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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/12 in all areas

  1. Thank you KM for putting some sparkling action to this otherwise boring worship festival.
    1 point
  2. Jesus Christ, by all that is good and decent, no! He neither has the inclination, nor the obsession. He doesn't return to his earlier style, which people expected him to do for years (not anymore I hope), so he sure as hell wouldn't throw himself in the middle of Tolkien mythology and Wagner music for three years straight. And most certainly not in the way Shore has. Williams' connection with Wagner has only strengthened since Star Wars, as far as the use of the leitmotif goes. The thematic connections are only getting more complex as JW gets older, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say he would never "throw himself in the middle of Wagner music."
    1 point
  3. Fuck yeah! This too! And this! And this!
    1 point
  4. I don't hate these scores , I can recognize there's a few great highlights but overall very overrated by people that have a strong emotional attachment to the films themselves.
    1 point
  5. Well, I can give you a choir Goldsmith cue that kicks the shit of the choir LotR music The Second Coming, The Final Conflict [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIZZEMoxxjc
    1 point
  6. Fuck, I hadn't listened to Anakin's Dark Deeds in ages. Whoah. Siege of Gondor? What? I wish JW had had the time, inclination or obssesion for detailed Wagnerian writing to compose for LOTR. He remains the composer I connect the most.
    1 point
  7. Battle of Endor II from 5.03 to 5.37 (The Dark Side Beckons). Case closed Belloch [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VguFkqMh4Rk
    1 point
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFORF8iSnsY I think I could go on for pages and pages...
    1 point
  9. That section of The Siege of Gondor isn't great. It only sounds like a slightly better written version of the generic "epic" choir trailer music we hear in every friggen goddam trailer nowadays
    1 point
  10. Get yourself a copy of El Cid by Miklós Rósza and listen to it from beginning to end. That for a start. Homework, homework to do before making ridiculous claims. Also a bit presumptous to assume someone hasn't even listened to The Siege of Gondor just because he doesn't agree with you.
    1 point
  11. yes it is by the opening statement: Especially on a Williams board where the guy has thousands of individual score moments that are more amazing than this
    1 point
  12. I agree, it's nowhere near my favorite part. But does anything else compare to it's brutal epicness in film score history? Does anything compare to The Return of the King score in the history of film music? I'm going through the thoughts that ROTK is the greatest score of all time. Have you heard of this gentleman called Miklós Rósza?
    1 point
  13. If there's something I hate it's a thread dedicated to a 5 second segment of a LotR music claiming it's the most epic piece of music ever written I can probably come up with gadzillion more epic moments, especially from Williams and a lot of other composers . LotR is VASTLY overrated.
    1 point
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