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Everything posted by bollemanneke

  1. Hello everyone, I thought I'd start a new thread because none of the currently active threads in this subforum seemed appropriate. So, what on earth happened after part one of this trilogy? I know that that film is much more light-hearted than the other two, so maybe Jackson is partly to blame, but when I walked out of the theatre after 2 and 3, I genuinely thought Howard Shore had lost his mind. First of all, the complete dismissal of the Misty Mountains theme is, for me at least, inexcusable and senseless. For me, it was always the main theme of the first film, a bit like the LOTR theme that plays right after they say 'To the bridge of Khazad-Dum!' (I don't know what the theme is called here, but hopefully this description is sufficient.) The argument that the MM theme is only used to symbolise the MMs doesn't hold up either because it is used lots of times in the first film and there isn't Always a connection with the mountains. I do admit that lots of the theme's statements sound as if they were tracked or badly edited. Secondly, why are the last two scores so incredibly... different, so un-Middle-Earth-like? Granted, the Laketown Theme and Tuariel's theme is great, but other than that the second score was a boring drag for me. There is no Theoden Rides Forth here. The third score has some good parts, but even the ending sounds so terribly dark, so deliberately brooding that it's unbearable to listen to. There is no For Frodo here either. Has anyone ever given any explanation for the problems I pointed out here? Is AUJ the odd one out, are DOS and BOTFA the problem or am I seeing things? I would be very interested to hear your thoughts!
  2. I was in Eastbourne, covered in jackets and blankets and still shivering but oh God, it was a great evening! Is it me or did the woman who sang that Delibes song had to stop twice so she could cough? The fireworks when Jerusalem started annoyed me to eath, but hearing Land of Hope and Glory all around me was simply surreal. I also HATED that American woman waffling about equality. My British friends found it very, very awkward. This was the first time I heard Puccini's Humming Chorus and it made me shiver all over, just like Jonas Kaufman. Rule Britannia!
  3. Uh, uh.. Um... No comment...? The point of the video is... what, exactly? Anyone feel like sending him the theme suites?
  4. Okay, I take that 'elite' bit back. I'll be attending a screening of the Last Night of the Proms on Saturday so we'll see.
  5. I found this season really disappointing. Not to be rude, but you can only have so much Nielsen, Sibelius and Beethoven before it gets boring. It really does seem like it's something for the elite. Last year's last night was fantastic, but it doesn't look as if they will play many popular songs this year... Why not throw in some Vivaldi, Handel or John Williams?
  6. Does anyone here own the Blu-Rays of the Ultimate Editions / Wizard's Collection? If so, could anyone tell me what those picture-in-picture or In-Movie Experience thingies are? Is it an entire track that interrupts the films whether you want it or not, or do you choose yourself when you want extra info? Are the PIPs interesting at all?
  7. Great job! You just made the scene 10 ties more interesting.
  8. Thanks a lot for the explanation! Oh, sorry, my mistake, I was using wrong track names. On the 7.1 sessions, there is a track called Ron Leaves (from 1m6) (Full Version), and 1:19-end (I think it starts there roughly) went completely unused. The Original scene in the film sounds very, very awkward to me without any music.
  9. If you ever feel like doing another one, you might want to look into the extended Ron Leaves. Desplat wrote an entire section of music that was meant to underscore H and H disapparating and H crying. I'm sure it would have worked brilliantly. Also, might I ask how you sync the music with the videos? I've been trying to do the same thing for some time but Always have difficulty finding the right spot to start the unused music.
  10. Very moving indeed! It works so much better than silence!
  11. You're probably right. I still don't get why he dialed out the music when Hermione walks away from Harry after Apparating and begins crying over Ron's departure. That's a moment that just begs for music.
  12. Right, but he claims HP5 was a political thriller. That's not what it is at all, it's the story of a teenager struggling with being possessed and mocked. We just re-watched HP7 with the family. The scene when Ron gets Splinched has no music! That's just incompetent.
  13. Does Yates realise that there's absolutely nothing real about Harry Potter?
  14. I just don't understand what WB loves about his work. The moment he took over, the stories got dumbed-down so radically that half of them no longer make sense. Add to that Nicholas Hooper's scores and Desplat's disused material and the riddle is complete.
  15. Wow, that sounded so impressive! Yates really does have a problem with spotting.
  16. Just watched Cinderella (2015). Felt like an idiot watching it but nothing beats Patrick Doyle's score in glorious 5.1 surround sound: magic it is. Everything dramatically slows down after the ball, which was rather awkward, but at least my mind is empty now and that was all I wanted. Helena Bonham Carter was better than I expected as well, I just keep thinking of Bellatrix every time I hear her.
  17. It might have to do with me growing up, I don't know... My points of view have changed a lot over the years. For instance, I love Hermione and Snape but really don't like Harry anymore. It's really interesting to see how your opinions can change when you start reading forums, critics etc.
  18. I don't agree with that, Drax. I hate PS because it's written in such a terribly childish way, or perhaps it's just a childish book. I prefer her current style.
  19. Not to start a fight or anything, but the main reason why I just couldn't continue with LOTR was because of Tolkien's incredibly clumsy and archaic writing style. Half of his dialogues just seem so terribly... artificial to me, and let's not get into all the stupid songs. I still need to read Martin, but I found parts of Rowling's books very well-written. Philosopher's Stone could have been better, but then again it was her first boook.
  20. The books have had a huge literary significance! I don't know if the films are classics, I just meant that any reboot will likely spark comparison debates which might be unfair. Then again, I can't imagine Hermione being played by another actress. David Yates should never have have been involved, same goes for Radcliffe.
  21. If they make one composer do all the films, it could be very interesting, but every reboot will undoubtedly be compared to the Original films and that's not really fair.
  22. What really bothers me is that the idea didn't come from Rowling, but from WB. As if they don't have any unreleased material from the original saga...
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