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Docteur Qui

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Everything posted by Docteur Qui

  1. These two and Hedwig's Theme sound like waltzes, but actually are in compound time (if that means anything) so technically are not waltzes. I can't wait until the Yule Ball in GOF, where I know Williams (providing he's still on board) will compose some great music. I'm waiting to hear Hedwig's Theme as a waltz, that would be excellent. It has sort of been waltz-y before, in COS Harry leaves Dumbledore's office and catched up with Dobby and Luicius. Hedwig's Theme is playing slowly and it sounds really good.
  2. I'm deciding whether I'd rather Buckbeak or The Dementors. I'm pretty sure the Dementors will get one, if not at least a motive. I hope the two will get their own contrasting themes, much like The Chamber of Secrets and Fawkes. I suppose everyone noticed the similarities of thos two themes, noticeably at the very start of the tracks.
  3. I always imagined Dumbledore, as Ray says, that Dumbledore has a strong clarity in his voice. I know Harris could have done this, his character and voice was strong and much more like Dumbledore in that one scene; The Very Secret Diary. He only says about one and a half lines ("Tom", and "I'm afraid they are true, they are true Tom.") but says it in a way that Dumbledore should. Perhaps somebody wanted the older Dumbledore a bit more whispy, and showing his true age. But that shouldn't happen until the end of Goblet. I'm awful at explaining my opinions, so bear with me. Looking at the Leaky Cauldron I noticed (due largely to the caption) to the Basilisk jaw in the DADA classroom. A very good touch, as was the dragon skeleton the year before. It's little things like this and that odd-but-cool looking projector that give me the impression that this will be one hell of a movie. Speaking of the projector, it wouldn't really look out of place in Dumbledore's office. I still like the "That felt good" line though when I showed my family they turned into "You go, girl!" mode. The desired effect, I wonder...
  4. Just watched it agian, an I loved it. I must comment on it some more... I just have to say that I love the Dementors, they really give you the sense of "Beyond the Veil"; a nice reference to that chapter in the fifth book. They are so scary and omnious... Give me shivers! Gambon gave me shivers when I looked at him and when he said his line... I can say, with all respect for Richard Harris, that Gambon has more accurately portrayed Dumbledore for me. Prof. Trelawney is absolutely perfect, not how I imagined her but awesome just the same. And yes, I like the head. It's a nice touch.
  5. Yes, Ray, that's exactly what I was talking about! I also cringe/laugh at that part, I find it extremely corny. What with the light coming out from behind him, and his hair fanning out (looks like he's got a mullet)... My friend and I laugh at it every time. One day she (my friend) sent a video to someone overseas and her and in the middle of the video she made a parody of that scene... Hilarious... You had to be there...
  6. It's hard to explain, I don't think it was embarassment rather than I thought it was a bit cheezy. It's like when in a movie somebody does something extremely embarassing and you feel a sense of empathy. It's a bit different here, as I'm sure Harry didn't feel embarassed/cheezy. Urgh, I can't really explain it, other than I will probably like it when I see it properly.
  7. Funny, I don't remember the book having an accompanying score... 8O
  8. As much as I love every theme and note of music in the Potter music world, I voted for Hedwig's Theme. I wish I could have voted for them all, but Hedwig started it all for me. When I heard that celeste tinkling in the trailer and transforming into booming brass I knew I had to learn more about this "John Williams". I'd heard of him before, and indeed, his music (especially "Welcome to Jurassic Park" and "The Imperial March"; both of which I listened to regularly) but I knew I had to get this soundtrack. The way that Hedwig's Theme was woven into the score so much was magic, and while I hear people calling it overexposed I disagree. Yes, sometimes themes are overexposed in movies, but many more are criminally underused ("The Chamber of Secrets" anyone?). Hedwig's Theme had the perfect balance of usage, and I thank Williams for that. "Harry's Wondrous World" caught the wonder of the movie, but nothing held the magic of the books than "Hedwig's Theme". Williams based it on the book, without seeing any movie material, I heard.
  9. Actually, I didn't. I found it rather embarassing. I'm sure when I see the whole scene, with the actual magic coming out of the wand I'll get those shivers. Perhaps I was to busy with my initial shock/pleasure at Hermione's awesomeness. But of course, in the book she slapped Malfoy. Punching him square in the face is an unnecessary liberty.
  10. What should it look like then? Like a tall cloaked figure. It is a tall cloaked figure. Besides' date=' that's your interpretation of the Dementors. Even if Rowling gave specific descriptions nobody's images are the same as others. And the movie will be "bad" because of this? Please explain how the entire film can be bad from one prop. What liberties? Oh! Calamity!! Something is in the movie THAT WASN'T IN THE BOOK!?!?! What about Lucius' wand in a walking stick? That wasn't in the book either. What about Ron's crush on Hermione? That was far from pronounced until the fourth book. Or the fact that Ron was in the forbidden forest in the first film when he wasn't supposed to be? I doubt a bloody screen makes a difference' date=' and what if it was being magically projected onto? You really hate that head. Was your dog killed by a shrunken head? Again, how is this convincing you that the film will be bad? It's called fresh' date=' new ideas. It's what makes movies good. If done well, and as I haven't seen the movie I can't pass that judgement. Yes, huge clocks automatically make a movie bad. Okay' date=' now you're clutching it straws. It's a clock. They're not exactly rare. And why does EVERYTHING [i']"have to be in the book?!?! Why are you so upset that there's a new director? You're obviously nitpicking because you can't really find anything wrong with the direciton. Daniel Radcliffe looks like he's acting better than I'd ever seen him! That isn't saying much, but I'm impressed. Well, how do you know this movie will be bad? You don't listen to one of William's scores and judge his whole career on just one. Why do this to Cuaron? And may I remind you, the only change between the last two movies (apart from cast) is a new director. He isn't responsible for everything you hate so much. Like sets, the head etc. You are now just becoming inconsistent. Or just don't like Cuaron...
  11. It's well known, but nobody really needs/wants to hear it. Plus your opinion on the matter is void as you enjoyed the first two movies.
  12. Damn! I started to download it and left. When I came back the other half didn't work, so now I'm doing it again...
  13. Definately, though a lot of my friends (who happen to be girls) are angry, as she is apparently too pretty to be Hermione. Jealous of her, methinks.
  14. I'm talking about the alleged boom mike, JoeinAr.
  15. I picked up the official book today, only because I really wanted "Into the West" and "Use Well the Days". The version of "Into the West" isn't too good, it's mostly the guitar part that plays through the whole song. I was hoping some of the strong string and horn in the chorus would get more attention in the arrangement... Oh well, Chris will no doubt have something excellent done! By the way, musicpete, Chris' friend has already transcripted the entire soundtracks to the first two Potter soundtracks.
  16. IT'S GREEN!!! I'm sorry, but it gets more and more obvious with every viewing!
  17. Definately a branch, or at least a twig with a leaf on it. I can't see how you think it's a boom mike... it's green... Plus it's the wrong shape.
  18. How about you go back in time to three years ago when I saw Philosopher's Stone. You can use that Time Turner of yours that you're obviously using to go foward in time and see PoA and judge it. Interesting, you haven't seen one movie of his and you expect it to be better than PoA. I suggest you see more than one of Cuaron's films. Judging him on one movie is like judging Spielberg's entire direction quality on Hook or A.I. (the most recent two disliked Spielberg films). It's a pity they couldn't have moved to the right postition away fromt he books, maybe then they'd be better. The fact is, Columbus wanted to play it safe with the series, so as to not upset the book's fans. The thing is, he strayed too close that many people didn't like it. I know all of my family and friends who love the books laugh at the movies. In a bad way. Magical_Me, who is still in shock that a huge fan of the first two films is slamming a movie that has had two dozen pictures and one and a half tailers released... Just the fact that they liked the first two...
  19. I will compose something one day, but alas, all the time in the world couldn't make me less lazy... Oh well, I'll do the next composition cometition!
  20. Hahah, what losers. They may be good performers but I don't like what I'm hearing of them (so to speak). They sound like nasty little pieces of work to me. If they can't do woodwind runs then why are they in one of the most famous and demanding orchestras?
  21. Yes, thanks. Although I am an inspiring composer, I can't enter. First, I'm only 16 and you must be 18. Second af all it's only open to residents of the US. I live in Australia
  22. It clearly states that Aunt Marge was inside the house at the time of the blowing-up. And I don't recall there being a bird-house in the yard! Now, give me a feather duster (Fawkes) so motorised it's head was in danger of falling off and spitting sparks any day. While we're at it, cast a wooden plank with a face on it as Harry.
  23. I'm sure Cuarón has heard some of the score. If not any of the recording, JW would have played him something on the piano in the process of writing the score. But that's if Cuarón has talked about its "hauntedness" in interviews, otherwise it's a nasty little lie!
  24. I got them, you can download a Zip file of them all from www.thesnitch.net/site. They look good, though it's hard to make out some of them. There's at least one with a Dementor, but I can't see anything (too lazy to change brightness on CPU monitor...). I'm looking foward to the trailer, but more importantly the music!
  25. Damn! I didn't get to see it. I'm annoyed now... Was it streaming or downloadable? I rather downloadable anyway. Did anyone save it if it was?
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