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Everything posted by Demodex

  1. Yes, it was. I'm sorry, but I don't think of TLJ as a feminist movie. All the roles could have been the opposite gender and it would be the same story. Who gives a shit that Holdo was a woman? Only men that have a problem with women, like @Mattris We've had this conversation numerous times. No one is changing their mind.
  2. And there is nothing wrong with these statements. For what it's worth, I never felt that I was being lectured when I watched TLJ. And I still don't see what people like @Mattris claim to be an anti-male, pro-feminism agenda.
  3. After the prequels I was thankful for the absence of George Lucas. Unfortunately we got too many JJ Abrams films.
  4. Political how? I like TFA because it's a fun movie. I love TLJ because it's a great movie. I dislike TROS because bringing back Palpatine was fucking stupid.
  5. I meant you were wrong about Palpatine coming back being planned in advance of making the ST. I have a hard time believing it. If it was planned they sure did a bad job of executing it. TROS sucked.
  6. Yes. Everyone here is wrong and you're the one person that's correct. 😄😄😄 Palpatine wasn't part of the plan or he'd be in Trevorrow's script. End of argument.
  7. When Obi-Wan watches the recording of Anakin killing Jedi in the Jedi temple, there's a weird high pitched atonal noise underscoring it. Is that a synthesizer or some other instrument? Or just a sound effect? Thanks.
  8. The concert arrangement of Anthem of Evil just seems like random, forgettable melodies. I agree that it should have been introduced in Episode 7.
  9. This guy on YouTube has some unreleased music clips. A few sound effects but not too bad.
  10. TLJ is my favorite ST film and at first I was really disappointed in the score but I've grown to love it. I really don't find anything that interesting about the TROS score. The TFA score is good, but I don't love it like I do the score to TLJ. I think how much I like a film really influences how much I like the score. Looking at each trilogy separately, I rank each score in the same order I rank the movies, with only one exception. Come to think of it, I think that's true of the Indiana Jones series as well.
  11. What do you consider the best sequel film? For me, my favorite sequel film also has the best score.
  12. I'll disagree. The music for TROS is the least interesting and memorable of the ST. Of all 9 films it may be my least favorite score. Is the Anthem of Evil even in the movie?
  13. Is this movie out on Blu Ray yet? It seemed like we had fan-made film edits of the other SW scores by now.
  14. OMG! How could they!!? Seriously, does it make any difference? Maybe I don't fit in here because I would never notice, or care about, this. As far as I'm concerned, the only SW movies I don't have complete scores for are AOTC, ROTS, and TROS.
  15. There are two versions of Funeral Pyre on that release! Who cares about Jabba source music? The end credits are fine to me.
  16. How are they not complete? They have everything that's in the films, plus alternates, plus concert pieces. What more is there?
  17. Were these scenes from the movie with just the music? Or is there dialogue and sound effects too?
  18. With the Special Editions from 1997 I don't know why we need any more releases of the OT soundtracks.
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