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Not Mr. Big

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Everything posted by Not Mr. Big

  1. Yeah, I was the only one left in the theater and the theater guys said "are you done yet?" Now I'm gonna go to that theater way more often and watch the end credits all the way through for every movie
  2. Really love Battle of Syracuse. It's more in the gritty Spartacus sound than something like Ben-Hur but it's cool to see JW tackle a scene like that (a natural choice for DOD highlight playlists).
  3. They're fine as spectacle but I don't really care for heist movies or spy movies
  4. I think it's more about how Helena romanticizes her adventurous lifestyle
  5. Actually the same thing occured to me too. It has a Wagnerian feel to it (appropriately German)
  6. Love the fleeting use of organ later in the score in Water Ballet and Archimedes Tomb Very distinct use in JW's filmography besides like E.T
  7. I love the credits version. Great ancillary theme
  8. That was my favorite use of tracking/wholesale quotes. Arguably better than the original scene it accompanied (Indy climbing some boxes).
  9. Honestly it probably would have been way cheaper to commit to practical effects. And it would have looked way better too So much of it was real yet it all looked like cg junk
  10. I couldn't hear the score because the Imax was too loud. And then they kicked me out in the end credits!
  11. Usually for JW I wouldn't say that but Mangold's previous comments about a full score release give me hope
  12. He would have written a great Nightmare on Elm Street score. Imaginative dream sequences with lots of room for differing musical approaches
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