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Everything posted by Todd

  1. I pretty much have AOTC assembled. It is not as dramatically different as TPM, but does feature much better edits and several much needed extentions. I have the single assembled as well. All I need to do is master it. The current mix sounds great with my headphones...not so great on a bigger system. No, I did not really master TPM, and the only reason I'm bothering with a remaster for AOTC is there is so much darn tape hiss...
  2. I'll check on my old Version 1 downloads, Ted...and get back to everyone. As for Otoh Gunga...DING...it most certainly is in a different key. I believe it is transposed down a half step. This helped blend it in with the end of the first cue and put it in the same key as the opening of Duel of the Fates. Very keen ear in deed. I have used key changes several times in TPM, and already in AOTC as well, even if it is only in layering. As for the Flag Parade, you make some great points. Since I have tried to keep the video aspect of this project in mind, I came very much to the same conclusion...it was very scene specific and doesn't fit. This project is trying to use the music in new ways. I think that has been done very well, but not as well for the OT. I'll try to do that better next time, but it seems much harder to edit the OT music. Plus, I think we'll be a bit closer to 145 to 155 minutes of music by the end. That will make a long DVD to watch. (And yes, that is the ultimate goal...replacing A MUSICAL JOURNEY). As for those who inquired as to downloading the suite, check your PMs.
  3. You'll have a long wait then! I'm in talks with a few video editors and getting started with that phase of the project will be taking the majority of the time. Plus, I'm working with an artist in making covers for each release. The covers for TPM will be the next things released...and hopefully that will come soon. Then the single cover for AOTC will announce the title of the next single after that...probably in late April with the single release in May. As for video release dates, it is way to early to tell. Hopefully we'll have the first trailer before summer. Until then, everyone's continued feedback throughout each phase of the project is helping to attract new listeners and fans. Almost everytime someone makes a post or leaves a comment, one, two, or three people ask me if they can give it a listen, so feedback is very important to attracting people to this project! Thanks!
  4. Wow...thanks for that 'professional level' comment. Its more along the lines of...I'm to darn anal and a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like this...but honestly, the fact that this project has helped 'renew' your love for SW is the entire point of the project. I am really trying to make a work that fans enjoy. As for Duel of the Fates, I certainly appreciate the feedback. Perhaps I have a more critical ear after doing this for, what feels like so long. What I've found is the music almost writes itself when it comes down to editing. The layering is one of those examples that happened almost by accident and after some tweaking, is one of my favorite parts of this track, aside from the use of the instrumental version at the beginning. Thanks so much! ---------------------- By the way all...I'm working on the single for AOTCv2. Any guesses to what it'll be?
  5. Hey its not as bad as the cast of the new DALLAS movie.
  6. Hey all... I'm getting ready to get serious with AOTC v2. First one thing I was hoping to hear from everyone was how they liked this latest TPM when compared to the original release from last year. For example, I know a major complaint was Duel of the Fates last time. How is the improvement this time around? What are some thoughts on the other extended sequences? You're feedback helps me in the editing process, believe me. For example, I'll certainly be doing something about the 'Love and Loss' track that was way too long in the last AOTC. Thanks all, I appreciate it. BTW, anyone interested in editing some video to this?
  7. You can still get it as a digital download through Rhino's online store...or take the plunge and go the Russian MP3 paysites. You can't do better than $.10 a track. Heck, my Symphony for a Saga is up on Russian paysites even...
  8. What's the quality like? I'll redo it the way I did Davis' Matrix suite.... 8O
  9. WHAT?? IN THE DEEP was phenominal, especially its use in CRASH.
  10. Okay... Having just seen BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, which was actually better than I would have expected...but still not 'Best Picture' when compared against CRASH, I can now talk about the score, informed. Sure...I haven't seen GEISHA, or MUNICH...but I can comment on BROKEBACK. My reaction is...'Huh, nice theme. It works well.' As far as the word 'score' goes, I need to do a proverbial double take since this is one of the most score-less films I have seen in my life. So the academy gave an award for Score to a film without one. I really don't get it. If I ever make a film, I'll make sure there is zero music, including source music...that way I'll get an Oscar for sure! This is a travesty...
  11. Anyone else? Please share your thoughts...
  12. Hey...if anyone out there can do a high quality rip off THE MATIRX Music only track, please PM me.
  13. As far as BROKEBACK goes, it is a nice theme. But it seemed a little academic to me. GEISHA certainly should have won, but I agree with the sentiment that its loss was due to a split between the Williams votes.
  14. Stewart looked a bit out of his element. While he improved over the course of the night, in the beginning he was a real bomb. He had more chuckles than laughs and more sporatic clapping rather than applause. I thought he was about as entertaining as David Letterman....ugh. Bring back Billy Crystal. He's been the best and most consistent host in recent history.
  15. I would hope CRASH would be recognized...but against the 'Gay is In' fad, I'd have to say the non-straight cowboy flick.
  16. Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I made quite a few concious choices in leaving some themes and cues out. Firstly, this really needed to stay at this length in order to fit all three prequels on a single disc. I only have just under 80 minutes to do three films. If you weren't aware, the first suite came in at 15min, AOTC was about 19, and SITH came in close to 30min. AOTC so far is around 19min without adding the last five-minute sequence...which I think has to be cut down. There may be no Imperial March or end credit Reprise for AOTC this time around....because it is redundant. We'll see...it does break my theme redundancy rule quite a bit. (Although I have yet to be successful with a decent 'Force Theme' concert style suite.) As for leaving out themes from TPM, It was really a matter of time. In addition, I made a concious choice in delivering more serious music and cutting the 'fun' pieces. Thats why Jar Jar's theme is absent, and the triumph of 'The Flag Parade' is missing. It wasn't fitting well with the tone of the suite or what I thought was priority for a >25min suite. Priority for me is was the main story. To this day I feel the entire sidetrack to Tatooine, espeically the Pod Race is a poor excuse for an action sequence. The main story is A) The Trade Federation and its blockade of Naboo, B)The discovery of the Force-sensative Anakin, C) the 'phantom menace' and Palpatine's rise as Chancellor, D) and Qui-Gon Jinn's life and death. Those story points are in fact, quite sad...as is the entire arc of the Prequel trilogy. In addition, I felt 'Augie's Great Municipal Band' is source music, which has been cut entirely from the Symphony. With regard to 'Escape From Naboo', it was specifically cut in rebellion to having it tracked four time in the Prequel trilogy. With 'The Tide Turns', 'The Battle of Naboo' and 'Rescuing the Queen', I wanted to stay as far away from the end music as possible. So much of it was either to light and cheerful, or quoted 'Duel of the Fates' and 'The Trade Federation March,' and I was trying to avoid theme repetition. In regard to an action sequence, I would have had to rely on the above music, and felt it best to cut the idea all together. However, I do have some additional suite ideas for a potential bonus third disc, similar to the fourth disc on the Anthology, that would feature some music left out of these suites. ======================================= The program I used is Sonic Foundry's ACID. I think these edits are so superior to the last version...its like night and day. However, they most certainly will jump out at people who know the score well. That being said, it is the reason why the OT is so difficult to edit. Everyone has affection for the film version and soundtrack experience. It is funny how taking the time to edit the music gets you so intimately acquianted with it. .................... Thanks for the comments and opinions, even if it is not gushing, I appreciate it and it gives an opportunity to discuss my thoughts behind this work! I feel much more satisfied in listening to this version over the last...as it feels more full, and more complete. Thanks again, I look forward to hearing more from others!
  17. Thanks! There were a few tricky edits, especially in the 'Ontological Shock' cue and at the very end. A few other bits don't match up on timing, because he altered the meter a bit for the suite in some spots. Thats why this runs a few seconds longer.
  18. I'm working on a recreation of this concert suite. I have the first part, 'The Matrix Suite' finished if anyone wants a 320 MP3, let me know. I think it turned out darn well, actually. Its not exact, obviously...because the music was rearranged for the concert...but its pretty dang close if I do say so! Let me know, and please post your feedback in the thread.
  19. Anyone else having download issues? As for FLAG PARADE, that is what most people say, but I have a much greater affinity to the other cues and themes...and well, something has to go. It also doesn't fit real well with the other selections. However, I am considering a bonus disc of additonal suites, so perhaps this will show up then. Any other feedback from the 60 other people who have downloaded this?
  20. Two unknowns I'm starting to really like are Ben Carson, you can listen to a sample of his work in the trailer for STATES OF GRACE, www.statesofgrace.com. And Sam Cardon, who scored THE WORK AND THE GLORY series. The first one had some brilliant parts in it, but most felt out of place. The second film, AMERICAN ZION was awesome, I thought. He also had some brilliant pieces in BRIGHAM CITY. Of course, these are all pretty small films, so I wouldn't be surprised if no one's seen them or heard the scores.
  21. Thanks for commenting about the notes online. I wasn't certain if that was something that interested people or that people found beneficial or added to the experience in any way. I appreciate it, thanks! BTW, is anyone having any difficulty with the new download site compared to megaupload?
  22. C'mon....after 43 downloads so far, someone has to have some feedback. That's all I ask for.
  23. Version 2.0 is officially here!!! UPDATE! "The Phantom Menace Suite" Star Wars Main Title - 00:00 - 01:39 The Waters of Otoh Gunga - 01:39 - 02:15 Duel of the Fates - 02:15 - 04:17 Darth Maul - 04:17 - 05:05 The Trade Federation March - 05:05 - 06:58 Naboo and the Palace - 06:58 - 10:30 The Chosen One - 10:30 - 12:48 Anakin's Theme - 12:48 - 15:13 The Phantom Menace - 15:13 - 19:39 Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn's Theme - 19:39 - 22:33 Release Date: 03/01/2006 Track Compiled and Edited: 06/07/05 - 02/17/06 (A total of 58 edits have been made) All music composed by John Williams Performed by The London Symphony Orchestra For those who bookmarked where the last one was found, download either the suite or tracked version from there as 192 or 320 MP3...or FLAC. Anyone else, please drop me a PM. No idea when AOTCv2 will be finished, so pretty please don't ask!
  24. Again...always in three. What a bummer weekend.
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