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43 extra min of footage in TTT


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Why nobody critisizes PJ for tinkering with his movies like they do with another (un)famous director?

The only difference is that he does it the year later, and what? It is still tinkering with the first (very praised and awarded) version...

Luke, who likes those trilogies are being expanded

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The first version was just a very shortened version made from mostly the same cut as the expanded versions. They left out a lot that was in the books, sometimes even stuff that's rather important for the movies. So I wouldn't compare it to Lucas, even though I agree that people complain too much about the basic idea of "updating" a movie. It's something that's been done for centuries. Bruckner revised most of his symphonies several times, Tolkien revised The Hobbit at least three times and I think LOTR once too, plus kept revising his mythology all his life (up to a point where both novels actually would need another revision). I do also agree though that many of Lucas' changes are for the worse, and that the original versions should be released as well as the new ones.

Those 43 minutes are cool of course. What's also great is that Minas Morgul will be in ROTK....after seeing that they left it out of Faramir's map, I was afraid that it might not show up in ROTK. Or perhaps it'll only show up in the extended cut, and for the theatrical version of TTT they digitally removed the entry on the map? ;)

Marian - who likes the picture of Theoden in the Pellenor (sp?) battle.

:) Triology plays Morricone

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Wrong Luke.

Jackson does not surpress the original cinema release, which is the first one that will be released on DVD.

With LOTR you have an option, which makes a pretty big difference, IMO.

Stefancos- who still gets annoyed when people say The Two Towers is the sequel to Lord Of The Rings.

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George Lucas has been offering the old version for 20 years. People wanting it in DVD...well why? Isnt digital THAT bad?

There are many deleted scenes (already filmed) in the old trilogy that could be inserted, and that will be the same as the thing with LOTR.

OF course i would like PJ to change FOTR's Gollum to the TTT one since they are not barely alike. (well yes he is still a green little man but...)

PS:hey, how did you knew i was speaking of Star Wars? :)

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George Lucas has been offering the old version for 20 years. People wanting it in DVD...well why? Isnt digital THAT bad?

I'm sorry, you are beginning to sound like Morn now.

Digital technology as in the existance of the DVD format is a very good thing, and it's makes sense that people would want a series of films that they love in that format.

And I mean in it's original form, without added scenes and effects.

There are many deleted scenes (already filmed) in the old trilogy that could be inserted, and that will be the same as the thing with LOTR.

Wrong, the deleted scenes in the SE's of the SW Trilogy ad very little to what was already there (which might be a reason why they were deleted in the first place)

The extended DVD of TTT will not contain deleted scenes, but a new cut of the film, not filled with material that was put on a shelve for 20 years, but material that was shot with the extended DVD in mind.

And, in the case of TTT, both versions will be available.

OF course i would like PJ to change FOTR's Gollum to the TTT one since they are not barely alike. (well yes he is still a green little man but...)

Gollum in FOTR is barely seen at all, i see no need to make any change on him.

And he is not green, in either film. ;)

PS:hey, how did you knew i was speaking of Star Wars? :)

What else COULD you be speaking of?

Stefancos- ;)

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Well, in the case of - to add or not to add.. . .I definitely think that PJ is only going to add "top of the line" stuff. At least it seemed that way from the extended version of FOTR. I mean, everything he added was great: well shot, well acted, well scored, just a great addition. I'm sure that they shot a great movie first then cut out - I'd hate to have PJ's job. I wouldn't want the task of trying to decide what stays and what's flushed.

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I am way excited for the ROTK pictures.  I was waiting and waiting for some new footage to leak out.

You have no idea how hard it is for me right now not to make a dirty joke. :)

Neil - Must..........fight.........the............temptation.......!

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Jackson has stated many times that the prefered version of FotR was released in cinemas, and that the SEDE is just an extended cut, mainly for the fans of the books and of the movies.

As for TTT, I can't wait to see all the extra stuff I've been reading about. There will be more Ents. Yay! Fingers crossed for Ents at Helm's Deep. :|

My only fear for RotK is that the battles may be overdone and might go on for a while, just to be cool and exciting, and it may weaken the storyline. But I have faith in PJ and his crew.

- Marc, who wonders wether there will be "a life after The Lord of the Rings" for Peter Jackson.

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Jackson has stated many times that the prefered version of FotR was released in cinemas

Wrong. He has said that he prefers neither version, that the theatrical cuts are the optimal cuts for sitting in a theatre and that it's nice to have some more stuff in the home version.

Of course, *I* do believe the extended cut to be far better. :|

As for TTT, I can't wait to see all the extra stuff I've been reading about. There will be more Ents. Yay! Fingers crossed for Ents at Helm's Deep. :)

No Ents at Helm's Deep. But Huorns, hopefully. :) I think in TTT there's even more chance for improvement than there was in FOTR, with TTT being so focused on the battle and everything, they dropped a lot from the theatrical cut methinks.

My only fear for RotK is that the battles may be overdone and might go on for a while, just to be cool and exciting, and it may weaken the storyline. But I have faith in PJ and his crew.

Two big battles, one near the beginning and one near the end....with lots of great drama in the middle....nah, I don't see a problem. And they even have the crossroad scene. :)

Marc, who wonders wether there will be "a life after The Lord of the Rings" for Peter Jackson.

Marian - anticipating King Kong, with music by Shore.

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- Marc, who wonders wether there will be "a life after The Lord of the Rings" for Peter Jackson.

I think he's working so hard in these three movies precisely to never need a life after LOTR. He'll make more movies as a hobby, granted, but he won't need to. He won't even bother to try to be remebered as something else than "the director of the LOTR trilogy". That's my guess.

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i agree and it's so insane, here the rest of the world has to work to make a living and PJ makes three movies and doesn't ever have to work again. . .that's ok. At least he gave us LOTR.....*sigh*

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i agree and it's so insane, here the rest of the world has to work to make a living and PJ makes three movies and doesn't ever have to work again. . .

Oh sure, because making three gigantic epic films in a row is a day at the beach. :roll:

Neil - who thinks Mr. Jackson probably aged an extra 10 years working on this project

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Wrong Luke.

Jackson does not surpress the original cinema release, which is the first one that will be released on DVD.

With LOTR you have an option, which makes a pretty big difference, IMO.

Not quite so, Steef.

1. Jackson doesn't own the LotR films, the studio does, so it's their decision to release both versions of the film.

2. This release strategy is a marketing decision, selling the same film twice, with the incentive of the added footage for the second release, much like what's going to happen when they release the ultimate end-all be-all full saga collection once RotK is out. I do recall some people complaining when the same thing was done for the Phantom Menace's soundtrack and later the 2-disc set, stating that it was a dirty way of making the fans pay twice. There's no difference whatsoever.

3. IMO, Lucas's decision to "retire" the original cut of Star Wars is also a marketing ploy; I wouldn't be surprised if it's released in another "absolutely ultimate and complete collector's archival definitive edition with four different collector's covers" down the line (once we buy all the other editions yet again, of course).

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1. Jackson doesn't own the LotR films, the studio does, so it's their decision to release both versions of the film.

Yes, and it's also their descision to spend money on it to be done well. (having Shore compose new music to make the new cut seamless, instead of just cutting and pasting.)

2. This release strategy is a marketing decision, selling the same film twice, with the incentive of the added footage for the second release, much like what's going to happen when they release the ultimate end-all be-all full saga collection once RotK is out.  I do recall some people complaining when the same thing was done for the Phantom Menace's soundtrack and later the 2-disc set, stating that it was a dirty way of making the fans pay twice.  There's no difference whatsoever.

The difference is, with the LOTR films we are aware of that fact in advance, we know that their is gonna be a extended DVD release several months after the regular release, so we have a choice.

Do we wanna buy the first release, or hold out for the longer version, or get both...AND the ultra long version next year or so.

Offcourse these DVD's are released to make money, most things are.

But i must say that the marketing of LOTR has been very honest in the way they handle this.

I personally hate it when studio's first release a DVD with little or zero extra's and then suddenly re-release a super deluxe DVD set with loads of bonus materials a year later.

Also, if you compare the LOTR DVD's to the Star Wars TMP CD releases you will so that New Line went out of their way to produce 2 very high quality releases, the first one containing everything a casual fan of the film would like, and the second with enough extra's to make the LOTR fanboy droiol.

Sony Classical first released a somewhat acceptable 70+ minute release with the usual cut and paste job we can expext of an OST produced by this composer.

And then they released a disgrace of a CD set containing basically an isolated score track with loops and edits that would annoy anyone who is not tonedeaf, no insight into the composition process of the score or any other interesting info what so ever, and advertised with the words Here at last is every note of the original music that John Williams composed for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

Which is an utter lie.

decision to "retire" the original cut of Star Wars is also a marketing ploy; I wouldn't be surprised if it's released in another "absolutely ultimate and complete collector's archival definitive edition with four different collector's covers" down the line (once we buy all the other editions yet again, of course).

It's possible, and I will probably end up buying it.

But the way Lucasfilm has gone about releasing and re-releasing and re-releasing thse films again rather pisses me off.

Lucas has said that he retired the films because he considers them inferiour to the SE's.

Soon the SE's will be considered inferiour by the even newer SE's that he will be filming.

In the end he might release them all because he says that there is a great demand for it, and he wants to please the fans.......

Right. :|

With New Line's LOTR he feeling that i'm offered a choice.

With Star Wars i feel like i'm being conned.

That's a big difference.

Stefancos- who took his copy of the TPM EU to type over the words on the back cover, and will now out it back to continue collecting dust.

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I agree with Stefan, New Line is giving us a choice. I'm going to hold out.

And Neil. I was being sarcastic.

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[Peter Jackson] has said that he prefers neither version, that the theatrical cuts are the optimal cuts for sitting in a theatre and that it's nice to have some more stuff in the home version.

Hm. I wasn't aware. I know he said on the preview that was on the original DVD that the SE wasn't so much a Director's Cut. ("I'm not very fond of the term 'Director's Cut', because that sort of implied that the preferred version wasn't the one that was released in the cinemas, and in this case it certainly was.")

Well, anyway, I'll be watching three SE's in a row with my friends somewhere around Christmas 2004 anyways. :|

No Ents at Helm's Deep. But Huorns, hopefully. :) I think in TTT there's even more chance for improvement than there was in FOTR, with TTT being so focused on the battle and everything, they dropped a lot from the theatrical cut methinks.

Right, Huorns. I couldn't remember what it was. I agree with you on the improvement, and that TTT focused a lot on the battle. That's why I said I was fearing too much focus on the battles. But then, I know it's going to be cool anyway, and I'll always have the SE, so to me it wouldn't be something that would break the film.

- Marc, :)

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Yes, and it's also their descision to spend money on it to be done well. (having Shore compose new music to make the new cut seamless, instead of just cutting and pasting.)  

Have you read the liner nots in the OST? There says that Shore composed 4 hours of music for FORT or TTT (cant remember which), scored 3, and the movie did not used everything. So they are not spending money in the SE for that, they spent it prior the release of the movie.

Anyway...do you want Williams being hired to rescore the old trilogy?

Stefan you saved yourself in being quoted in my signature for the Morn comment. :| (anyway i did put it becasue javiong the one i have plus the new would seem i have something against Morn, which i do not, and i do not share the hate towards him. He can be annoying, but sometimes he makes good points.

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Have you read the liner nots in the OST? There says that Shore composed 4 hours of music for FORT or TTT (cant remember which), scored 3, and the movie did not used everything. So they are not spending money in the SE for that, they spent it prior the release of the movie.

I know, but they definatly spend money on it, while they could save money by cutting and pasting it.

Lucas spend money to hire Williams to rescore the finale of ROTJ, could he not have spend a little more money for Williams to write new music for some of the other changes in the SE's?

I mean, if you are gonna do something, why do do the best possible job?

Anyway...do you want Williams being hired to rescore the old trilogy?

I do not wan't anyone to rescore the original trilogy, but if it's gonna be done, they might as well let Williams do it.

Stefan you saved yourself in being quoted in my signature for the Morn comment.  :)

Oh dear...the horror...

(anyway i did put it becasue javiong the one i have plus the new would seem i have something against Morn, which i do not, and i do not share the hate towards him. He can be annoying, but sometimes he makes good points.

I don't hate him, i have really nothing against him.

Sometimes he has good points, but even I make sense SOME times.

Stefancos- who's Nemesis R1 DVD has just arrived. :|

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thanks stefan i love you (and your cat)

I think I'll go and buy the score to that movie. I'm not one for goggling over star trek stuff but I definitely thought the movie was "not too shabby" and the score. . well I kept saying, jeez, the music is really great here. my attention kept going to it!

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i'll email him.

don't you just love my new sig! LOL

i wanted to make him big enough so it would be obvious who he was.

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The new photo reminds of ALIEN, Ren. :|

Glad to find someone else that liked Nemesis (the film and the score). So far that makes it Ren, Steef, Justin and me. Did I miss anyone? Oh yeah, I think Stuart Baird and Jerry Goldsmith like it.

Neil - who has the CD and SACD of Nemesis

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I thought Stefan's cat was..well.. a cat, not a black panther...

Anyway, looking closely, it seems Ren has decapitated the poor kitty :(

I hope Lucas lest Williams fix all the edit on the Sw saga- as long as he releases the original old trilogy.

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i didnt' decapitate it!!!!! i just cut and pasted it. The best I could do on short notice.

yeah neil i did like nemesis and the score. i'm glad i have the movie and will be buying the score this summer. loved the melodies.

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Stefancos- hoping to get the 2 CD Nemesis bootleg soon.

Does such a bootleg actually exist, or are you just being optimistic?

I really enjoyed the score to Nemesis, as well as the expanded bootlegs of First Contact and Insurrection, they were real gems to find. Now I just gotta find Treks I and V boots, and ID4.

And Indysolo, I did enjoy Nemesis the film, but that still can't stop me from feeling bittersweet about it. It was good, but there were so many things about it that could've been better, and plotholes that needed to be filled in better. I guess it's forgiveable that neither Dr. Noonien nor Juliana Soong ever mentioned the creation of B4, something that even Lore probably was never introduced to; it's not like every rough draft of something needs mentioned in the final work. But still, building such a complex android takes a lot of time and would be darned expensive...

The dune buggy sequence wasn't too shabby, and to people who say it violates the Prime Directive: it's either shoot back and save yourself, or leave your extraterrestrial bodies, Starfleet vehicles, and a positronic android on a primitive planet to be misused; it's your choice.

But most of my problems just stem from dialogue; those actors and characters spent seven years together on TV, but it seems that whoever's writing the scripts is forgetting a lot of the finer details and nuances of the characters. They're not as real on the silver screen as on the TV, and many are severlely underused in Nemesis, like Dr. Crusher and Worf.

I mean for as long as they served together on the Enterprise-D and -E, Geordi and Data were best friends. When Geordi and Ro Laren "died" in "The Next Phase," Data sure had a lot to say about the passing of his best friend to Worf in the shuttlecraft. But did Data get a decent goodbye speech, or even a hug or handshake? Nope. I only saw Nemesis once, so I don't remember it down to the specifics, but the only memorable speech at Data's wake was by Riker, about meeting "Pinocchio" on the holodeck in "Encounter at Farpoint." It's awfully strange for a close friend and comrade to die in the line of duty, and Worf to have said nothing about Data going to Sto Vo Kor.

To me, he's not dead so long as we remember him and just know that he'll be back in form of B4. Heck, the fact that B4 has all of Data's memories, that means he should, in theory, be able to construct Data a new body, a la Lal, and transfer Data's memories back to that body, and co-exist, or at least let Data take over B4, or just have a hybrid character in the inevitable Star Trek XI.

Other than that, Nemesis wasn't that bad.

Gee, I talk too much; maybe it's time for my swan song, too.

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i didnt' decapitate it!!!!! i just cut and pasted it.  

What's the difference? Unless of course you used anaesthesics....

The best I could do on short notice.

Yes? Ask Bilbo if te noticed :P

j/k :(

Luke, a spoiled man now ;)

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So far that makes it Ren, Steef, Justin and me.  Did I miss anyone?


Marian - who liked the movie a lot, as well as the score in the movie, but does think the CD isn't that good, mostly because it's missing the best cues, and hopes that Stefan will let him know as soon as he gets his hands on more of the score.

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Glad to see you came around to the score Marian. :P

Justin -Who loves pretty much all aspects of Nemesis, and thinks it should have had a full Main Title sequence. :(

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i'm sure there are some people that are reading this thread that are have been spoiled.


you mean some of that great music isn't in the score (sort of surprised, sort of not)

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Yes. For example, that wonderful rendition of The Enterprise is totally absent from the CD.

Marian - who should simply go listen to the LSO performance of the end credits now... :|

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holy spoiler city for those who HAVEN"T seen the movie. for shame!

No shame at all. The movie was in theatres in December, and hit video and DVD about a week ago or so. You can't call talking about a movie a "spoiler" if it's out on video or was in theatres a long time ago. Now, if I start talking about the ending of X2, well, that'd be a spoiler. Heck, even mentioning what happens at the end of The Return of the King (hey, guess what? THE KING RETURNS!! moo haa haa!) might be considered a spoiler, but since the book has been out for decades, it should be fair game, too; buy the Cliff's Notes at least, before seeing the film. But talking about Data "dying" is the same as saying Darth Vader is Luke's father; it's on video, and all bets are off. You wanna be surprised, go out and rent the movie before you accidentally read something that scars you for life. Someone been violated by reading my critique of Nemesis? I'm sorry, but that's too bad. You saw it already, Ren, you have no reason to complain.

I don't mean to sound vicious, but I'm sick of people so paranoid about spoilers. I love them. The night before I saw Episode I, I stayed up all night reading spoilers, so I knew more about the movie than the person I saw it with, who had already seen it once before. Did the same with Episode II, and I looked at the spoiler for X2 that was on this site on purpose, just to know. I don't mind; not too much really ticks me off.


Now if there's a site policy against spoilers for this message board, that's different, but there is no such thing now as a "spoiler" for Star Trek: Nemesis, that's like a spoiler for Gone With the Wind. You've either seen it or you haven't, and if you haven't, then it's by choice, not by circumstance.

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No shame at all.  The movie was in theatres in December,

Which could mean that there are countries that are still waiting for their theatrical run.

and hit video and DVD about a week ago or so.

So even people who pre-ordered it could still be waiting for their copies to arrive, or for some free time to watch them.

And that's talking only about those people who are eager to watch the movie as soon as possible.

You can't call talking about a movie a "spoiler" if it's out on video or was in theatres a long time ago.

Why not? If someone hasn't seen it, it doesn't become less of a spoiler just because his not having seen it was some time ago.

(hey, guess what?  THE KING RETURNS!! moo haa haa!)

That's *not* the end of the movie. :| And revealing it would definitely qualify as a spoiler for those who haven't read the book yet.

buy the Cliff's Notes at least, before seeing the film.


But talking about Data "dying" is the same as saying Darth Vader is Luke's father; it's on video, and all bets are off.

I wouldn't say anything about Darth Vader being Luke's father to someone who I know has yet to see the movies. It would indeed spoil the ending of ESB.

You wanna be surprised, go out and rent the movie before you accidentally read something that scars you for life.

The keyword being *accidentally*. Meaning that you tried to avoid it but failed, in this case thanks to someone else. So people who don't go out and spend money to watch every movie they're interested in within a few days of it's release aren't allowed to enjoy them, or what?

You saw it already, Ren, you have no reason to complain.

She does. Because it's 1) about other people being told what they shouldn't know yet in the case of this movie and possibly 2) her being told what she doesn't want to know yet the next time.

I don't mean to sound vicious, but I'm sick of people so paranoid about spoilers.  I love them.

Fine. Nobody will complain if you read past a "SPOILER WARNING" even if you haven't seen the movie yet.

Me, I avoid spoilers, because I want to experience the movie as it was intended the first time. I accidentally read a Fight Club spoiler before watching the movie (one single word, but that was enough), and while it's one of my favourite movies, I can only try to imagine what it's like seeing it for the first time without knowing what's going to happen.

Marian - who read Jeff Bond's POTA liner notes before seeing the movie. :cry:

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2. This release strategy is a marketing decision, selling the same film twice, with the incentive of the added footage for the second release, much like what's going to happen when they release the ultimate end-all be-all full saga collection once RotK is out. I do recall some people complaining when the same thing was done for the Phantom Menace's soundtrack and later the 2-disc set, stating that it was a dirty way of making the fans pay twice. There's no difference whatsoever.

Not quite, it's easier to release a score on 2CD's than it is to add scenes to a film, you are getting something more new, it's not a case of the original product not being good enough. This is more like Williams writing more music for the film and that going on a new complete CD.

But talking about Data "dying" is the same as saying Darth Vader is Luke's father; it's on video, and all bets are off.  

It's still fairly new and not a classic, I'm sure many people haven't seen it, everyone has seen star wars.

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The day Nemesis becomes a classic will probably be the day after they release the first season of SeaQuest DSV on DVD. I love that show, but the only way I can enjoy it is the Morn way: downloading.

Oh well.

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i'm sure there are some people that are reading this thread that are have been spoiled

If people haven't seen the movie by now they probably don't care about spoilers. :)

Justin -Who love the music when we first see the Enterprise in Nemesis.

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Thanks, Justin. If someone hasn't seen it by now, they either choose not to or don't care.

But I must confess that there are two places where spoilers do really tick me off: books and video games. I invest a lot more time into a good novel or playing a computer/video game than I do watching a movie, and sometime they make for a better experience than a lot of movies. I'd rather read The Killer Angels or The Godfather than watch the films made from those books, even though both movies are awesome in their own right; the books are a better experience. Plus, games like Deus Ex or Half-Life or the Dark Forces games that have such a rich and complex plot...I don't like when people tells me how it ends, I want to beat it myself, even if I do use cheat codes here and there.

So with this post, I pledge to stop beating the dead horse to a pulp with a stick (though that does sound like fun), and stop spoiling people's experiences.

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Thanks, Justin.  If someone hasn't seen it by now, they either choose not to or don't care.

Or they chose to watch it later. Or they missed it in the theatre and don't want to buy the VHS/DVD and are therefore waiting for it to come to TV or something. Or they simply want to see it, but never felt like it when they had the chance (reason why I still haven't seen the abovementioned Gone With The Wind.

And I don't see any difference to books and video games.

Marian - who thinks it's very easy to simply put a spoiler warning before a spoiler. :devil:

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