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Everything posted by Swashbuckler

  1. The problem with the TPM UE was the crappy editing job, but that only became apparent in the latter portion of the album. I am confident that the complete original scores will eventually be released... twenty years from now, when the new trilogy is being outfitted for "Special Edition" release in 3-D and Smell-O-Surround.
  2. For some reason, my browser kept signing me out. It seems to have stopped, but it really threw a monkey in the wrench of several of my posts... :oops:
  3. Expletive Deleted I can't seem to keep myself logged in!!! That last post was me.
  4. That was me, by the way. I forgot to log in.
  5. The version of the films that will appear on DVD are the Indiana Jones Special Editions. The following changes will appear... Raiders of the Lost Ark The title card for "Raiders of the Lost Ark" will be replaced with one calling the film "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." All guns held by the Nazis have been replaced by Walkie-Talkies. The Cairo Swordsman shoots first. The visual effects seen during the opening of the Ark have been replaced with cartoonish digital effects. There will be a trancendental sequence by Douglas Trumbull in which we go inside the Ark at the end. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Wu Han doesn't die... he's only resting. The banquet at Pankot Palace has been digitally altered to eliminate the nasty food. Mola Ram no longer rips out the sacrifice victim's living heart. Now he's just seen holding a boiled chicken in front of him. The slave children have been replaced by digital muppets. There will be a trancendental sequence by Douglas Trumbull in which we go inside the Sankara stone. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The two Nazis that burst in on Indy and Henry that Indy kills now shoot first. The tank has been replaced by a hummer. There will be a trancendental sequence by Douglas Trumbull in which we go inside the grail. When asked why he would approve such changes to the films that seemed well enough without them, Spielberg and Lucas shrugged. "Who cares? We know you'll buy the DVDs anyway. We're going to release alternate versions of these films every five or ten years, each time making a big deal out of how much better the presentation is." Lucas added, "Eventually, there will be no trace of the original film exposed. I can't wait."
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