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Joe Brausam

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Joe Brausam last won the day on May 5 2016

Joe Brausam had the most liked content!

About Joe Brausam

  • Birthday 14/11/1987

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  • Title (custom text underneath your username)
    A horn player.
  • Location
    NJ, USA

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  1. There's definitely not a lot of us left. I don't post much at all here anymore, though I still lurk quite a bit! I've seen a number of deaths over the years at FSM, but this is definitely the first one I've heard of here too. Joeinar definitely had his opinions! And they were strong. But that is what made him great and interesting to read. He wasn't influenced by others' opinions and thoughts, he was uniquely his own. In later years it was always cool to see him resurface from time to time. I wish all the best to him and his family.
  2. I'll be heading to this...but no idea which night yet!
  3. I forget - are all ticket holders eligible for the cocktail hour prior to the performance? Also - if you already hold a ticket you can add the newly announced after party for $350.
  4. I think the wording can be skewed that way, but what they mean is that the original 5.1 and stereo mixes were by Rhodes and Murray.
  5. Well that's a shame! It's a video recording of the main titles from the sessions maybe this one will work: https://www.facebook.com/766174664/videos/527331502678678/
  6. From the recording sessions, though I'm unsure of how to share a video that's posted on Facebook. It's the Main Title. https://www.facebook.com/groups/HornPeople/permalink/6133731453324270/
  7. Sounds like Horner! I’m excited to hear something original, but I’m equally excited to be immersed in the soundscapes Horner created.
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