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Everything posted by A24

  1. Oh guys, when are you going to get it?! He's an actor, not a bodybuilder. The acting is what's going to make him Superman. There's a certain Elephant Man movie where John Merrick, 'The Elephant Man', doesn't wear make-up. He looks normal, and yet through his performance, you believe he's hideously deformed. I'm sure that they tried all kinds of "bodies" before they found Brandon Routh. To them he IS Superman. Maybe they laughed when they saw a big bodybuilder in a Superman suit. What "works" in comics doesn't necessarily works in movies. With comics all you got is the visual and your imagination. Movies may need to rely on other things to for making a character believable.
  2. Wait a minute ... If HPFAN_2 thinks it's stupid then this movie's chances to be any good have just skyrocketed. It might be good after all, boys. Yippiee!
  3. I wouldn't recognize Gia like I would Williams, Goldsmith, Morricone, Herrmann or Barry. Sure, sure, everybody has a unique handwriting, but many look the same. Heck, he isn't called the new Williams for his uniqueness, you know. So far many he's been copying masters or other familiar sounds. And you already think of him as a legend?! I never said it's easy to pull off a Williams. I said Williams voice is so apparent that it can be "easily" distinguished and therefore copied (superficially of course). Let me paraphrase it for you: You got Rap, Jazz, Folk, R&B, Punk, Rock ... and Williams. Producers have said to composers: "Make it sound Williams!". You don't need a magnifying glass to validate his autograph. We're a long way from saying: Make it sound Giacchino!" ---------------- Alex Cremers
  4. Because you are uninformed. It seems I am. Ebert came to the same conclusions as I did.
  5. It's not the Hulk, ya know. Most people will like him more without exaggerated muscles. It's not a Vin Diesel movie.
  6. I don't think you can compare The Edge to Glengarry Glenn Ross. The Edge is an action/triller and not a stage play like Glengarry (which I love). It's action flick with psychological luggage. It's the mixture of these two ingredients that makes The Edge a very good movie (that and the acting). I find the balance between the two just about right. Action = menacing, dialog = interesting. Not many action movies have that biting dialog which enables me to stay awake. Yes, action movies usually make me fall asleep. I had a hard time staying awake during Sky Captain because its weary formula and likewise dialog. And you're just an extremely small minority regarding Bart the Bear's performance. Not menacing, you say? Hahahaha. Saying Bart's acting failed is like saying a cheetah can't run fast! Hmm, wait a minute, now why do I think Ebert is behind your reasoning? ---------------- Alex Cremers
  7. I don't have a favorite instrument. I think they are all amazing.
  8. Williams also invites "Red Face" to play the Main Theme of Star Wars when he conducts his music in London. Williams treats this guy as a god. It is almost as if he believes that Murphy is his mascot, the one that "made" Star Wars. Fact was, the performance I saw of him was embarrassing. I got the impression that Red Face came straight out of the pub before he temporarily joined the LSO again to play Star Wars. He just couldn't blow the high notes anymore. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  9. The Clearing **1/2 Interesting, yet shallow. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  10. I think Williams voice is pretty evident and easy to distinguish. That's why craftsman like Gia are able to copycat it. Gia is known for many things, but having an own original voice isn't yet one of them. I'm sure it's there but it still has to come out. He's still a caterpillar waiting to become a butterfly. How beautiful this butterfly will be remains to be seen. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  11. First of all, Gia would be an uncreative choice. Secondly, Gia does a Williams but ... not as good. Gia would always be labelled as he who merely copies the master. Someone who hasn't got much personality of his own. That's a problem. Spielberg always works with artists that have a strong voice, a strong identity, real forces of nature. Gia is merely cloning one of those forces of nature. He's known to clone Williams and he cloned another for his Pixar assignment. Why would Spielberg or any other legendary director continue his course with a car that looks exactly the same but performs a lot worse? That would be artistic suicide. Sometimes it's better to take a completely other brand, one that can be appreciated for giving totally new insights, experiences and virtues, and more importantly, one that doesn't make you compare. Interesting to hear you think he a non- Williams composer and that Gia and Spielberg will open new doors, tread new grounds and bring fresh air. Very interesting indeed. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  12. I would prefer a composer who can put in a little more depth. I've heard nothing more than gamish music from Gia, who in my ears still needs to mature before taking on serious projects. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  13. That recorder cue in Schindler's List. I think it's the scene were we see the belongings of the Jews all sorted out.
  14. If only Herrmann was still alive. Me and Williams wouldn't object to the likes of him. Honestly, I don't think Williams sees much in the Hans Zimmer, nor should you. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  15. With Lucas nothing ever really ends.
  16. I think it's a very unsympathetic deal, trying to sell old stock to Williams fans like that. I don't see why I should admire them, unless it is for their business insight. Two thumbs down! ---------------- Alex Cremers
  17. "A good movie. Not very good." - Morlock In my book it's very good because David Mamet writes dialog that amuses me a darn lot more than most action flicks. A very good movie in my book because the dialog was spoken by a couple of very good actors (especially Alec Baldwin). A very good movie, because unlike most action flicks it walked a slow pace, refused to stroboscope like an inept MTV clip and the action, for once, did not get the upper hand. Instead, there was a lot of psychological battling, which I miss a lot these days. A very good movie because Bart the Bear was menacing as if he was some bear that came straigth from hell. A good movie because I enjoyed the second view as much as the first one. All qualities that make it stand with head and shoulders above the merely good movies. That doesn't mean it's excellent or that's it's a four star movie. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  18. Well, according to Maraquesh this was the first Star Trek show with a decent tune.
  19. I wish Spielberg would have the balls to make the movie without a score. This would be the perfect opportunity. I would applaud it. ---------------- Alex Cremers
  20. Ah, The Edge. Very good movie. That reminds me I should buy the DVD one of these days.
  21. The Japanese score from the original Ring was a hell of a lot scarier (not orchestral, but a synth and sample guy).
  22. http://www.supermanhomepage.com/images/sup...randon3-tb.html
  23. I never said that. First you misread Ender and now me.
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