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BLUMENKOHL last won the day on June 8 2019

BLUMENKOHL had the most liked content!

1 Follower


  • Birthday 22/03/1980


  • Title (custom text underneath your username)
    John Williams's Shrink
  • Location
    Ergonomic Shrink Chair

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  1. I remember you. You're a retired JWFan cop.
  2. Just shave the glorified pubic hair and go Jeff Bezos dude.
  3. Dating apps sound terrible. Just talk to real women in real life. Be yourself and don’t be a creep. You’ll get rejected a lot, but scars make you sexy. This is how we did it back in the olden days, when he had to walk uphill both ways to ask a girl out on a date.
  4. Theme from Hook. Followed by Across the Stars. It’s what Joe would have wanted.
  5. The rhythmic construct is similar. The melody is of the same family, but it’s different. We need one of them musical analysts to tell us what’s happening here. Where is @Dixon Hill when you need him? It ain’t the same ting, but it be.
  6. Somewhere out there Joe is smiling. He got all the old-timer JWFans back here to discuss how the Germanic peoples refer to cruciferous vegetables.
  7. This is disrespectful Jay. A pillar of the community has dropped dead. Let's focus on what's important. At this rate you'll want to honor the man by blasting Theme from Hook at the funeral.
  8. Beautifully put, last line of your post gave me the goosebumps! You're right. Once the music shifts from the woe-is-me Shinzon theme to the more soaring romantic bridge, that's Goldsmith's Picard theme. The segment (without the woe-is-me Shinzon theme breaking it up) would be right at home in Chateau Picard, with Picard tasting his grapes by day then looking up at the stars by night and dreaming like the explorer that he is! It's a fitting, delicate, lush theme for Picard who is the latest (and hopefully not the last) in a long line of heroic, learned, and civilized men dreamed up during a civilization's golden age (post-Soviet but pre-9/11 USA in this case). Contrast with the post-golden age flawed gloomy heroes and their simplistic, brutish themes *cough* Batman *cough*!
  9. So, if you listen to "Battle of Syracuse" from the new Indy Movie and then listen to "Attack Pattern" you'll find something very similar.
  10. That is certainly an energetic title sequence! Great performance.
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