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King Mark

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Everything posted by King Mark

  1. I do think Morn's avatar should be banned,though I suspect he looks like that in real life K.M.
  2. I didn't read alll the thread,but to me they are a waste of space and make pages too long,and all that time consuming scrolling. K.M.
  3. For Empire and Jedi,the effects are perfect(except the old Cloud City matte painting,and the Super Star destroyer crashing on Death Star 2). But to be honest I was wondering if Lucas was going to replace some effects in Star Wars ANH a long time before Lucas made the S.E.'s(some shots of the Death Star surface are horrible,some Star Destroyer views,as well as a few of the T.I.E fighter shots in the final battlle,Vader's T.I.E. is way too small compared to the other T.I.E.'s,bent wings or not,it's true since I saw the actual models.) Personally,I'm not sentimental about these thongs,the X-Wing squadron approaching the death Star in the S.E. is an awsome shot(and it's not pure cg,since the original models were scanned). K.M. K.M.
  4. BTW,there seem to be a glitch in the EDIT function:FAV80's score:The Empire Srikes Back of course. K.M.
  5. I'll only reply to a few.I don't feel like typing all this: Over all score,The Empire Strikes Back.The best film score ever,no doubt least Favourite score:The sugerland Express Least favourite release:ROTJ original c.d. release,and current TOD release Best Indiana Jones score:Temple of Doom Fav score for a spielberg film:E.T.expanded. Fav score from 65-70:Lost in Space episode scores 1970-1979:Superman,the movie 1990-1999The Phantom Menace 2000-2002:A.I. Favourite vocal theme:The search for the blue fairie. Favourite action piece:Jonathan begins to draw,Amazing Stories The Mission Best non film work piece:The NBC news theme,concert version. Favourite Love Theme:Han Solo and the Princess(concert arrrangement) eehhh,I'm tired. K.M.Wondering why the EDIT function does not work properly
  6. I hope he records his part himself and all his music is on the c.d.,clearly identified,like Goldsmith's Star Trek First Contact. K.M.
  7. Man,this board is really runing out of topics :? K.M.Who could put any possible name in the dictionnary after "Darth".
  8. I bought the Lazerdisk of the original SW as a souvenir...do they still build machines to play them on? K.M.
  9. i"m betting all battle scenes in the original trilogy willl be re-done on a PC.
  10. If it weren't for the Vader-Luke duel,the bike chase,and the spectacurlely shot space battle,ROTJ would be a terinble movie.The sail barge assault,The Ewoks,The Rancor,Luke's visit to Yoda and that casual chat with Obi Wan's ghoest all,All whatever is happening on Endor,The finale,all that sucks.Even C3P0 sucks in Jedi(did they REALLY need him on endor in his great golden Camouflage) I"m betting that he will even re-do the CGI shots made in 1997 that don't look too good(Jabba,the Storm troopre getting off a dew back K.M.Who has problem with the EDIT function,parts of my messages disappear
  11. It did,it was played at every medal cermony in the background,but wasn't used much by the broadcasts. K.M.
  12. Goldsmith re-recordings by himself tend to be awsome....just listen to the Logan's Run pieces or The Enterprise in the album Frontiers,or The Blue Max suite in the hard to find Suites and Themes album. K.M.
  13. Hey,I loved A.I.,both movie and score.My only miff is that the score was mixed in so low in the movie. K.M.
  14. Dont worry,most of us have been waiting 20 years for an expanded american version.. :cry:
  15. Strange....The thing is that I loved the music to Lost in Space even before I new who John Williams was.Then,strangely, I wasn't surprised he had composed most of the music which was tracked from season 1 to 3. K.M. Season 3 maintitles,and "danger "motif(originally scored for the Jupiter 2's first crash landing),which suspiciously resembles the Asteroid belt Space Slug escape music in The Empire Strikes Back.
  16. I voted for Temple of Doom.It is a rare case where I made a recording of the unrelesaed music off a VHS tape. TOD "Deal for the Diamond","Underground Heroics",Epilogue and End Credits(movie version)..alll sadly unreleased on c.d. K.M.
  17. I'm listening right now to the Poseidon Adventure maintitles(S.S.Poseidon),original recording of course,and was wondering which were your favourite Williams main titles(in the movie,not an album recording like The Raiders march which is not even played fully in Raiders..only a bit at the End Credits) Mine: Lost in Space season 3 Land of the Giants season 1 The Poseidon Adventure The Towering Inferno Jaws Star Wars Superman The Fury Spacecamp Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Home Alone Jurassic Park I guess they stopped making real opening maintitles after that don't streche into the movie..... K.M.
  18. I got one,the gigantic 200$ Collector Issue Tie Interceptor when it was wrongly priced at 100$.I'T s about 1 1/2 feet long when built,and looks way cool.It took me a day and a half to build it. K.M.
  19. I love Spacecamp.Apart for "training Montage",it represents for me the "prototypical Williams sound",especially in cues like In Orbit,The End Credits,or The Computer Room.By prototypical i mean you can tell on almost every cue that Williams wrote it in a few seconds even if you didn't know he scored the movie and never heard the score.Typical of his mid 80's writing,reminescent of E.T.,Hook, and even his Olympic Fanfare in tone. K.M.Who hopes there will be more music in this one. K.K.M.Who considers E.T.,Hook,and Spacecamp a sort of complimentary triad of some sort,Williams in his"purest" form.
  20. However bad the plot,acting and love scenes in AOTC,they STILL managed to bring me to see it 4 times.If you look at the global picture,Lucas Star Wars movies do have a mystycal appeal,all of them,and ROTJ is no better than TPM or AOTC,if you ask me. K.M.
  21. Family plot is probably the only Williams score that hasn't have had ANY score release and one I want the most.The first 5-6 minutes of music in the movie are superb,very "etheral",with choir and orchestra. K.M.Who has the VHS but skipped on the DVD.
  22. i completely disagree.It's the only track on the album that sounds LIKE Williams. k.m.
  23. We are on opposite on this,I dislike this one for some reason,it lacks direction. K.m.
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