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Everything posted by BloodBoal

  1. You could find a lot of explanations for that (people have come with lots of possible explanations for its use, some rather sensible), plus it was a theme appearing in the same score it was written for. Plus the character is actually in the scene. Here, we're talking about a theme from an episode taking place much earlier in the timeline, apparently used in a scene where the two characters it was written for are nowhere to be seen, and you can't possibly come up with a good explanation for that theme appearing here... Not quite the same thing.
  2. It's simply unintentional because there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for this theme to appear there.
  3. I actually feel the same way now. I rewatched TFA after having seen TLJ, and oddly enough, this time around, I appreciated the film more. It still has a lot of problems, but in terms of structure and character development, it's pretty well put together (TLJ feels far messier on those aspects): the first act is actually pretty solid! And sure, some might say the film has a clear, straigthforward structure because it copied a film that had a clear, straightforward structure, but still... Wasn't that already the theme of TFA? Feels like it'll be the theme of this whole trilogy...
  4. Was the TFA OST ever released in a jewel case? Only ever saw the digipack release.
  5. I've heard that if you watch it a third time, it suddenly becomes a masterpiece.
  6. Where Snoke came from: will probablybe explained in some tie-in book, novel, comic book, TV series, video game. What was his point: none, other than being an excuse to make and sell another tie-in book, novel, comic book, TV series, video game. Yep, it definitely feels that they don't know where they're going/where they want to go. There are many moments in this film where it feels like the writers kept on changing directions, because they suddenly had another idea in mind. The whole Finn/Rose storyline is a good example of that: it serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. They go to Canto Bight to find a hacker to weaken/destroy/whatever Snoke's ship, they don't find the one they were looking for so they bring another guy with them, who ends up betraying them and thus does not do what he was meant to do. Finn and Rose's mission is ultimately a failure, which makes the whole thing pointless. What else is new?
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