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Everything posted by Ren

  1. Well that would explain it. . .IM me if you have time OK? I don't have your new name.
  2. She'll have a bigger part in the next movie.
  3. FROM MUGGLENET The Answer to Hermione and Ron's Relationship For anyone wondering whether or not Ron likes Hermione, you'd best check out the Sorcerer's Stone DVD in particular. I'm not sure if this is accurate for Philosopher's Stone or other variations, but Ron tells Hermione something very personal that answers our questions. At exactly Two hours, seventeen minutes, and twenty-five seconds into the movie (2:17:25), an out-of-bodied Ron lets Hermione know how he feels. Listen closely, and be prewarned that it may be 'disturbing'. From Ren: I can't make it out through the music..... Something something something. . .likes you . . . anyone else hear it? turn your tv way up.
  4. I hope Ricard and Andreas can get the birthday thing up on the index page. . . .I had asked them about it a while ago and they were thinking about installing that feature. So when we log in to the index page, we'll see which member has a b-day that day.
  5. LOL Justin, Morn, do you have a english accent?
  6. true, possibly the movie ruined it for me. . . . .. :wow:
  7. i'm not saying that the track isn't good....it just doesn't grab me the way that Leaving Hogwarts does. . .
  8. are you looking for just the themes or all the notes on the piece of sheet music. . . i was a piano major and may be able to find time to record some pieces for you. . . . . . I NEED to get the CoS music. . . .already have the PS music. .
  9. LOL I don'tknow what it is. . . but it's dreamy! I agree - I almost am thinking that Emma is a better actress (in some places) in CoS than Dan is an actor. . ..
  10. Harry, I missed you!!!!! I wish you'd hang around here more. You are never on AIM. :cry:
  11. I'll have JW played at my dinner. . . that's IF i ever get married.
  12. I absolutely adore Fawkes' theme. when it is heard, it sounds like a gray day slowly turning sunny and warm. I agree that PH is better, the music just seems to be brimming with magic that is sort of stagnant on some tracks of CoS. BUT the score is definitely dark and parallels the movie. I'll never get over how i feel on the PS's leaving Hogwarts track. the CoS one is nill in comparison.
  13. what phones do you have that you can just type in the code????? i found out that i can't do it PERIOD because my computer doesn't have an infrared port built in - you can't buy them. and my phone doesn't accept a data cable.
  14. I have the PC suite and have composed some tones, would be willing to do others for the members and email them to you. . . .BUT have no infrared device in the computer. . .no clue where to get one.
  15. ewwwwwwwww! I bet you guys just watch her for her accent. . . Ren, understands: loves british/scottish/irish/french accents
  16. don't you just love double negatives~
  17. neil, i like your comment bottoms up!
  18. lol I understand about your ex. things may not have worked out between you, but you still cared. i'm sure it hurts, but you deserve better than that. if you cared that much for her and she didn't pour her heart out back, then it wasn't meant to be. you'll soon get over it. . . in the mean time, do nice things for yourself. go buy a new cd. have a guys night out. listen to music that you think is brilliant and 'analyze' it. sure listen to the more sorrowful stuff too, but not right before you go to bed. you don't want make yourself dream about it. . . . . .watch a movie that makes you laugh. watch a movie that totally makes you become entralled in it's story. . . in short: you are entitled to your pain, but realize that you deserve better and that it wasn't meant to be. do nice things for yourself and get out of the house. it'll be ok.
  19. i just found out that you can download pc suite for free, and i have infrared, BUT where do i get an
  20. where do i get PCsuite and how much i have the infrared option on my phone.
  21. lol sometimes i don't get it. . . what's so hard about registering. . . .if i was going to take the time to read posts and post my top 10 fave scores. . .i sure as hell would have signed in!
  22. I love Sex and the City, what a brilliant show. Sorry Neil, neither of us are going. . . . :cry:
  23. I see where you are all coming from. i do agree that there is a difference between favorite and best. BUT like I said before. if you are judging on jw's BEST score, you would need to lay down some criteria on how people discern the best from the favorites. i would never say i could ligitimately pick JW's BEST because obviously everyone is different and even if we had criteria to choose by, we would interpret them in a different way. I'm not saying this isn't a good idea for a poll. But, one undertaking at a time. I also think that some people on this board could hash and hack around the criteria until they are blue in the face and never come up with a final list. It could get dirty because people would back up their opinions on how to judge and then nothing would get done. I can't see this as being a very legit poll. But then again I could be wrong. There is nothing wrong with hashing and hacking criteria because Lord knows, we haven't had a good debate here on MUSIC in forever. I think that for our first major poll, we should stick with member's favorite scores. That way, each person can decide for themselves with the criteria they choose. I also think Joe might need to reiterate that it is favorite SCORES, and to listen to the WHOLE score and not just the themes. just my opinion.
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