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Everything posted by BB-8

  1. If this is confirmed then that may explain the lower price as opposed to the DG Shop offering which just states "2 CD + Bluray". But I somehow have the feeling that some random song-list creating undergrad at jpc has messed up.
  2. The Deluxe Edition is currently rather cheap at jpc: https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/john-williams-in-tokyo/hnum/11826703
  3. Just thinking that Terminal would be a nice one for Berlin with Wenzel Fuchs.
  4. May we utter a new hope for getting TROS this time he's in town? Yeah, and molto religioso, now that you have said God twice.
  5. Take a close look and you will see missing rows and blocks which are probably those seats that will go on sale 23 Feb 2025. Odd though that subscription M is already "booked out". Perhaps the system is clogged up by old, rich and/or lazy Friday-night concert goers who "forgot" to cancel their previous subscription in time?
  6. A heads up that Thu and Fri are part of subscriptions F & M that have already gone on sale! Subscriptions with the Berliner Philharmoniker (berliner-philharmoniker.de)
  7. Looks like the Deluxe Edition is already sold out? https://store.deutschegrammophon.com/p51-i0602465150292/john-williams-stephane-deneve-saito-kinen-orchestra/john-williams-in-tokyo/index.html
  8. Or: We are grateful to Hans Zimmer for stepping in at short notice. Congratulations on his BPO debut!
  9. BfG suite, Rey's Theme, Astroid Field, Forest Battle.
  10. Plus To the Oscars, Helena's Theme, and TROS grand suite. Would make sense from a record selling point of view to add further material.
  11. Just thinking, how is the uniqueness of "The Berlin Concert" being felt about at this point?
  12. The excitement...mixed with the pain of the cancellation and ticketing trauma.
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