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Mr. Who

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Mr. Who last won the day on October 30 2021

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  1. To be fair I read somewhere that Weiss edited that episode. But it was a great episode for sure
  2. The non chronological order of the tracks doesn’t work imo. Like with GOT s2,4,5 and 6, a chronological or close to chronological playlist of the ost is a great listening experience where the thematic musical storytelling shines through! I love the season 2 score but think that the album assembly seems to have been thrown together in an evening. A chronological OST, starting with End A War Before It Begins as the opening track and with an additional 30 mins of score would definitively have been a good idea for this release! Having the War theme open the album is a good idea even if it’s not strictly chronological but after that you want the storytelling to be focused in the score.
  3. I gotta say that it’s a shame that Jackman isn’t scoring this after having had some musical and thematic continuity for the Cap movies and Falcon show. I’m sure the score will be adequate but given how Cap 4 looks very much like a direct sequel to Civil War etc, Jackman would have been the right person to score it IMO!
  4. You’re right. Different characters react differently to the comet. For instance Osha has a different interpretation. I did my latest re-read last year, maybe it’s time for another.
  5. I also really liked the cinematography of the scenes with Rhaena in the hills of the Vale. Those scenes really felt like GOT! The episode looked great visually and was as usual very well scored.
  6. Yes the meteor was seen in S2E1. The dragons were born in the final scene of S1E10
  7. Yes I meant to write bran type vision 😬 The red meteor was signifying the birth of the dragons, you could see it in Winterfell kings landing and the red waste etc. Daenerys” theme was also briefly used in the unreleased vision cue!
  8. Hopefully they can speed up the writing process a bit for S3! The wait is really long after that incredible final montage in the finale. Loved how the different scenes worked together with the different themes in the cue. Finally we got a proper House Stark Battle variation, or at least a tease! Overall I loved the final episode and don't really feel disappointed, as I gather a lot of people are feeling because of the absence of the next big battle. I thought they did a great job and it actually reminds me a bit of the last part of the 5th GOT book, where Martin basically wrote himself into a position where the climaxes of books 4 and 5 will appear in the first part of the 6th book. The wait will be long but I think this season will be viewed really positively when S3 is airing because it does a lot of heavy lifting with the characters and storylines. Also I was really surprised to see the Bran vision with the heartree. Did not expect to see Daenerys or white walkers, but it was a cool scene. And I liked how the Greener/Three Eyed Raven Vision motif was used in the score as Daemon approaches the tree. Very nice thematic callback! The musical and thematic tapestry is so vast and it's going to be so cool to hear Djawadi expand upon it in future seasons of HOTD and in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms! I hated Zaslav already for canceling Westworld! This guy is the absolute worst!
  9. Sapochnik is brilliant so I'm all for this but I think Alan Taylor did an amazing job with episodes 1 and 4 this season. I do however think that Miguel as a co show runner is ideal so maybe he comes back in future seasons. I am unsure about the whole restructuring thing because I read that 3-4 seasons was the original plan but that nothing had been set in stone. Martin himself write on his blog in 2022 that he thought 40 episodes would do the story justice. I don't know if 4 seasons means that it's shorter than originally planned. I just hope that the seasons don't take quite so long to make but I guess this is how it is. In retrospect it's crazy how the creators of GOT managed to write most of the scripts and plan, produce and release one season per year (until the last one which took longer). I am a bit disappointed that HOTD will end with the end of the dance though as I had hoped that HOTD would become sort of an anthology show where they could do a time skip to another time period during the Targaryen dynasty, either forwards in time like Blackfyre rebellions, or backwards in time. It seems that HBO might be making separate Tag shows instead as Aegon's Conquest is apparently in the works as a separate show so maybe we don't loose anything as an audience and the shows will just have different names instead of all going under the HOTD banner.
  10. House of the Dragon Season 2 by Ramin Djawadi:
  11. After his work on Ant-Man and in particular WandaVision (which was by the same director as FF), I think Chris Beck would have been a great choice to score Fantastic Four. Shame that he didn’t get the gig.
  12. Why are you posting about it then? He was Cameron's second hand and many people know him from all the behind the scenes documentaries of Cameron movies.
  13. Yeah I don’t know why movie length is seen as such an issue. Can people seriously not go 4 hours without going to the bathroom? Maybe don’t drink a litre of soda in the first hour of the movie and it’ll be fine 😅 Now I was a bit bored by Snyder cut the one time I watched it but for movies like LOTR extended, Avatar, Oppenheimer, KOTFM etc I’ve never had issues.
  14. The main story was always about Grindelwald and to some extent Dumbledore. I prefer the second movie to the first (which is great as well) and wish the third movie (which was not as good and completely ruined/rushed through the plot lines set up) had not been a Kloves rewrite. I don’t understand why some people wanted movies about just the beasts. The main antagonist of Beasts 1 is literally Grindelwald and it sets up the whole conflict with Grindelwald’s anti muggle cause. As much as I like the first film, it has no scene like the climax of the sequel with the rally in Paris. The best scenario would of course have been to have 5 books written before the films were made. This way JKR could have written it exactly like she wanted to and then Kloves could have adapted it for the screen and added stuff he wanted, which might not have been in the books, like more Hogwarts etc. For instance Yates says in the commentary for FB1 that the first draft was darker than the final film and that he asked her to write a lighter version in tone. It’s a collaborative medium of course and I think that while the first film is very fun and wholesome, some people really tend overlook that it’s also quite dark in places. The main characters are literally sentenced to death by poison (death potion) at one point in the film and the Salemers scenes with the orphans being beaten etc is definitively not light IMO. The shift to the second film finally is not as big as some people make it out to be.
  15. The inclusion and focus on Hogwarts was for instance an idea that came from the producers and not her. She wrote multiple drafts of the first one in co junction with Steve Kloves and the producers and director. She originally didn’t want to feature Hogwarts. The third film has very little to do with her original intention and several things were cut from the second film. Film is a collaborative medium so I’m sure the stories would have been quite different, had she written the FB series as books first and not as movies first. I’m a huge fan of Djawadi’s work. He’s very versatile and has such a great sense of thematic variation and development! It would certainly be interesting to hear his take on HP but I would prefer JNH to do it because of his sound and history in the wizarding world!
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