That particular section mentioned in the first post is rather visceral in the film scoring climate of the 2000's. As K.K. mentioned it is operatic in the way it reflects the story musically, the score almost becoming the Nazgûl in that moment, the choral chanting rising to screaming pitch like the voices of the Ringwraiths. As for the scores, they are without a doubt to me and I think it should be safe to say in general terms some of the most powerful film music ever composed. Shore did something quite unprecendented with this music in terms of depth and layers when films scores are concerned. Whether you like his approach or musical voice is another matter of course but you can't deny its influence and effect on film music. I also find it very funny when the talk turns to something like LotR or Zimmer's scores, but it really can be just some popular non-Williams score, and people with contrary opinions, usually with quite vehement passion, profess their love of Williams and drop comparisons with universally loved sacred scores like ESB or Raiders of the Lost Ark or E.T. or even Harry Potter. What can you say when someone presents you with an argument on taste and offers a well loved classic like the Williams scores above as proof. Often you love both the non-Williams score and the classic Williams' score but it not like you would want to compare them in any absolute way. You just like both. This inability to choose an absolute favourite is then taken as some kind of proof of inferiority of this non-Williams score and the "opposition" walks away with a satisfied grin. Their "belief" has just been reaffirmed. Also there is always feel when someone continually harries a thread discussing something this poster doesn't obviously like, that he is trying to convert them or wake them up from believing in "a scam" of something he thinks as false or untrue. What distubs people when a few other people say they like something he doesn't? Is this the feeling of being outside this circle? Or is it to him boring when the discussion is not an argument (one of the people I know believes this)? Or is it this feeling frustration of seeing others being duped by this thing, be it music or any kind of art? In the matters of taste this is always funny because you can't usually reason people out of liking or disliking things, whatever the reason for that like may be. I would prefer offering comments and insights on things, especially about art in any form, to make people rethink, not necessarily "convert" from their "belief" but to understand alternate ways of seeing things. But often we are all rather one eyed aren't we?