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Where are the other women?


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There were like 3 or 4 new registeree's and none come here as much as they did in the first week that they registered.

What gives? am I the only sicko woman that can put up with you guys??? :thumbup:

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I don't know. I know that one is just very busy (Cathy S, I forget her handle.. Aayla Secura or something), but I keep in contact with her regularly :thumbup:

I'd like to know what happened to mlletsycho myself... :cry:

Whatever happened to that British girl, Sarahsky UK or something...

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I just heard back from mlletsycho. I'll see what's going on with her. Aayla_Secura is just, like me, ultra busy :P

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:thumbup: Hi Ren, Neil and Ray!

I still poke my head in from time to time, but don't have much time to post right now. I'm still planning on attending the Chicago concerts in November and will probably have a more visible presence then.


p.s. Good job on the April Fool's pranks! LOL

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I post infrequently. I guess I feel left out (what with all of the testosterone that flies around on here). I'll try to do so more often and would appreciate if the other females would do so as well. What do you say, Sisters??

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I still poke my head in from time to time, but don't have much time to post right now. I'm still planning on attending the Chicago concerts in November and will probably have a more visible presence then.  

Hi Mari! I am really hoping to attend the Chicago concert. I'm not sure about it because it will be my first year of college, but I'll still be pretty dependent on family. So I may have some convincing to do! In any case, nice to talk to you again. :thumbup:

Ray Barnsbury

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Hi Mari!

I'm going to try and go to the Chicago concert as well. My cousin lives out there, and keeps bugging me to visit him. :)


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:) I'm still here. I just auditioned for West Chester Universtiy on Tuesday. I'd been kind of busy preparing for that. Life's just been slightly hectic for me lately, but it has turned around in the past few weeks. I don't mean it has gotten less hectic, but things are finally starting to fall into place and this music thing seems like it's finally going somewhere. Anyway, I've just been a little busy that's all (make that a lot busy though). But I still stop by once in a while (more often than you think), and I love to read your always interesting conversations. I'll probably soon be here more often, but thanks for asking about me Ren!


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Still not convinced that you are a women, ren.

Still not convinced all the other folks here are really guys.

Stefancos-  8O

Ahh but therein lies the hidden joy of the internet Stefan my good man!

You can formulate a vision of anyone here as anything. Hell, Morn could be a Playboy centerfold for all we know! :mrgreen:

He could also he a hideous recluse who is uglier than his avatar. :)

Neither one of those is probably anywhere near the truth but it really makes ya wonder.

-Rogue Leader who has often wondered about several members of this board in real life. Ricard especially.

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like i stated in another thread.

people think i'm crazy and that this isn't a real world and i'm stupid for talking to you because you could all be mass murderers.

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like i stated in another thread.

people think i'm crazy and that this isn't a real world and i'm stupid for talking to you because you could all be mass murderers.

You've got nothing to worry about in that regard Ren! 8O

I'm still too young to be a mass murderer. Gotta give me another decade or so to build up a good sized body count. Then ....... BE AFRAID! :mrgreen:

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-Rogue Leader who has often wondered about several members of this board in real life..

I've been trapped here for the last 4 years...help me!

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