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Everything posted by MusicPerson13

  1. And yet we've seen from reading the "Honest Oscar Ballots" that the Hollywood Reporter publishes every year that many voters are too self-absorbed to be fair about these things. Most likely, voters will see that there's no need to vote a certain film for Best Picture if they think it is likely to take home the Best Popular Film award.
  2. From John Powell's Instagram: "In addition to John Williams’ brilliant tune for Han, I got five new themes + many other motifs/riffs joining the Galaxy Far, Far Away in Solo: A Star Wars Story! 🎺😎🎺Now.. guess/discuss! :)"
  3. I'm curious to see how this will (if at all) affect what kind of scores get nominated.
  4. I can see this raising questions with regard's to how Luke has developed as person but I don't see this is a flaw in the film. People aren't perfect. People are inconsistent. I don't think a filmmaker acknowledging just how messy people are is necessarily a flaw. There's a different between a "bad" character and a "badly-written" character.
  5. Not to be that guy but, in the back of my mind I suspected he wouldn't be scoring both films. I just didn't think he would have the time or the energy to do both. Still, I expected him to stay on RPO and for Newman to get The Paper. Oh well
  6. No it doesn't. I downloaded the file but neither VLC or iTunes want to play it. but thanks for trying!
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