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Everything posted by mrbellamy

  1. I thought he was very good in Zero Dark Thirty. Haven't seen anything else he's done.
  2. Yeah, but what Shark was saying is that composition, camera movement, and lenses are still aspects of cinematography, even though the director will often have a firm opinion on such things and work with the cinematographer to incorporate them into the overall mise-en-scene. They're not exclusive to either department.
  3. Yes, exactly. Just because a director may have more control over or expertise in aspects other than lighting doesn't mean those things aren't cinematography.
  4. That's a confusing question. Cinematography is the visual frame...
  5. Isn't this using the same rationale as the people who hate Star Wars and Jaws for bringing on the summer blockbuster?
  6. A world full of sexless, video-gamey, wordy, cinematic Sudoku puzzles. Scary thought. Hey buddy,what's wrong with Sudoku?? I like Sudoku!
  7. Never say never, but for various reasons, I probably won't go out of my way to re-watch 10,000 BC, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel, Fat Girl, Cedar Rapids, Man Bites Dog, Dear Zachary, The Fifth Element, In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, Wavelength (or most other structural films), or Zookeeper. Definitely not Zookeeper.
  8. I like it, even though it doesn't have much to do with the series, much less the character.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhhDMF0rgmE
  10. Well there are parts where they blow up stuff for hopelessly long periods of time in the ending third of the film, which gets very tiring but the more intimate moments in the film are surprisingly good. When everything starts exploding in a way it leaves even Michael Bay gasping for breath it gets boring very quickly. Yeah, I was kind of indifferent to most of it, but the final battle completely lost me like few movies have. I just checked out completely and started thinking about other things. Wish I had walked out.
  11. Yeah, I think they would have been remiss to leave them out altogether. The goal should be to find a way to integrate them smoothly into the narrative and eventually phase them out of the saga. Hopefully their roles won't override the entire story at the expense of new characters, nor will they be self-aware parodies or cameos that are little more than nostalgic detours. The audience is going to react the second they appear onscreen, regardless, so better that the movie isn't patting itself on the back ahead of time.
  12. To be fair, that Exorcist makeup (along with his performance) is fantastic. It's strange to think he was only 43 when he did that.
  13. She's the one who brought him that kangaroo ballsack from Australia!
  14. Here's a before-and-after animation composite for Who Framed Roger Rabbit? World class make-believe, right here.
  15. Yeah, that was the main one I was referring to. Very impressive.
  16. Christensen is a major problem for me. I actually think he's proved himself a respectable actor in other films, but even though certain lines of dialogue were probably not salvageable by anybody, there were certainly ways around simple but crucial lines like "What have I done?" which he just never seemed to find, as opposed to McGregor or McDiarmid who managed to deliver relatively capable performances in spite of it all. I'm definitely not absolving Lucas of his directorial choices or Anakin's shoddy characterization on paper, but I also just don't buy the vast majority of Christensen's performance, and that's down to him (unless it's revealed that all his best takes were inexplicably left on the cutting room floor.)
  17. Yes, I was just watching his Pennies From Heaven mini-series a couple weeks ago and he was a great creep, but one who was always teetering on the edge of a certain naivete. Wonderful balancing act. RIP
  18. They can start a double act! Also in honor of the Star Wars cast announcement... (skip to 20:45 for the interview....Ford's awkward as ever but he actually smiles a few times! Helps that Ferguson can talk aviation with him )
  19. A lot of those compilations are like that. There's even an entire YouTube channel called "Craig Ferguson and The Ladies" What do people think about the possibility of Neil Patrick Harris taking over? He's a regular on the show so I think he'd make sense in that way. I remember once during an interview with Craig, actually, he said that he'd one day love to start up an Ed Sullivan type variety show, which could be a nice change for late night.
  20. Ah okay. Yeah, Gleeson is to Kennedy's left, and I believe that's producer Bryan Burk in between Kennedy and Mayhew. Oscar Isaac and John Boyega are on the top left, sitting together, followed by Adam Driver on the next couch with Kasdan.
  21. How can you even tell? They're just sitting around and Gleeson's got his back to the camera!
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