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  1. So I just called the BSO this morning and they were able to offer a full refund for my Film Night at Tanglewood ticket. Suits me just fine as the single tickets for new 2024-2025 BSO season went on sale today and I'll be going to Boston October 4 to hear Mahler 8th "Symphony of a Thousand" live in Symphony Hall instead! I don't think I can do Vienna in December, but I'm already planning my June 2025 vacation around Berlin to see The Maestro there! So wishing him a good recovery and sorry I won't be joining those of you still going to Tanglewood next weekend.
  2. Indeed it's difficult to believe the official narrative when they claimed back in 2015 it was back problems, but then Spielberg spilled the beans and said he was having a pacemaker put in. At least this time it is something nonspecific, while being optimistic that it will lead to a full recovery. The mystery now is whether his health will allow him to conduct Vienna in December and Berlin in June 2025. I'm already planning my trip for the latter.
  3. Funny you mention that as it does have a Cold War tinge to it. I was listening to it on repeat to accompany the news of the Wagner group convoy heading towards Moscow last year before they chickened out and turned back. 😅
  4. That’s terrible. I’ll give them a call because they were able to offer a refund a few years back when he cancelled a Tanglewood on Parade appearance and they saw my then 15-year history as a BSO/Pops attendee and the fact I face super commute down from the Ottawa area. I’m considering going to Boston early October to experience Mahler 8th at Symphony Hall, so I’d even settle for an exchange if they really want to stick to their T&C and not offer refunds. Wishing the best to our beloved Maestro for his speedy recovery. Can’t wait to hear his eventual Piano Concerto any many more joyous moments. I’m unsure about having the time to do Vienna this December, but would consider a trip to Berlin next Spring maybe.
  5. Because it's literally in the middle of nowhere. Over 2 hours to Boston and 2.5 hours to New York City (and 4 hours to Montreal). Even the closest secondary cities that have rail like Albany, NY and Springfield, MA are at least 50 minutes away. Without cars Tanglewood never would have existed. A few years back they did offer shuttle buses from some concerts from Symphony Hall in Boston to Tanglewood, but I think they stopped.
  6. Indeed if you're heading towards the Albany NY area, park in the Lions Gate Lot on the southwest side of Tanglewood, so you can turn left on Interlaken Rd through Stockbridge and State Line Rd and avoid the crowd that can expect to be stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic back to Lenox and Lee after the concert. Or if you ARE heading East, aim for the Beech Lot and hop/run back to your car immediately when the show is over and leave before the crowds waddle back to theirs with their picnic coolers (but DON'T be those inconsiderate jerks that walk out on Johnny during encores).
  7. Well, got one Section 7. Might be obstructed view as it was much cheaper than others ($99 vs $159), but gets me in the Shed and I can always upgrade at the last minute. I would only have paid full price right away for a Section 1 seat in the first few rows.
  8. Damn it. So I closed my browser as something must have been bugging and now I'm in a Waiting Room with 40+ people ahead of me. Trying to get a ticket to the Friday night as it's more convenient for me.
  9. I keep reloading and getting this: Unfortunately, this performance is not available for purchase.
  10. I feel like our beloved Maestro’s last shots at an Oscar were Geisha, War Horse and Lincoln. He totally would have deserved all three, but since he didn’t, a sequel score like Dial of Destiny was already dead in the water. I feel like our beloved Maestro’s last shots at an Oscar were Geisha, War Horse and Lincoln. He totally would have deserved all three, but since he didn’t, a sequel score like Dial of Destiny was already dead in the water.
  11. Same here having ordered from Intrada! Did you hear back from Intrada or La-La Land? I’m missing the 48-page booklet as well! 😢
  12. If you make a copy of it (which you should do for your car anyway) the CD-text will often download off the internet database and be applied to the copy.
  13. Yeah I saw the VPO at the Musikverein in 2014 so I'd be due for another visit. If Williams does embark on a European tour he really should schedule a concert at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam as that place is truly the world's best-sounding hall.
  14. If it involves Daisy Ridley, he is on record saying he would be very jealous if someone else were to write the music for her, so I'm willing to bet he WILL score New Jedi Order.
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