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Everything posted by leeallen01

  1. In the Phantom Menace there was a deleted scene of Maul looking at a burnt boot of a trooper and asking for guidance
  2. Not one young actor working today has the screen presence of Ford anyway, so what different does it make? Someone who can act well is not enough. No one will see Solo in them at all. We'll all just see another actor trying to be Ford and it'll be embarrassing and awkward. I can imagine just sitting there cringing at some bright-eyed youngster overacting by trying to be cocky etc. It just feels like a disaster waiting to happen. At least Ingruber is proven on film that he can nail Ford's look, style and class instantly in a very short scene. I'm not saying he could convince us performance wise over an entire film, but as I said, Ridley carried an entire film, so his inexperience doesn't matter.
  3. The tread on the stormtroopers boots was different than in all other 6 films as well. I checked and there were 12 distinct changes of direction in the tread pattern in the original trilogy, but in TFA there were only 11. Totally took me out of the film. I just hope they correct the mistake in Ep8.
  4. Anthony Ingruber is the only logical choice. I see no other working. An actor that gives a good performance isn't enough, as Ford is so engrained in our minds that we will be unable to see Solo in someone doing just a good performance. We need someone who both looks and sounds like him, as well as a good performance. Also anyone that is famous is automatically prejudged, and he is unknown and proven to work already with Age of Adaline. The only argument I hear against him is his lack of experience, yet Daisy Ridley carried what is a much bigger film than a Han Solo spin-off, and she had zero films to her name and barely a few guest spots on tiny tv shows. And she absolutely nailed it.
  5. I said a while ago that I think R2 didn't wake the first time because Rey wasn't there, but at the end she was. I thought R2 was instructed by Luke to only give the map when Rey was revealed, thus forcing her to find him.
  6. It sounds to me that 0:29 - 0:39 in 'Rey Meets BB-8' is reprised at 0:08 - 0:22 in 'Follow Me.' First one is innocent, second is more emotional. But both scenes involve BB-8. Could be his little theme?
  7. Good point. Makes sense yeah as a 'Things to come' motif. Perhaps it appears in variations at other moments in the score when similar scenes of discovery occur.
  8. You should have known the newbies were plotting to take over! From my point of view the veterans are evil!
  9. Williams doesn't need the oscars. The oscars need Williams.
  10. Pretty tired of hearing people complain about her lightsaber skills. Anyone with a stick playing Star Wars in their garden as a kid, knows it's not hard to make it look good. And it was completely and obviously established that she is very good with a staff.
  11. The LOTR CR proved that people will buy complete scores to the point that it's sold out everywhere. I still haven't got my Two Towers CR! Which annoys the hell out of me. People WILL buy 7, soon to be 8 and 9 Complete Recordings of Star Wars. Make them damn you!
  12. Watching Harrison Ford breaking down with laughter is a special thing to see.
  13. Basically all of JNH's Nanny McPhee score. It's such a gem of a Score. 'Pursuit of the Piglets' is classic JNH fantasy charm. And this little march is such innocent fun.
  14. Arnold does a kick ass tribute to Williams in the finale. I mean come on Hollywoodland! He wrote this for a comedy film about a stoner alien named Paul. Arnold is so underutilised that it hurts my mind palace. Someone needs to get him back into big fantasy and sci-fi films asap.
  15. I think the only CGI character I've seen that interacted with real actors perfectly, and that I didn't care one bit about being CGI, was Paul the alien. Flawless design, flawless effects, flawless integration into the real world, and the comedic writing combined with Seth Rogen giving him a personality, I was totally convinced.
  16. She voluntarily opened the door of a T-Rex enclosure and lit a flair to say, "bring it big boy!" I'm sorry Joss, but Bryce could have worn a bikini with her high heels, and be slapped on the ass by a male pig, whilst cleaning and preparing the dinner for her man who just had a rough day at work getting money for her shopping habits in the 1950's, and she still would have come off as a badass in Jurassic World.
  17. Huge fan of Whedon and Buffy, but I didn't realise that there was a formula that movies had to stick to or they're terrible... so I guess he doesn't like the ending of The Two Towers then? What about his own Age of Ultron that itself is saying "come back next week to see the next instalment." I love Joss. Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Avengers, Much Ado About Nothing, Toy Story. I hugely enjoy about 90% of his stuff, but even the best of them can be hypocrites. He is one of the biggest supporters of strong female characters that aren't just there for love interests and to be saved. Then he goes and makes Black Widow into a love interest for Banner who needs to be saved by him. And his other strong female character (Elizabeth Olsen) goes and runs away from the fight and needs a pep talk from a man (Hawk eye) in order to gain courage.
  18. Forgive me, but I've never needed more than a couple of listens to grasp a full Zimmer score. That doesn't change how I'm still a fan of his stuff.
  19. When Abraham Lincoln was a child, he heard of an ancient prophecy that foretold of a great man who would one day rise up and change the world. Carvings were found in caves that depicted that great man with a beard. He grew up believing it was him. But the chosen one, he was not.
  20. Trust Williams to come back into the world-changing blockbuster frame that he basically started, with Jaws, E.T, Star Wars and Indy, and show every one that he still owns it.
  21. Of course, just letting you know in case no one responds as they've discussed it all before. I believe he is Plagueis, and would love it to happen, but I'm not optimistic as it wont probably. Definitely. With musical storytelling, there's no one better. I'm sure we'll be finding connections musically with scenes and characters for years to come.
  22. I'm a fan of Zimmer, but Williams creates music that can be studied for decades and still surprise you. Zimmer is pretty much more of a surface composer. His musical depth is like a swimming pool, whereas Williams is like the Mariana Trench.
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