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Posts posted by JWfangirl1992

  1. Courtesy of Sirius XM's station classical music station "Sirius Pops" I've formed a minor recent obsession with Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and I would love to see it performed live. However, I am finding it very hard to Google which orchestra may be performing it in their next upcoming season. Does anyone happen to know any orchestras performing it live on the East Coast of US any time soon?

    I know this is a bit of an out there question but I figured since Google isn't helping me on my quest you guys might.

  2. I'm a little on the slow side in catching up with all of these threads but I am going to assume someone from the Boston concerts already posted his Star Wars 7 is coming up and therefore I will be watching my diet quote?

    I am guessing based off of this its still not official but still more than likely. I wonder why it is not made official yet?

  3. Wow tonight was absolutely incredible! Lincoln and Hook were definitely two of my favorite pieces of the night. Being able to meet him for a brief second was amazing as well, he looked amazing for his age and the way he conducts with such vigor is so impressive.

    Meeting everyone was so great as well, I took so many photos but I won't be able to get around to them til at least tomorrow so ill have some up as soon as I can!

  4. Wow Stefan you had some awesome seats!

    This program looks fantastic! I am very excited that this concert is only featuring Williams, the past four I've been to in New York was a split program so it was your traditional, Star Wars, Jaws, Schindler's, etc (and to my delight last concert, Sabrina).

    Photos from dinner look great as well, bummed I won't be there tonight for dinner but I will be the young girl in a black dress with a silver buckle in the middle at Row E table 103. If any of you see me please come up and introduce yourselves I would love to meet some of you. I've been on and off of this board for nearly 8 years and every time I do come on I see a lot of the regulars so I would definitely be delighted meeting all of you in person (my real name is Meghan btw :) )

  5. Hey everyone, sorry I've been busy lately and haven't been on here in a while. I will be attending Saturday but unfortunately will not be for dinner, I have no idea what time I will be getting up into Boston.

    Where are we all scouting after the concert to see if we can get autographs? Alas, I will probably be in insane high heeled shoes so no limo running for me this year.

    I am going with my mother and she actually called the BSO and they said to call back on Saturday and ask for some guy (my mother has his name) and he will let us know if he plans on doing any meet or greet before hand. So I will call first thing Saturday morning and if he does plan on doing something I will definitely let you guys know on here.

  6. I have a three hour film score playlist for when I go running. It goes from fast paced/actiony tracks like "Battle of the Heroes" and "Requiem for a Dream" to calmer more dramatic pieces such as "The Chairman's Waltz."

    I definitely recommend the theme to Requiem for a Dream, I save it for the last stretch of my run for when I really want to push it and just picture the world blowing up behind me haha.

  7. Since so many of us are going again we should really contact the BSO ahead of time this year to make it onto a guest list for Saturday night to ensure that we get a group photo with the Maestro after the concert.

    Holy shit, we can do that? Yes, yes!!

    I'm already doing back flips over the fact that I have such awesome seats. If this is possible I am in! Maybe if we bother them enough they'll concede just so we leave them alone haha.

    If not I will look forward to meeting you all anyway! =)

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