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Everything posted by BloodBoal

  1. You could find a lot of explanations for that (people have come with lots of possible explanations for its use, some rather sensible), plus it was a theme appearing in the same score it was written for. Plus the character is actually in the scene. Here, we're talking about a theme from an episode taking place much earlier in the timeline, apparently used in a scene where the two characters it was written for are nowhere to be seen, and you can't possibly come up with a good explanation for that theme appearing here... Not quite the same thing.
  2. It's simply unintentional because there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for this theme to appear there.
  3. I actually feel the same way now. I rewatched TFA after having seen TLJ, and oddly enough, this time around, I appreciated the film more. It still has a lot of problems, but in terms of structure and character development, it's pretty well put together (TLJ feels far messier on those aspects): the first act is actually pretty solid! And sure, some might say the film has a clear, straigthforward structure because it copied a film that had a clear, straightforward structure, but still... Wasn't that already the theme of TFA? Feels like it'll be the theme of this whole trilogy...
  4. Was the TFA OST ever released in a jewel case? Only ever saw the digipack release.
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