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Dixon Hill

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Everything posted by Dixon Hill

  1. I'm so glad that exists, rather than one for, say, that shit that is A.I.
  2. Yeah, being non-film composers shouldn't immediately turn people off or discredit what they've done. However, Her is far superior to the tinkering and tinkling of The Social Network.
  3. Or at the very least speed up or slow down to compensate and allow some room. Sometimes I feel people are intentionally matching my merging speed and staying parallel in order to get into an accident. Gaper delays make me question human existence. I once got stuck in traffic for 2 hours on a major highway due to an accident on the other side of the road. That's the kind of thing that makes you consider arming your car with missiles.
  4. People who overuse words they've obviously just learned.
  5. Well if we're going to talk about bathrooms, then what the hell is the deal with stalls? Are we barbarians? It's definitely a mild form of torture. We might as well just crap in a sandbox together. Every time I go anywhere that has individual little rooms, I make a note of it. Pure class.
  6. Raw onions or cooked? Important question. I love a good, crisp raw onion, but when they're cooked and get that nasty texture... no thanks. Much prefer scallions or leeks. And a ton of garlic.
  7. I don't find it all that patriotic. On the surface, maybe because of the solo trumpet and snare drums. But it strikes me as more heroic or adventurous than patriotic.
  8. And it features the definitive appearances of the "high strings with soft rumbling piano/brass chord underneath."
  9. You'll note I said "glaring," as in, none of these frustrate me nearly as much as another appearance of the danger motif would.
  10. Apollo 13 is my favorite Horner I think. It's the most straight-through listenable, tightly written, with little to no glaring Hornerisms, and chock full of nostalgia for me.
  11. A jar of peanut butter with one sleeve of Ritz crackers is also a great student meal, sure to make you undernourished and generally annoyed.
  12. I especially like the second. Everything about it, particularly the music of course, is so right.
  13. Pale Blue Dot by Zen PencilsBoth wonderful.
  14. Wondering why it took me two hours to come up with four decent bars of music.
  15. And thus your subsequent post in the toilet visit thread is explained.
  16. You WILL be taught to listen! No. Only after extensive interviews and psych evaluations. I'm tickled to see micropolyphony and now spectral music mentioned in relation to Middle-Earth. Glad I'm not the only one.
  17. He has reasonable success with his concert music though.
  18. Check yourself, retroactively, as you've already wrecked yourself.
  19. Frankly, Giacchino's Into Darkness and Zimmer's MOS should have been nominated if these all were.
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