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Groovygoth666 last won the day on March 20

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About Groovygoth666

  • Birthday 29/09/1986


  • Title (custom text underneath your username)
    Full of beryllium baloney

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  1. I love your profile picture. It gave me a good laugh!

    1. Groovygoth666


      Thanks! It took a whole 15 minutes in paint ROTFLMAO

  2. Why are you talking in the third person? That's a little unsettling
  3. No no no no. Cool isn't cool anymore, now thing's have to be edgy, that's what's cool
  4. To be "edgy", that's what the kids want, right?
  5. Some of the war room shots are mirrored and reused (note Threepio moving from Leia's right side to her left with the dent on his head also switching sides). Perhaps these additional repeated shots were added and that's part of the need for new music?
  6. I'd have to go with Prologue, just because it's one of my favourite cues of all time . So glad to have the Music Behind The Magic boxset with the instrumental.
  7. Watched this last week with a group of us on @Manakin Skywalkers discord, that was such a thrill, each of us muted and just messaging in the chat all the things that were new to us or we were excited to see (the Schindlers List composer story went down a treat đŸ˜„). Overall I enjoyed it, the first portion focusing on Williams childhood, family, first marriage and early years as a musician were the most interesting along with the personal photos. Then it was sort of off to the races and trying to touch upon the greatest hits, eventually loosing focus and becoming more about praising him than about his evolution as a composer in the later years. But having interviews with Williams and his input really adds something special that someone narrating couldn't bring. The documentary really tries to be a celebration of Williams and while there are things I would have liked to see included or touched upon in more detail overall it does balance things for a more broader audience, which ultimately I feel really showcases why we love his work and why he's one of the greatest film composers of all time.
  8. Maybe JFK finally made it through approvals
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