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So... Robert Ziegler conducted part of AUJ??


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It's listed on his official website:

http://www.robertziegler.co.uk/ (click Projects, then read the Film Sessions black box)

IMDB backs this up:


It says "uncredited" conductor of both AUJ and Hugo!


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Man sure has no problem finding work recently - Hugo, AUJ, Jupiter Ascending, Inherent Vice, Wolf Totem....

Wait, why didn't Horner conduct Wolf Totem?

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Nothing in AUJ is tracked in from LOTR, every single piece of music is recorded new for AUJ.

EDIT: Other than the EE Hobbiton Party scene, of course.

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I wouldn't waste my time re-recording old music after spending a few months recording and rewriting stuff. Seems pointless. Don't blame Howard.

I think all those pieces were recorded anew, Fal.


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Definitely all recorded new.

I knew that some were recorded new, for example the music from Journey in the dark used for the Mountain riddle is obviously re-recorded (the wind instrument sounds different)

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Yeah, as mentioned here, I believe he recorded all the rehashed LOTR bits. I bet he also conducted the Thorin vs Azog theme at the end.

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Nothing in AUJ is tracked in from LOTR, every single piece of music is recorded new for AUJ.

EDIT: Other than the EE Hobbiton Party scene, of course.

And the EE Market Scene.

That's the scene I was talking about

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Ah Ziegler, the Conrad Pope before there was Conrad Pope in the equation. He is sort of a proto-Pope if you will. Or an embryonic version of what Pope did in DoS and BOTFA.

Hmmm could well be Ziegler handled all the later re-scoring circus conducting. As it was a second-guessing, 2 films into 3 films editing mess of a post production.

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Choir and soloist sessions were always separate from the orchestral recording session with LotR and Hobbit if I remember correctly.

I assume Terry Edwards or someone else associated with the London Voices conducted them.

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Yes, the pictures I find of the choral sessions feature Edwards as the conductor.

That said, Ziegler is listen as the conductor of the orchestral session(s?) for The Last Goodbye in Battle of the Five Armies' booklet.

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Yes, the pictures I find of the choral sessions feature Edwards as the conductor.

That said, Ziegler is listen as the conductor of the orchestral session(s?) for The Last Goodbye in Battle of the Five Armies' booklet.

Since the sessions for the song had nothing to do with the score I assume they hired Ziegler from past experience to conduct the song orchestral sessions.

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