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Dixon Hill

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Everything posted by Dixon Hill

  1. Lost had the most sensible, paradox-free approach to time travel. Should be made the industry standard.
  2. Don't worry. I'm sitting waiting for a screening to start at this very moment, and looking around, I'd say there's no shortage of Yanks who dig it.
  3. Haven't you heard of Braindead or Meet The Feebles?Yeah but those are... you know... Braindead and Meet the Feebles.
  4. It's rather unbelievable just how goofy PJ is getting with things. What is bloody going on in his brain? And no one has mentioned it's his birthday today. Happy birthday, Peter!
  5. I knew it! Even John Williams is ghostwriting for Hans now! And it'll still be called crap music!
  6. Thanks for reminding me of that.... Also, strangeness and an idiotic script is the whole point of Rocky. It was supposed to be a mockery of B-movies, horror and sci-fi, not a well crafted piece of cinema. And that's to say nothing of the deeper metaphors involved, which are certainly enough on their own to merit the film's lasting presence.
  7. Give me my Elvish choral piece for the credits! That's all that will satisfy me now! No need for a silly ballad about barrels, Beornings, or mirky wood. Spare us The Master of Laketown's Song and Into the Desolation. Give it to us a capella and wriggling! You keep nasty songs!
  8. I'm hoping that what he delivers for Interstellar has elements of Science and Religion and the very tightly crafted Inception. I'd also like to see the more "spacey" textures from Man of Steel make a return. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that was him testing out his sci-fi chops for Nolan.
  9. Duttileux is a favorite - and Scelsi is slowly becoming one thanks to these and earlier postings of yours.
  10. Here's something to lull one to a restful, All Hallow's Eve sleep.
  11. http://collider.com/halloween-soundtrack-mondo/ Neat. Don't think I'm nearly enough of a fan to buy that, but I like that more and more scores seem to be getting the vinyl treatment.
  12. I'm pulling for the Mirkwood Elves to sing a piece composed by Shore that really feels as though it were written in Middle-Earth, steeped in all that faint sorrow and melancholy that Tolkien writes about, and which then appears during the credits in an otherworldly a capella choral version. I'm entirely serious. I'd love this.
  13. It was necessary evil. The previous ridiculous line of discussion has been broken! Someone track in Gondor Reborn to double as The Hobbit Film Trilogy Thread Reborn
  14. I love that Schubert... but it will always remind me of Barry Lyndon. It does have a bit of a spookyness about it though, doesn't it?
  15. Guys, I... I think Monteverdi might be dead. I haven't seen him in like almost four centuries.
  16. Maybe Shore is having anxiety attacks related to reading about himself on the JWFAN.com message boards Not a good place to visit for any person who wants to retain his mental health. That perhaps is not the best advertisement but hey there it is. Fixed.
  17. That's one of my favourite books. It's some of his most compelling, atmospheric work.
  18. Hehehe... Fool! If I meant it like that I would have said still there! Ahhh yes... Science and Religion is a fantastic cue, especially that whole sequence. Probably my favorite of anything he's done.
  19. Love the anecdote about messing around on the organ as a child. Been there.... Also touching to hear him reminisce about his time with Tony Scott.
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