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Posts posted by MusicPerson13

  1. 2 minutes ago, mstrox said:

    I would bet that eligibility for "popular film" won't affect eligibility for "unpopular film."

    And yet we've seen from reading the "Honest Oscar Ballots" that the Hollywood Reporter publishes every year that many voters are too self-absorbed to be fair about these things. Most likely, voters will see that there's no need to vote a certain film for Best Picture if they think it is likely to take home the Best Popular Film award.

  2. 19 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:

    - Luke and how he deals with the Dark Side: "Papa Vader killed thousands of innocent, but there's still good in him: must do everything I can to bring him back to the Light Side! Baby Ben seems to possibly be drawn to the Dark Side? Must kill him right now!" There may be a problem of consistency there...

    I can see this raising questions with regard's to how Luke has developed as person but I don't see this is a flaw in the film. People aren't perfect. People are inconsistent. I don't think a filmmaker acknowledging just how messy people are is necessarily a flaw. There's a different between a "bad" character and a "badly-written" character.

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