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Laserschwert last won the day on May 17 2013

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  1. Has it been confirmed that LLL is going to release the final season's soundtrack as well?
  2. Crazy to think that Kamen once was THE go-to action composer for the biggest franchises. After Die Hard and Lethal Weapon, it was probably the logical choice to sign him for Last Action Hero. I can't remember the score either, but I bet it shares that DH/LW style.
  3. Maybe they identified an error and went back to re-submit it? Some other releases would have benefited from something like that.
  4. Recently, in the light of Martin Lawrence attending the Axel F premiere, someone on social media suggested a cross-over between Beverly Hills Cop and Bad Boys. Which got me thinking, that the two themes do share a similar rhythm. So I had to give it a shot, and it turns out, they overlay surprisingly well: https://laserschwert.bandcamp.com/track/beverly-hills-boys
  5. Yep, got it as well. And Andor is pre-ordered. Unfortunately, I've waited too long on Mando S1, as the German release is sold out everywhere 😞
  6. Isn't renting gaming consoles a thing anymore? I remember in the days of video rental places, they usually rented out consoles and games as well. Shouldn't this still be possible online?
  7. We'll always get a game rip, I guess. But yeah, an official release would be awesome.
  8. Have you guys heard of Phaseplant? It's basically a synth to create your own sounds. But it isn't limited to electronic sounds, as user Joel Blanco Berg has created some incredible orchestral instruments with it: While the plugin is at least a bit of an investment at $199, the instruments themselves are relatively low-priced on his Gumroad.
  9. Am I crazy, or did this already get an Intrada release a few years back? I might confuse this with any of the other 100 Horner re-releases of the recent years.
  10. Got mine as well, but with shipping and customs it kicked me well over $200. I'll let it sealed for now and check out the individual episode scores on Prime Music before deciding.
  11. I liked it a lot, and it has some amazing cinematography and "impossible" camera moves, that Zemeckis is so good at.
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