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Everything posted by A24

  1. Indy 4 will make it up to Lucas by buying 10 copies.
  2. Jeez ... and Morlock is damn right about Magnolia. However, I think Cruise is also perfect and irreplaceble in Vanilla Sky, which I admit is probably due to perfect casting. These two movies owe a lot to Tom Cruise and his natural dose of 'cockiness' (especially when someone or something knocks it out of him). I simply can't picture these films without him. They would not exist. I can't say the same about WOTW where his efforts are quite insignificant (not something history will remember him for)... almost as insignificant as the movie itself. Southland Tales: Wow, this film could very well mean the end of Richard Kelly's career. Yes, it's willful but it's terrible too! It's very difficult to care for anyone or anything. Even the most fanatical Donnie Darko fan is going to have a hard time of sitting through this movie. Alex
  3. Tell me what I missed? How did it enrich your life? Did it tell you something that you didn't know before? I mean, the movie only managed to annoy me. What I saw was way below Spielberg's standards. Ah well, I guess I wasn't the target audience.
  4. Tell me how it enriched your life? Not only does WOTW feels rushed and methodical, it doesn't even have one good scene or moment. It's one big disappointment from start to finish.
  5. "Huh?" is good. Personally, I was not taken with the New Age look nor the film's love story-ish content. Alex
  6. It didn't suck, but it's certainly not the new A Space Odyssey, like some say.
  7. There's much praise about Children Of Men and Pan's Labyrint. Coincidence or not, but these happen to be two movies that disappointed me the most. Add to that The Fountain, United 93, Flag Of Our Fathers, X-Men 3 and Superman Returns and 2006 seems to be a year of disappointments. Better than expected (I admit, my expectations were low): Casino Royale, Lady In The Water. My personal favorites are The Prestige, Hollywoodland, Little Children. Not yet seen: The Queen, Inland Empire. Alex
  8. George Lucas once said that he started his career as an experimental moviemaker and that he might one day return to his roots. I can't wait for the day!
  9. You mustn't forget that, when you first delved into scores (or any kind of music, or any kind of exploration), it was new to you. You were on a journey of discovery. This is the reason why the experience was so much more intense.
  10. All very good reasons why I will never watch the DC.
  11. Even little kids think the "Nooooooooooooooooooooo" in ROTS is silly (perhaps that's because it is silly) but it's enormously appropriate in this thread. Don't you mean a new Williams action/Mickey Mousing score?
  12. A great film (and great is a word I rarely use)! I've heard that Richard Kelly threw the pop songs in the garbage can in favour of a more conventional style of film music for his Director's Cut of Donnie Darko. If this is true then it's a weird decision because I can't think of an another film where the pop songs work so well. Anyways, I just bought Richard Kelly's Southland Tales on DVD. Many Darko fans seem to hate this film so I'm quite curious about it. Alex
  13. Will the haunted house concept still excite the public? Not a very fresh idea, if you ask me.
  14. That's weird! I never saw Peeping Tom as a horror film. I place it under drama. I probably wouldn't place it in the horror genre, but for someone who is entirely uneducted in the genre, this was pretty damn close and entirely horrifying. But yes, drama would probably be the more apt section. Now watch Michelangelo Antonioni's Blow-Up, if you haven't already. Alex - who places both films in the same category (drama and with voyeurism as a theme)
  15. That's weird! I never saw Peeping Tom as a horror film. I place it under drama.
  16. Bubble Boy: The world is wrong. It IS a funny movie.
  17. Heheh, Superman is going to like this new album of John Williams. In fact, he's going to love it to death!
  18. The title and performer would be etched in the crystal, silly.
  19. Now this is how I want my music to be stored!
  20. Body Of Lies is getting very mixed reviews, which doesn't help its overall score, but James Berardinelli, Roger Ebert and Peter Travers are rather positive about it.
  21. The first notes of the main theme sound awfully familiar. Apparently so. Wow! Thanks, Drax. I was waiting for this to be confirmed.
  22. Someone gave me the high definition DVD of Waterworld: Yes, it's true what people say, it's Mad Max on water. However, Kevin Reynolds' film is without fun and excitement. Waterwold has good sets but that's about it. Various elements of the story/events are just plain silly. Kevin Kostner has the charisma of a wet sock and his opponent Dennis Hopper only seems to be doing his best to earn a place in the top 10 of worst villains. I missed the big climax because I fell asleep.
  23. There we go again! You didn't get that I was talking about the film itself. The film is all about plot and not about art. However, unlike me, you believe that every film is art, so you interpretted my words 'incorrectly'. I find that strange. Why would a couple of 'good' performances and 'good' SFX turn a film into art? Heck, I even asked you the very same question and still you didn't get it. You thought that I saw no merit in the actors, SFX, or what have you. Why else did you disagree with me? Well, well, somehow you like to point that out with every chance you get, don't you? Let's see how good your writing skills are when we're writing in my language, Bryant. To be honest, I find your constant need to correct my English grammar to be very childish. In fact, I've seen you acting like the grammar police towards other people too. I'm sure that my grammar is not the issue here. It's all about interpretation. "All plot and no art" can be read in two different ways. You chose the one that fitted your personal conception of the word 'art'. Please, when I said, "All plot and no art", didn't you reply with "I totally disagree, the film has great acting performances and SFX"? Doesn't that indicate that you forgot to consider that maybe I was referring to the film itself? You're acting like a baby because your ego is hurt. And now your hurt ego is on a crusade against my English grammar and my reading and writing abilities. Sorry for that, Bryant. I'm really doing my best.
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