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ocelot last won the day on April 28 2022

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About ocelot

  • Birthday May 31

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    Don't talk to me like that, I'm a first class passenger!
  • Location
    West Hollywood, California

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  1. Also this was beautiful. David Raskin's Laura's Theme arranged by the great Angela Morley for Williams' Cinema Serenade 2 album Raksin Laura's Theme 2024 HB.MOV
  2. I have to say that even though it's not Williams, this was a favorite from Sunday and it opened the whole thing Korngold - Suite to The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex. Korngold Private Lives of Elizabeth & Essex 2024 HB.MOV
  3. Above is Seven Years in Tibet. Here's ET Flying Theme Williams ET The Flying Theme 2024 HB.MOV
  4. Here's Seven Years in Tibet from last night. It was again early so still light outside. This was the second time I heard this live at the Hollywood Bowl John Williams concert. Last one was years ago though with Williams conducting. Off to UPS. Back in a while and I will send others. Also recorded Mancini, Korngold and Raskin x Williams Seven Years in Tibet 2024 HB.MOV
  5. We are a dime a dozen here, but it was said as a joke either way, lol, it's not like I am scoring movies, only my friends, family and industry people know me. Relax. If you are upset about the news, it's understandable, we all are.
  6. /gasp! How dare you not know who I am!!!! I've been here since the stone age..... Again, sorry about that, I live in LA, I am a composer, word travels fast underground from players on sessions through composers we know etc etc.
  7. Not speculation but as others have said and they are right, if I cannot say everything, why say anything, I apologize. I just know how I would be if I didn't know so I was attempting to say it's more than is thought of on here, but that's where I then step in it. Sorry. I will not say anymore xox Agreed, my apologies.
  8. I'm sorry guys. I don't mean to be. I'm not sure how else to put anything.
  9. There is one piece that he has finished writing and recording with YoYoMa. We at least have that to absorb and love.
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