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Dreamworks To Remake Ghost In A Shell Into A Live Action Movie


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There's definitely something weird going on.  The Ghost in the Shell and Logan soundtracks were announced by Lakeshore at the same time, and both given March 31 physical release dates, and the Logan score was put on Spotify a week later.  Meanwhile, we haven't so much as seen a tracklist for Ghost in the Shell, much less samples, and its Amazon product page has vanished, although there's all the ordinary pre-release information available for the "Inspired By" album.  Mansell's Twitter also has no reference to the film or score.

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16 hours ago, Stefancos said:

Gods Of Egypt 


Bad but watchable ... Not sure if I can say the same about this one or Besson's Valarian.

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11 hours ago, Koray Savas said:

I mean it's obviously the Avengers situation again. 


Can you back up that statement with factual evidence?

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I honestly have no idea whatsoever.







4 1/2 minute clip of the film




I haven't listened yet, but does it sound like Mansell or Balfe?

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If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the music accompanying the opening panorama is Mansell, and the action sequences are Balfe.  The synths at the beginning sound like Mansell's early work on π and The Hole, but the sampled percussion/buzzing strings that follow are pure RCP.

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I just came back from the film, and I LOVED it. True, it doesn't have the complexity (in terms of storytelling, in particular) as the animé, but by GOD -- how beautiful it was. Like a cross between Luc Besson in FIFTH ELEMENT/LUCY style, the obligatory cyberpunk BLADE RUNNER and something out of a Park Chan Wook film! Also loved the pace.


The score was great. I have no idea what Mansell wrote and what Balfe wrote, but I dug the more beat-based material; when it's allowed to stick in a groove. I'll be seeking out this soundtrack asap.

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It seems as though the score release was cancelled, as its listing on Amazon for it that once existed was removed, and the Lakeshore Records website no longer mentions a release.



Anyways, if Thor liked the film, that means most of us probably won't, so that's good to know.

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Ha, ha...yeah, not expecting many to agree. Business as usual. But pleased if some do.


Sorry to hear about the soundtrack. Surely, some form of soundtrack must surface at some point. What happened?

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3 minutes ago, Thor said:

Sorry to hear about the soundtrack. Surely, some form of soundtrack must surface at some point. What happened?


There hasn't been an official announcement about what happened as far as I've seen.  The listing simply disappeared from Amazon and Lake Shore's site, around the same time the credits block of the film added Balfe's name in.

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People who pre-ordered the OST from Amazon actually had their pre-orders canceled and money refunded from Amazon, so it definitely seems like no physical release is forthcoming.

It's possible a digital release could still happen, but if it doesn't appear this Friday then I doubt one will appear at all. 

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Like Tom Cruise, Scarlett is very good at picking sci fi projects that turn out well (not counting superhero stuff, which is not my thing, really).


THE ISLAND, UNDER THE SKIN, LUCY and now GHOST IN THE SHELL have all been wonderful, in my book.


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Tom Cruise does pick interesting projects to be in; Whether he elevates those projects or not is up to personal preference, I think.

But yea, I freaking love Edge of Tomorrow, probably already watched that one 3 times now

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Just now, Jay said:

Tom Cruise does pick interesting projects to be in; Whether he elevates those projects or not is up to personal preference, I think.


Tom Cruise is always Tom Cruise is every film, and thats fine. Gotta admire his longevity. 

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Yup, and I personally don't have a problem with that, but totally understand those who do.

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2 hours ago, Jay said:

Tom Cruise does pick interesting projects to be in; Whether he elevates those projects or not is up to personal preference, I think.


Yeah. I've always appreciated Cruise myself (whatever the genre), but the sci fi projects have been particularly impressive. Not necessarily because of Cruise, but because of the whole conceptualization. MINORITY REPORT, WAR OF THE WORLDS, OBLIVION, EDGE OF TOMORROW....love 'em all.


Now to get Cruise and Johansson in a sci fi movie together!

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Early press releases from Lakeshore and product listings elsewhere said it was supposed to be a physical album release.  I'm assuming the discs would have had to have been pressed more than a week in advance, so what will they do with the CDs?

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Well, there are four possibilities:

1.  Lakeshore's announcement that a physical CD would be released on March 31 was completely false.

2.  Lakeshore's announcement that a physical CD would be released on March 31 was true, but the CD wasn't going to be pressed until after March 17, and production was stopped once Mansell's score was (partially? completely?) replaced.

3.  Lakeshore's announcement that a physical CD would be released on March 31 was true, an album was pressed, but was pulled from distribution and written off as a loss after Balfe entered the scene.

4.  Lakeshore's accouncement that a physical CD would be released on March 31 was partially true, but it was simply going to be available as an Amazon CD-R.


1 is unlikely - why would they have a press release for something not planned?  Likewise, if 4 were the case, it likely would never have been listed at other retailers (Target and Barnes and Noble don't list CreateSpace CD-Rs except through third-party sellers).  That leaves 3 and 4, which means either they were cutting it really close to begin with (like Curse of the Black Pearl timeline insanity) or somewhere there's a pile of Ghost in the Shell - Original Motion Picture Score CDs.

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There's no way this score won't have a physical release. If what Jay said is right, that they pulled it around the same time as Balfe's credit was added, then it seems they could be amending the artwork and other things to reflect that?

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2 hours ago, RPurton said:

There's no way this score won't have a physical release.


Absolutely there is. 


2 hours ago, RPurton said:

If what Jay said is right



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Saw the film Tuesday night. I'll place my review under the tag but firstly the score. I saw the first 15 mins at an IMAX preview a couple weeks back (they did these in the US as well in late Feb) and quite honestly I was blown away by Mansell's score there, especially in the shelling/opening credits sequence (the Kawai theme is relegated to the end credits in the final film). But then I see the final film and....it's not there anymore, just an imitation of it really. Shelling sequence is a lot quieter and just disappointing. Listening out for Mansell's clear 'theme' and other general tip offs basically conclusion is - they brought on Balfe at the start/mid March (he started recording his bits exactly two weeks ago according to his social media) to re-do some of Mansell's cues for whatever reason. In some cases to just rearrange - just so both composers' cues sound organically as part of the same score. Also explains why Mansell has said nothing on his socials about this film and talking HIGH-RISE all the time; while Balfe is hyping this. Even take what happens after the shelling/credits:


Mansell's original versions of these cues had a lot more melodic power to them, with his 'theme' (which we only hear a tiny underwhelming bit of in this final version, when the Major jumps off the roof) really prominent. The cue you hear over the tracking shot of the city is completely different in the IMAX preview. Luckily it seems the second half of the film is pretty much all Mansell (or Lorne just re-recording). But overall it's actually pretty great, really wanna hear it again on its own. just the changes that irked me


As for the film - just putting it in tags because of space:


Honestly, really pleasantly surprised by this. The visuals and the action are the main attraction, and do overall end up making up for the straightforward self discovery/revenge story. Maybe people expected more because of the original (which I haven't watched)? But thinking about it, for a big budget PG13 blockbuster this is probably the best they could've done. Scarlett is surprisingly good, she really sells you on how she's not fully human - there's an element of coldness to her that she pulls off here with Major. Pilou's warmth and coolness in his own way as Batou complements Scarlett very nicely. Binoche and Takeshi were both cool to see, Binoche especially. I wish they picked a better known actor with more gravitas for Cutter though, so much wasted potential with that character who is just cliche at this point. Michael Pitt - I wish he was in it more bot wow he made a real imoression in his scenes, which the trailers do not do justice (mainly the stunning voice, which is such an unsettling mix of Hawking and his own stylisations). Overall - it's a pretty nicely done solid action film, it's not OMG MASTERPIECE OUTSTANDING but it does what it was set out to do and is frankly a great time. Will probably see again in IMAX 3D at some point.



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Wow I didn't even know about hte IMAX preview.  That's great that you were able to see it, pay attention to Mansell's score in it, and share that analysis of how it differs from the final film.  Seems like Mansell really did get the shaft here.  Bummer!

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This MUST get a release. Perhaps I will receive a promo of some kind, but this should really be out there. Perhaps divided into Mansell's and Balfe's work, unless they overlap.

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Guess for now we will have to settle with this:



(btw they opened this exhibit to the public last weekend and it was playing the score. Asked when it was coming out, they basically said that they don't know)

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