thehollywoodsound.blogspot.com Thanks everyone.
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