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Everything posted by Ren

  1. I'm sorry you are tired now. . . but you are going to have to do it again after signing in or registering.
  2. This should be in the OT thread. . . maybe then we can really do a vote!
  3. thanks, i'm on an assessment kick since we've been having that shoved down our throats for the past two years in the schools.
  4. lol i guess some guests don't read the thread after all....
  5. OK Wael You can count me out, I don't want to go if Orlando isn't there~ LOL
  6. damn! I still don't know how to imput songs~
  7. LOL! Patrick Stewart would be pretty impressive as Voldemort. And the Oldman guy could be a decent Sirius Black. But I'm not sure about Ewan (in other threads). Someone said they think he'd make a good Lupin or Black. I'm not sure. . . .I don't know if he's cut out for Potter.
  8. I don't know Melange. I think Joe sort of has this covered. We don't want to get into the "polls" again. Remember when we figured out the new polling option? There was a poll every other thread. I'm not trying to knock the notion, I think it's valid, but I think we should wait before we steal Joe's and Ricard's thunder.
  9. I hear ya Joe, Maybe every 4+ months we could start a new poll like this. I thank you for taking all this time to make this work. I'm sure you are putting in WAY more time than you had originally planned, but the board will definitely appreciate it when you are done. Heck, if we send it to JW with all our names attached to it, he would be flattered. I'm surprised that many members haven't posted their top 10 yet. I think top 10 favorite is more appropriate here because we all have varying opinions and we could NEVER agree on what criteria to assess the music on - especially coming from different backgrounds. Which is what we would have to do to make the poll unbiased and valid. So let's just stick to the top 10 favs. . . and for those members who haven't posted yet. . . (a la nike) JUST DO IT~
  10. Roald I'm so happy for you! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. May your wedded life continue to be full of all of the sparks and passion that you feel right now. Don't ever let the light get dim. You are very lucky to have found someone who is right for you. Many people never find the EXACTLY right person. Cherish everything, you deserve it! Love, Ren (wondering when she will be married. . . .)
  11. i should post a pic of my paperwhites and my fern.
  12. Melange, you have a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNG way to go to be king. . . . I had no idea Japan had a JW MB.
  13. yeah, a lemon tree would be handy for drinks!
  14. Ren


    you know, when i taught those two songs to the kids and used my listening maps, they were COMPLETELY enthralled and could totally pick out each theme..... and I personally could never get tired of listening to them.
  15. aw come on Marian, just this once, it's not permanent.
  16. Please do log in, or register and keep it to the 10 maximum. It's hard scrolling continually through 30+ scores in list form HIYA HARRY and i've edited my post Joe.
  17. yes KM, you only need to dust them! Ren, wants to find a lemon tree to grow in her house.
  18. Ren


    tell us how you really feel Joe! But I want Hedwig to win!
  19. Actually I prefer Galadriel way more, but I just happened to like this pic better than the ones I had of Galadriel. When I find a better one I'll put it up..... And speaking of Aerosmith. . . . . . .I LOVE THEM! Not that I listen to them all the time, but i know all the words!!!!! And in case you didn't know....Liv's a home town person here. . . . . She went to Waynflete school.
  20. That is so excellent. I'm sure your daughter ended up being great. SOOOOOOOOOO many parents do not take the time of day to do anything with their kids, let alone read to them. Good for you (coming from an elementary teacher)
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