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Romão last won the day on May 9 2021

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About Romão

  • Birthday 12/07/1983

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    Espinho, Portugal

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  1. I actually think critics in general have been far too lenient with Marvel movies
  2. I despise Aferlife, but Ghostbusters is indeed very flawed. I give it credit for two things: Peter MacNicol is great in this and did like see Venkman as a TV host. Everything else is a mess
  3. Since shipping is free in the US, does it mean that worldwide shipping will also be discounted and cheaper than usual? *edit* No, it seems. 18 dollars for shipping, plus VAT and Custom charges make backing this project just too costly. It'll be nearly 50 euros by time all fees are added
  4. The first movie was quite impactful for me growing up (I probably was, at 15, the perfect age for it to have the greatest impact) and rewatching the movie now, I still like, but I also feel it has some really bad dialogue only a actor of the caliber and charisma of Russel Crowe could really pull off. Put any other actor in that role, and the whole thing colapses. Seldom have I seen a movie of this size being so dependent and carried on the shoulders of its central performance. A very deserved oscar. I admit I'm more curious about the relationship between the two sibling co-emperors, Geta and Caracalla, but I suspect they will go again with the cruel, mad emperor, trope
  5. Higher resolution pictures:
  6. I'm always a bit suspicious of movies that clearly began with a title and then they had to find a story to justify it (like Finding Dory). I like the first movie and this has quite a cast and is set in a very interesting historical period (the whole Caracalla and Geta sibling rivalry for the throne), but it does seem like a retread in almost every way. This an obvious project where the title came before the story. That's not usually the ideal starting point
  7. Updating on this, here are images of the official set: The minifigs look particularly terrific
  8. I agree completely, actually. And that's why I think it's hard for me to sustain interest in this universe after the 4th book. ONly the school setting really entices me but I do agree the repetition of the yearly patterns can get tiresome. So 4 books is the perfect dose for me. I have no interest beyond that
  9. I can't say I'm an Harry Potter fan, but I did read the books when JW's involvement was announced (and read all 7 of them as they were released), but I only watched the first 3 movies, but I do agree that the main thing the book series as going for it is indeed the Hogwarts setting. Everything else felt much more derivative and when later books started having more of the story set outside of Hogwarts and mixing in world threatening events and cataclysmic final battles, I really do think the series took a nosedive and there was nothing left that enticed me. But the Hogwarts setting and the mysteries within those ancient walls, that's the one thing I take from it
  10. Having much less subplots (a few of which were quite frankly a chore to sit through in GOT), gives this series a greater focus on the main storyline and characters that really works in its benefit. Also, the main characters are actually interesting and well acted. There were many great characters and performances in GOT, but it does suffer from having its two main characters (Jon and Daenerys) played by less talented actors and them being among the least characters in the whole show
  11. I really hope that trailer music is not indicative of the aproach they are taking
  12. There is not better medium for Batman stories than animation. I really wish they would go all out on a really ambitious Batman animated movie and just go crazy with shadow dynamics and german expressionism
  13. I kinda agree (although I did like The Lighthouse). But the look and tone of this seem to be so absolutely spot on...and it will be a perfect companion piece with the release of Young's score for the 1922 film
  14. That looks stunning. My must see movie of 2024
  15. Godzilla Minus one is the best Godzilla movie I have ever seen while also being the best movie I have ever seen with Godzilla in it. Really effective score too, one of my favorites from last year
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